Pear Krasulya: description, photo, reviews

The description of the Krasulya pear presents this variety as a variety of ultra-early ripening. The parent varieties of the species are the Little Joy pear and the Late pear, and it got its name for the rich color of the fruit – as they ripen, they change color from pale pink to a bright crimson hue. The Krasulya pear is zoned primarily for cultivation in the Urals, however, it bears fruit well in many other regions of central Our Country. The key characteristic of the variety is the high cold resistance of the tree, which makes it possible to cultivate this variety in adverse climatic conditions.

Description of the pear variety Krasulya

Pears of the Krasulya variety are classified as medium-sized – the height of adult trees rarely exceeds 4 m. As the pear grows, it forms a spreading rounded crown. The branches of the tree grow almost parallel to the ground, slightly curving up at the ends.

The trunk of the Krasulya variety has a slightly curved shape. The bark of the tree is peeling off.

The leaves of the variety are rounded, wide, with jagged edges. The leaf plate is not pubescent, unlike shoots and petioles. Flower buds are large, elongated in shape. The fruiting of the pear Krasulya is mixed – the tree forms fruits both on young shoots and on the branches of the last year.

The flowers of the variety are large, white, resembling a bowl in their appearance. Pear blossom Krasulya plentiful. It starts in mid-May.

Important! A distinctive varietal feature of this species is the abundance of thorns inside the tree crown. They are quite sharp, which makes harvesting difficult.

Fruit Characteristics

The fruits of the pear variety Krasulya are round in shape, but slightly flattened. Their weight varies from 85 g to 120 g. Funnels, typical for most varieties, are not observed in Krasul pear fruits. Instead, there is a small growth on the fruits, by which this variety can be recognized.

Ripe pear fruits Krasulya have an attractive appearance, which formed the basis of the name of the variety. The skin of pears is smooth to the touch, glossy and very tender.

The color of the fruit is light green with a yellow tint, however, over time, the pears are filled with red and crimson tones. At the same time, tiny dark dots are visible on the skin.

The pulp of the fruit is tender, slightly friable. Reviews often emphasize the creamy texture of pears and the slight oiliness of the fruit. The taste is moderately sweet, without cloying notes.

Pear Krasulya: description, photo, reviews

Pros and cons of the Krasulya variety

In the reviews, gardeners note for the most part the following advantages of the Krasulya variety:

  • attractive fruit appearance;
  • early maturation;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • good immunity – the pear is resistant to diseases such as scab, bacterial burn and gall mite;
  • high yields;
  • high sugar content of fruits – during cooking and preservation, the amount of additional sugar is reduced significantly.

Despite the rather extensive list of the positive qualities of the Krasulya pear, this variety is also not without disadvantages, which include:

  • relatively small fruit size;
  • the sweet taste of the fruit may seem cloying to some people;
  • the presence of thorns on the shoots;
  • short shelf life of the harvested crop – the fruits must be sold or processed within 1-2 weeks.

Optimal growing conditions

When choosing a site for growing pear varieties Krasulya, one should focus on sunny places, reliably protected from gusts of strong wind. It is also important to pay attention to the level of groundwater in the selected area – they should be at least 2 m below the ground.

The composition of the soil does not really matter, however, on fertile loose soils, plantings, of course, develop better. A planting hole for a pear is dug 2 weeks before planting.

Important! Worst of all, the Krasulya variety grows on slightly alkaline soils, however, the composition of the soil can always be adjusted. For example, slightly alkaline soil is usually diluted with sulfur (0,5 kg).

Planting and caring for pear Krasulya

Caring for pear varieties Krasulya provides for standard procedures for a gardener:

  • weeding;
  • loosening of the trunk circle;
  • regular watering;
  • timely pruning;
  • whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches;
  • preventive measures against pests and diseases;
  • cleaning the trunk circle from debris and fallen leaves;
  • shelter for the winter.

A pear of the Krasulya variety is planted in the spring, in April. In this case, you should wait until stable warm weather is established, since the last winter frosts can cause freezing of the roots of the seedlings.

Important! In the south of the country and in the middle zone, the Krasulya pear can be planted in open ground in autumn, in the last days of September. This time will be enough for the young plant to take root in the ground.

Pear Krasulya: description, photo, reviews

Rules of landing

Krasulya pears are planted both in spring and autumn. It is recommended to plant trees at a distance of 3-5 m from each other. Best of all, the variety develops in areas with loamy and sandy soil. Soil acidity should be moderate.

The optimal size of the landing pit is 70-90 cm in diameter and 1 m deep.

The landing procedure looks like this:

  1. A nutrient soil mixture is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. It is made independently by mixing the earth dug out of the pit with humus (2 buckets), sand (1 bucket), potassium chloride (0,5 kg), ash (1 kg), superphosphate (0,5 kg) and dolomite flour (half a bucket) . The resulting mixture fills the hole 1/3.
  2. After 4-5 days, a small peg is driven a little from the edge of the center – it should be at least 50 cm above ground level.
  3. A mound of earth from the garden plot is poured into the center of the pit. On top of this mound, the roots of the seedling are laid out.
  4. The root system is covered with soil and lightly tamped, without pressing the soil too hard. The root neck should be above ground level.
  5. The trunk of the seedling is tied to a peg.
  6. Along the edge of the near-stem circle, at a distance of 30 cm from the plant, a small hole is dug for watering. Pour 5 liters of water into it.
  7. Complete the planting procedure by mulching the seedling. Peat or compost can be used as mulch.

Watering and top dressing

The Krasulya variety is watered regularly, however, plantings cannot be flooded – stagnant water in the soil leads to rotting of the root system of trees. The recommended frequency of watering is 2-3 times a month, however, in many respects, one should be guided by weather conditions. If it often rains in the growing region, then watering is reduced. During periods of abnormal heat and prolonged drought, plantings are watered more often.

An average of 3 buckets of water goes under one tree.

Advice! It is necessary to water the pears exclusively in the region of the near-stem circle, along the perimeter. If you pour water under the root, you can cause irreparable damage and provoke sunburn on the lower part of the trunk.

Feeding the Krasulya variety begins in the 2nd year of life. After that, fertilizers are applied to the soil every 3-4 years. In spring, preference is given to nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers, however, at the end of summer and autumn, gardeners switch to fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium.

Pear Krasulya: description, photo, reviews


In order to form the correct crown, seedlings are pruned immediately after planting. The growth of young shoots is stimulated by cutting the shoots by 1/3 of the total length.

In a pear, about 2 years old, the second largest shoot is shortened by 2/3. The rest of the branches are cut by 1/3.

Trees older than 3 years are pruned exclusively for sanitary purposes. Shoots growing inside the crown are cut from pears, and broken and dried branches are also removed.

Advice! All sections are recommended to be lubricated with garden pitch.


It is recommended to cover the trunk of a pear with whitewash in November or December. This is done in order to provide the tree with protection from frost and sunburn in the spring, when the snow begins to melt.

Preparation for winter

Pear Krasulya is a winter-hardy variety that is not insulated in central Our Country. This does not apply to young seedlings, which are still too weak to survive low temperatures. It is better to cover trees under the age of 2 years for the winter, after sprinkling the trunk circle with mulch.

Important! It is not recommended to use roofing material and film as a heater – these materials do not allow air to pass through.

Rodent protection will be provided by covering the trunk with spruce branches.

Pollinators pear Krasulya

Pear Krasulya does not belong to self-pollinated varieties. In order for the plantings to bear fruit, other varieties of pears should be planted nearby for cross-pollination. The best candidates for this role are pear varieties Severyanka and Raduzhnaya.


One of the leading features of the Krasulya variety is a consistently high yield. Fruiting of this species begins at the 5th year of life.

From 1 adult tree, from 35 kg to 50 kg of fruits are harvested. Pears ripen by early August.

Important! You can store Krasulya pears for only 2 weeks, after which they begin to deteriorate quickly.

Diseases and pests

Pear Krasulya is quite resistant to pest activity and rarely gets sick. This not only facilitates the care of garden crops, but also saves on chemical and natural treatments for fungus and other infections.

On the other hand, this does not mean that Krasul’s pear is never affected by diseases. In particular, the variety is quite vulnerable to the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot;
  • rust.

The fact that pears were struck by powdery mildew is evidenced by whitish spots on the leaves of trees. It is possible to minimize the risk of damage to powdery mildew plantings through preventive measures in the spring months. The disease is prevented by timely treatment of the tree with a solution of colloidal sulfur every 2 weeks. 2-3 sprays per spring are enough. In autumn, the variety is treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Pear Krasulya: description, photo, reviews

If the pear is still sick, the fight against powdery mildew is carried out using potent chemicals. For this, drugs are suitable:

  • “Topaz”;
  • “Score”;
  • “Vitaros”;
  • “Previkur”.

Fruit rot overtakes Krasul pear plantations during a period of high humidity – in summer, when it rains too often. The first signs of the disease are the appearance of brownish spots on the pulp of the fruit.

Important! All affected fruits must be collected and burned.

Prevention of fruit rot involves the treatment of trees with Bordeaux liquid and a solution of urea.

From rust, Krasulya pears are sprayed with the following fungicides:

  • “Strobe”;
  • “Raw”;
  • “Medex”;
  • “Azofos”.

Processing is carried out both before and after flowering.

Pests practically do not bother this variety, however, the most likely threats to plantings can be identified:

  • leaflet;
  • pear sucker;
  • pear fruit cake.

To combat these insects, any industrial insecticide will do. Well proven:

  • Carbophos;
  • “Fitoverm”;
  • Iskra-M;
  • “Kinmix”;
  • “Decis”.

There are also folk ways to protect plantings from pests:

  1. Leafworm larvae are destroyed with the help of infusion of tobacco and shag. To do this, 200 g of tobacco is mixed with 200 g of shag and pour 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is kept for 2 days, filtered and diluted with another 5 liters of water. The infusion is used for spraying pears.
  2. Adult pear suckers are repelled by fumigation of trees with tobacco smoke.
  3. Pear codling moth is caught in spring in special trapping belts, which are attached to tree trunks. Butterflies are caught with baits.

Reviews of gardeners about the pear variety Krasulya

Serebrennikova Anastasia Pavlovna, 64 years old, St. Petersburg
Great strain, one of my favorites. I don’t see any flaws in him, except for too thin skin. Yes, this is a plus for most, but I do not like it. Difficult to harvest. Everything must be done very quickly, otherwise the pears fall to the ground and will be crushed from the impact, or even completely broken. As a result: part of the crop is lost, and the broken pulp attracts hordes of wasps.
Petrov Danil Ivanovich, 39 years old, Yekaterinburg
The saplings of the Krasulya variety were once brought to me by a neighbor in the country. I do not consider myself an avid gardener, but then I decided to get confused and plant this pear. Never regretted. Pears are excellent, the whole family eats with pleasure. I don’t particularly like to tinker in the garden, but this variety grows well even without my participation. This is what I like the most. A pear for lazy summer residents who love sweets. All I do with my tree is water it from time to time, feed a couple of times and bleach.
Myroslava Alekseevna Sinychkina, 45 years old, Moscow
I love fruits, but the pear is the most, this is my weakness. I have been growing pears for many years, I have long identified favorites for myself and do not buy new varieties. The Krasulya pear was an exception – I was very attracted by the photos of appetizing fruits, and the reviews describing the variety were very flattering. I do not regret adding to the collection – the pear is very tasty, moderately sweet, as if creamy. Frost withstands well, and, in general, the tree is beautiful.


The description of the Krasulya pear attracts both professional farmers and amateur gardeners. This variety is especially appreciated in regions with adverse climatic conditions, since Krasulya is able to withstand fairly low temperatures without harm to subsequent fruiting. The unpretentiousness and precocity of this species also formed the basis of its popularity, although it was bred quite recently. Finally, the attractive appearance of the fruits of the Krasulya pear allows you to grow a variety for sale – they buy up the crop quickly.

You can learn more about the features of the Krasulya pear variety from the video below:

THE BEST super-early pear variety – “KRASULYA”

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