The fruit of the pear tree is one of the healthiest delicacies, experts say.
The pear belongs to the fruit plants of the Pink family, is a long-liver, can support life for 200 years, there are also representatives that live for more than 300 years. There are more than a thousand varieties of pears, each of which differs in growing conditions, sizes and fruits.
Nowadays, the pear has become a common plant in local gardens. It is difficult to imagine that once it was impossible to grow it in our latitudes. Few people know that the pear belongs to ancient cultures, its images were found during excavations in the city of Pompeii, information about the fruits is found in the treatises of India and Greece. This fruit is able to surprise with its beneficial properties, even those who are perfectly familiar with its taste.
Pear history

In oriental literature, the first mentions of pears are found several millennia before our era. Most likely, Chinese gardeners began to grow the plant for the first time. However, soon the culture spread to Greece and the Black Sea coast. Indian folk art endowed pear trees with human experiences and emotions.
In the works of Homer, one can find descriptions of beautiful gardens with fruit trees, among which a pear is also mentioned. The ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus argued that in the territory of the modern city of Kerch pears grow in a variety of varieties, surprising with their shapes, sizes and tastes.
For a long time, raw wild pears were considered unfit for consumption. History knows even an ancient form of torture, in which a prisoner was forced to eat large quantities of wild pear fruits. European breeders only began to show particular interest in pears in the 18th century.
It was then that new varieties were bred, which were distinguished by a sweeter taste. At the same time, a pear variety appeared with an oily consistency, the fruit pulp was soft and sweet, therefore it became the favorite of aristocrats.
Calorie content and composition
Calorie content of pear
Pears have a low energy value and are only 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.
Pear composition

Pear is rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitric and pectin substances, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides (calorizer).
Calories, kcal: 42. Proteins, g: 0.4. Fats, g: 0.3. Carbohydrates, g: 10.9
Taste qualities
The pear tastes sweet, sometimes sweet and sour. The fruits of the wild plant are tart. The consistency of the pulp can also vary depending on the variety. Some fruits have juicy and oily pulp, others are dry and firm.
Useful properties of pear
The main value of a pear is in the content of nutrient fibers (2.3 g / 100 g). Its vitamin C content is low. In terms of folic acid content, pears are even superior to black currants.
Pears usually seem sweeter than apples, although they contain less sugar. Many varieties of pears are rich in trace elements, including iodine.
Pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children, pregnant women and those who are concerned about the problem of hematopoiesis.
Pear is very useful for the heart in general and for heart rhythm disturbances in particular. This is due to the fact that the pear contains a lot of potassium, which means that it has alkaline properties that have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. By the way, the better and stronger the scent of a pear, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart. Unlike apples, pears are also good for the lungs.
The benefits of this fruit for the digestive system are invaluable. Ripe, juicy and sweet pears aid in the digestion of food, have anchoring properties and are therefore beneficial for intestinal disorders. Pear pulp is more easily tolerated by the body than apple pulp.

For liver diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis, two pears eaten in the morning will relieve pain and heartburn, eliminate intestinal discomfort, nutritionists say.
In addition, according to them, pears have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect and improve mood. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the antibiotic content of arbutin. They are also used as a remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
And also pear juice is an excellent fortifying, tonic and vitamin remedy, it is unusually useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases.
Due to their low calorie content, pears are recommended in various diets.
Pear in cosmetology
For cosmetic purposes, ripe pear fruits (gruel from them) are used, preferably wild stale pears – they contain more vitamins, organic and biologically active substances.
Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult for the body to absorb (calorizator). Therefore, this type of pear is contraindicated for the elderly and those who suffer from severe disorders of the nervous system.
A pleasant crunch when biting a pear is explained by the presence of stony cells in the pulp, the membranes of which consist of lignified fiber. This very fiber irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine, therefore, with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to refrain from eating pears.
How to choose and store pears

The pear tends to ripen after picking, this is used by producers, picking off unripe fruits in order to preserve their suitability for transportation. Therefore, most often on the shelves in stores and on the market, you can find just an unripe pear or an artificially ripened one.
When choosing a fruit, first of all, pay attention to the condition of the skin; it should not have any damage, scratches, darkening or traces of rot. It will not work to determine the ripeness of a pear by color – it depends on the variety, many varieties retain their green color even in a mature state. Sometimes a blush on one side of the fruit may be evidence of maturity. Pay attention to the surface near the pear leg – if brown spots appear on it, then the fruits are stale.
A ripe pear is of medium firmness and exudes a pleasant aroma; the taste of the pulp should be sweet.
The shelf life of fresh pears depends on the degree of ripeness and temperature conditions. Ripe fruits are perishable, so it is recommended to eat them immediately or within a few days. By removing such fruits in the refrigerator, you can extend their shelf life up to a week.
Before use, unripe pears should be put in a warm place and wait for ripening. At zero temperature, an unripe pear can be stored in paper bags for up to six months.
If, nevertheless, plastic bags are used, they cannot be closed tightly; the best option would be to cut out small holes in the area of the bag.