Pear in memory of Yakovlev: description
Yakovlev’s memory pear is zoned in the Central and Central Chernozem regions. Over the years, it has won the sincere love of gardeners due to its high yield, undemanding care and resistance to pests and diseases.
Features of Yakovlev’s memory pear and photo
The late-ripening and surprisingly tasty pear variety appeared thanks to a group of breeders led by P.N. Yakovlev, a student of I.V. Michurin. By numerous crosses of the French variety “Olivier de Serre”, obtained in 1847 by A. T. Bouabunel and the variety “Tema”, bred in 1909 by A. M. Lukashov, a new variety “In memory of Yakovlev” was created. The pear got its name in honor of the father of the famous breeder.
Yakovlev’s Memory Pear blooms with white, fragrant flowers, collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces
In 1985, a productive and hardy variety was included in the State Register and zoned in the Central, Central Black Earth and Middle Volga regions. Today it is widely used by breeders around the world to create new, low-growing and resistant crops.
Fruits of the Pamyati Yakovleva variety contain more than 12% sugar with an acidity level of only 0,25%
Due to its oily and juicy fruits, unpretentiousness and high resistance to diseases, the pear is in great demand among amateurs. The culture is also used in industrial gardening; it is grown on a huge scale by nurseries and private farms.
A distinctive feature of the tree is early and abundant fruiting. The first fruits appear already 3-4 years after planting. The yield is growing rapidly every year. Seven-year plantings are capable of producing up to 25 kg of pears per tree, and an adult garden – up to 220-230 c / ha.
Description of the pear in memory of Yakovlev, the advantages and disadvantages of culture
Trees of the Pamyati Yakovlev variety are not very tall. In places of zoning, they do not exceed 2 meters. The crown is dense and compact. Skeletal branches grow at right angles to the trunk and are dotted with numerous annelids.
The flowers are white and fragrant. Fruits are light yellow in color with an orange barrel, round pear-shaped, weighing 170-200 grams. They ripen by the end of September, stick well to the branches and do not crumble for a long time. Transportable. The pulp is juicy and sweet, with a delicate aroma, buttery.
Pear is resistant to scab and other common fruit tree diseases
The advantage of a pear is its self-fertility. However, in order to obtain a rich and stable harvest, it is recommended to plant several trees of this variety on the site. They won’t take up much space. The small size and compactness of the crown will allow you to place the culture according to the 6 × 4 meter scheme.
The pear belongs to the medium-hardy varieties, freezing in severe years is within 2 points. Moscow State University attributes this indicator to cultural shortcomings. In addition, the tree is not drought-resistant. It needs constant and abundant watering, which it responds to by increasing the yield.
Low growth, unpretentiousness and productivity allow you to grow a Yakovlev memory pear in garden plots and enjoy sweet and fragrant fruits all winter.