Pear in its own juice for the winter

Fragrant pears in their own juice is a delicious dessert that will pleasantly surprise guests on the evenings of winter holidays. The taste of the fruit becomes more intense after canning. Useful trace elements that are part of the product are partially preserved (up to 90%). The fruit contains various vitamins (most of all vitamin C), Of the microelements in the first positions: folic acid, iodine and potassium. Therefore, doctors recommend including a juicy product in the diet to maintain human health and performance.

Pear in its own juice for the winter

Features of cooking pears in their own juice

Before cooking, the raw materials must be sorted out and washed thoroughly. A spoiled product is not suitable for conservation. If the recipe requires it, the raw materials must be cleaned. When the skin does not come off well, the fruit can be used for 20 seconds. dip into boiling water.

Depending on which recipe is chosen, it is necessary to prepare jars with a volume of 0,5 liters to 3 liters. Smaller containers are suitable for preparing pears, cut into pieces. If you make seaming from the whole product, then it is worth preparing containers with a volume of 2-3 liters.

Banks must be carefully inspected for cracks and broken glass. Only a whole container is suitable for conservation. After you need to wash it under running water using baking soda. The container must be sterilized. This can be done by holding the container over steam or in the oven. Lids should be metal. They are also washed and sterilized. Be sure to boil for a few minutes or pour over boiling water.

It is worth preparing a large pot in advance for sterilizing cans of pears in their own juice. It is necessary to pay attention that its walls are higher than that of cans. The bowl needs to be washed. Lay a clean cloth or kitchen towel on the bottom.

Warning! In a saucepan, only containers of the same volume should be sterilized so that the water covers at least 2/3 of each jar. The maximum allowable amount of water can reach the shoulders of the glass container.

After the glass container is filled with the future dessert, it must be placed in a large saucepan. Pour warm water over the shoulders of a glass container. Bring to a boil and hold for the specified time. For liter jars, it is 15-20 minutes, for three-liter jars – 30-35 minutes.

Important! If several jars are sterilized in one container, you need to place them so that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the pan. Failure to do so may result in damage to the glass.

Fruit Selection Rules

Pear in its own juice for the winter

Pay attention to the size of the pear. To harvest the whole fruit, it is better to take medium-sized fruits so that it is convenient to stack them and get them through the neck of the container. A small pear can be deformed during heat treatment, so it is not advisable to take it for such purposes. Large fruits can be used for harvesting, where the fruit is cut into slices.

Important! Any hard variety of pears is suitable for conservation. The main thing is that the fruits are not spoiled.

The fruit must be ripe and necessarily firm, so that during heat treatment it does not turn into porridge.

Pear recipes in their own juice for the winter

There are 2 main ways to preserve fruit in its own juice. You can cook:

  • whole pears;
  • cut into pieces.

Whole fruits are also prepared according to several recipes:

  • with peel;
  • without peel.

Pears in their own juice for the winter in pieces

Pear in its own juice for the winter

Dessert made from product pieces has a very rich sweet taste.

Each housewife makes preservation in her own way, depending on how the fruit will be used in the future. Pieces can range in size from small bars or cubes to pears cut into quarters or halves.

Necessary ingredients:

  • pears – the amount depends on the volume of the selected container;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l .;
  • citric acid – on the tip of a knife.

The ingredients are based on a 1 liter container.

Recipe for preparing a fruit canned in its own juice, slices:

  1. Peel the pear. Cut out the core and bones.
  2. Cut the fruit into slices or cubes of the desired size.
  3. Lay the pear quite tightly in sterilized jars on the shoulders. Try not to break the pieces.
  4. Pour sugar and citric acid.
  5. Cover with metal lids (do not twist).
  6. Put to sterilize in a prepared pan.
  7. Wait for the juice to come out. If it is not enough, then you should add a little boiling water.
  8. After sterilization, carefully remove the jars from boiling water.
  9. Roll up right away.
  10. Turn over and wrap with a warm blanket.
  11. After complete cooling, remove to a dark cool place.
Attention! The total sterilization time is 20-25 minutes. for cans of 1 liter and less.

By the same principle, you can cook whole pears in their own juice without peel. Usually they are placed in a container with a volume of 3 liters. Sterilize 30-35 min.

Pears in Own Juice for the Winter

Whole pears in their own juice

Pear in its own juice for the winter

Fruits preserved whole retain more vitamins. The taste is also different from a pear cut into pieces. This dessert is served as an independent dish. Having bitten off a piece from a whole pear, you can at least briefly remember warm summer days and warm yourself thanks to pleasant memories in winter.

Ingredients per 3 liter jar:

  • pears – about 10 pcs. medium size;
  • sugar – 1 Art .;
  • citric acid – 1 pinch;
  • water – 1-1,5 liters.


  1. Wash the pears thoroughly. Remove ponytails.
  2. Put fruit in a 3 liter jar.
  3. Combine water with sugar. Boil to get syrup.
  4. Pour the sweet liquid into the jar to the pears. Let stand 10 min. to extract juice from fruits.
  5. Pour the fragrant syrup back into the pot where it originally boiled.
  6. Add citric acid to the sweet liquid. Boil.
  7. Pour the syrup back into the bowl with the pears.
  8. Roll up quickly. Turn over and wrap.
Advice! Vanilla sugar (5 g) can be added if desired.

How can you use pears in their own juice

Pear in its own juice for the winter

Pears cooked whole can be served as an independent dessert. They always delight adults and children with their aroma and taste.

Pear in its own juice, cut into pieces, housewives use as a filling for pies and cheesecakes. The fruit goes well with cinnamon. Therefore, they are often combined.

A pear cut into slices in its own juice can be used to make jelly and beautiful desserts. The fruit is served with tender cottage cheese, natural yogurt.

Juice from a jar will also not go unnoticed. It can be drunk, diluted to taste with boiled chilled water.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is advisable to store jars with a pear in its own juice in a cool dark place. The cellar is perfect. But, as practice shows, conservation is well worth it in apartment conditions (in the pantry, on the balcony under the curtain or on the shelves). The shelf life of such preservation is 3 years. But usually such a delicacy diverges in the first cold months.

An open jar must be kept in the refrigerator. Change the metal cover to a clean nylon. So that the pear does not ferment in its own juice, it is worth taking it out of the jar with a ladle. Be sure to keep it dry and clean. In the open form, the jar in the refrigerator can stand for a whole week.


Pears in their own juice are a real find for a good housewife. Such a dish will pleasantly surprise even the most capricious guest. It is important to remember that a fragrant dessert is not only very tasty, but also very healthy.

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