Pear cider: 3 recipes at home

Pear cider is very popular in many European countries. For example, the Spaniards call it – perada, the British – perry, and the French only – poire.

The strength of cider is not very high, since this drink belongs to low-alcohol products. And the strength indicator to some extent depends on the amount of sugar.

Also made from pears: liqueurs, liqueurs, calvados, syrup

Pear cider according to the classic recipe


  1. Ripe pears – 15 kg

  2. Sugar – 60 g per liter of juice

Method of preparation

  1. From pears, it is necessary to remove the core, rotten parts and then squeeze the juice with a juicer.

  2. The resulting pear juice is poured into glass containers. You can take one bottle or several cans.

  3. Cover the neck with gauze and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 2-3 days.

  4. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear, we introduce granulated sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter of must.

  5. We install a water seal or you can use a medical glove.

  6. We transfer the container to a dark room with a temperature of 18–25 degrees for 7–20 days.

  7. After the fermentation is complete, drain the drink from the sediment into a clean container.

  8. Now the drink must be saturated with carbon dioxide. To do this, pour sugar at the bottom of sterile bottles at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter, and then pour in pear cider. Be sure to leave 5-6 cm of empty space so that the container remains intact during the secondary fermentation.

  9. We transfer the prepared bottles to a dark place at room temperature for 10-14 days. Just remember to check the gas pressure.

  10. After the expiration of the aging period, we transfer the cider for 3-4 days to a cool place and then you can start tasting.

  11. Ready pear cider can be stored for about a year at a temperature of 8-16 degrees. The strength of the drink ranges from 5 to 9 degrees.

Pear puree cider


  1. Juicy pears – 5 kg

  2. Sugar – 65 g per kilogram of puree

  3. Water

Method of preparation

  1. We cut the pears, remove the core and interrupt them to a puree state. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, grater, food processor or blender.

  2. The resulting puree is transferred to a fermentation container, covered with gauze and left in a dark room at room temperature for 3-4 days.

  3. As soon as foam, hissing and a characteristic sour smell appear, strain the puree.

  4. Then we dilute the pear mass with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (two parts of puree, one part of water).

  5. Now we introduce sugar at the rate of 60 g per liter of liquid.

  6. We fill a bottle of a suitable volume to 3/4 of the total volume and cover the neck with gauze. In this form, the drink should stand for 3-4 days at room temperature.

  7. After the specified time, install a water seal. This stage will last about 2-4 weeks.

  8. Next, we continue to cook pear cider according to points – 7-10 of the first recipe. Only to saturate the drink with carbon dioxide, instead of ten, it is necessary to use 5 g of sugar per liter of cider.

Sour pear cider

For this recipe, sweet garden pears are not suitable for us. To get a fragrant, rich drink, you should take sour varieties, and if it is wild, then it’s generally excellent.

If the pears are still hard, then let them lie down for a while in a cool, dark place.


  1. Sour pears – 5-6 kg

  2. Sugar – 5 glasses

  3. Yeast (wine, beer or dry baker’s yeast) – 25 g

Method of preparation

  1. First we need to prepare the pears. We remove the rotten areas, cut in half and squeeze the juice out of them with a juicer. If such an assistant is not at hand, then first we mash the fruit in a puree with a blender or a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice through gauze.

  2. We mix the resulting pear juice with granulated sugar and leave for 3-4 days at room temperature.

  3. If the mixture does not ferment, add yeast. In a separate bowl, mix a glass of juice (temperature 27–30 degrees) and yeast. Leave in a warm place for 40-50 minutes, until foam forms. And then we introduce them to the rest of the juice. We cover the container with gauze and wait 3-4 days until the fermentation process begins.

  4. After the drink has fermented and precipitated, we filter it several times through gauze or a strainer.

The pear cider is ready. But in order for the drink to become more interesting and rich, it should be kept for 5-6 months in a cool place, after bottling.

Also make cider from: apples, cherries

Relevance: 24.03.2018

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Cider Recipes

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