The pear has been known to man for several thousand years. Georgia is considered its homeland, from where the fruit tree has spread throughout the planet. Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are about 5000 different varieties of pears in nature. With such a wide variety, it is not at all easy to choose a good plant for your garden, with certain characteristics.
Studying the variety of options, gardeners are guided by the reviews and comments of experienced farmers. According to most of them, the August dew variety deserves attention and can be recommended for cultivation in the central and southern regions of the country. This variety has earned wide popularity due to its numerous advantages and excellent fruit characteristics. So, a detailed description, photos and reviews of the August dew pear variety can be found further in the proposed article.
Detailed description of the culture
The August dew pear is the brainchild of the breeder S.P. Yakovlev. It was he who, in the early 2000s, crossed the cold-resistant and unpretentious variety Tenderness with the delicious Australian pear Triumph Pakgama. As a result of the work carried out, a wonderful variety “August Dew” appeared, which absorbed the best qualities of the progenitors. The variety was duly appreciated by breeders and zoned in 2002 for the Central Black Earth region of Our Country. Pear “August Dew” quickly became popular among gardeners. It can be found in many private farmsteads and horticultural farms. The variety is in demand today.
Fruit tree features
Among all fruit trees, the August dew pear is distinguished by its grace and sophistication. It can become a real decoration of the garden. The tree, up to 3 m high, has a drooping crown, of medium density. Through the numerous dark green leaves of an ovoid shape, straight branches are visible, covered with a smooth, light gray bark. The branches of the plant are located at an acute angle to the main trunk, resulting in a neat and beautiful green “hat”.
In spring, the pear blossoms profusely. Numerous inflorescences consist of 7-10 simple, fairly small flowers, white in color. As a result of prolonged flowering, ovaries are formed on curved peduncles. Their number directly depends on external conditions, the presence of pollinators and weather. You can see the August dew pear during the flowering period below in the photo:
Variety “August dew” quickly builds up numerous skeletal branches and shoots. In the spring, buds actively awaken on the tree. Under favorable conditions and the presence of a pollinator, most flowers form ovaries, which is the basis for obtaining high yields.
A feature of the “August” pear is a low level of self-fertility. Therefore, when planting this variety, you need to take care of growing another pollinating pear nearby. The best pollinator for “August dew” is the variety “Memory of Yakovlev”. As a rule, when buying seedlings in a nursery, you can easily find both of these varieties.
fruit characteristic
Of course, every gardener is more interested not in the fruit tree itself, but in the result of its cultivation – pears, their shape, color and taste. Pear “August Dew” in this sense has a clear advantage over other varieties. Its fruits are large and juicy. Their average weight is 100-150 g. Under favorable conditions, the weight of fruits can reach a record 200 g. It is also important that all the fruits on the tree are the same, balanced, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on their marketability.
The form of pears “August dew” is classic. It can be seen in numerous photos in the sections of our article. The surface of the fruit is smooth, without ribs. The green color of the fruit becomes yellow as it ripens. A pink, light blush may appear on some pears. On the entire surface of the fruit, upon closer examination, one can notice numerous subcutaneous dots.
The fruits are firmly held on the branches thanks to thick, curved stalks. The peel of pears is smooth, dull, thin. The flesh of the fruit is white, fine-grained, contains a small seed chamber with several medium-sized grains.
For all their outward modesty, August dew pears are very, very tasty. They harmoniously combine sweetness and some acidity. Fruit aroma is bright and fresh. The texture of the pulp is tender and literally melts in the mouth. According to experts, “August Dew” is the best table variety. The pears were given a tasting score of 4,6 points out of 5 possible.
Analyzing the description of the August dew variety, it is worth noting that the fruits are not only attractive in appearance and very tasty, but also useful. They contain many pectin substances, titratable and ascorbic acids, arbutin and P-active substances. Pears with such a composition can bring not only taste pleasure, but also very real benefits for the body.
Due to its composition, August dew pears can be used to prepare baby food. They are good fresh and after processing. Caring housewives prepare jams, jams, compotes from juicy fruits.
Ripening period and storage of pears
You won’t have to wait long for the harvest of the August dew variety to ripen: the variety is mid-season. Its delicious fruits can be enjoyed already at the end of August. Mass collection of fruits occurs in mid-September. Ripe pears are well kept on the stalks and rarely fall off on their own, so they have to be plucked.
The yield of the August dew variety is high. Young seedlings begin to bear fruit from the 3rd year. At first, you should not expect a big harvest, and to save vitality, experienced gardeners recommend removing the flowers altogether in the spring. Starting from the 4th year, the tree, as a rule, begins to bear fruit abundantly. The first crop can be harvested in the amount of 15-20 kg from each tree. The yield of mature trees is high: more than 200 kg from each tree. The marketability of fruits with such a yield is also high and amounts to 90%.
A large number of ripe fruits in season becomes an occasion to think about the storage and processing of the crop. So, pears “August dew” can be stored without special conditions for 2 months. If a cool room with a temperature of +1-+3 is equipped for storage0C, this period can be extended up to 3 months.
Plant resistance to external factors
“August” pear is characterized by high endurance and stability. She is not afraid of severe frosts or weather disasters. Fruit trees after mechanical damage or frostbite quickly recover and grow greenery well.
The variety is also highly resistant to such a common disease as scab. Unfortunately, the pear has no immune protection against other diseases. Black cancer, powdery mildew, mosaic and other ailments must be prevented by preventive measures and timely taken to combat them. Information on how to do this can be found in the video:
Advantages and disadvantages
Analyzing the description, photos and reviews of the August dew pear, we can conclude by highlighting the comparative advantages and disadvantages of this variety. So, the advantages of the proposed pear are:
- excellent taste of fruits;
- high yield of the variety;
- balanced composition of trace elements and the ability to use fruits for the preparation of baby food;
- high resistance of trees to freezing and drought;
- scab immunity;
- excellent commercial qualities;
- the possibility of long-term storage of pears;
- universal purpose of fruits.
Unfortunately, it is not necessary to talk only about the merits of the variety, because it also has some disadvantages that a gardener who decides to plant such a fruit tree on his plot should know about:
- fruiting of the “August” pear is periodic;
- to obtain high yields near the tree, it is necessary to grow a pollinator;
- in years of abundant fruiting, the marketability of fruits can decrease to 70%;
- low resistance to many culture-specific diseases.
Thus, each gardener, before buying a seedling, must carefully study the proposed advantages and disadvantages, evaluate them and make the right decision for himself about choosing a variety. An objective assessment of the variety will guarantee that the farmer will not be disappointed in the result and will make every effort to eliminate known, existing shortcomings.
More information about the variety “August Dew” can be found on the video:
How to plant and grow a pear
If the issue of choosing a variety has already been resolved, then it’s time to get acquainted with detailed information on how to plant and grow a pear. Of course, there are some general guidelines for growing pears as a separate crop. You can find them on the video:
In our article, we will try to talk about some of the features of agricultural technology inherent in the August dew variety:
- Frost-resistant seedlings are recommended to be planted in the fall.
- It is necessary to plant a tree at a distance of at least 2 m from other trees or other stationary objects located on the site.
- It is recommended to grow a pear in an open sunny area.
- Before planting a seedling, you need to prepare a pit, at the bottom of which fertilizer should be placed. The created nutrient layer must be covered with a layer of garden soil so that the roots of the seedling placed on top do not come into contact with organic matter and minerals.
- Pear seedlings should be pruned annually in the spring before bud break. In the first year, the main shoot is pruned at a height of 1,5 m. Further pruning should be carried out in accordance with the chosen crown formation scheme.
- In the first years of fruiting, the fragile branches of the fruit tree must be supported so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit.
- Watering seedlings and mature trees during fruiting should be 5 times a month.
- For the winter, it is recommended to wrap the trunk of young seedlings with burlap or other breathable material to prevent freezing.
- You need to feed the pear annually in the spring, by adding 2 kg of rotted organic matter for every 1 m2 pristralnogo circle.
- Whitewashing pear stems in late fall helps protect the plant from sunburn and certain diseases.
- A 0,1% aqueous solution of boric acid should be used to water the pear at the time of flowering and the formation of ovaries. This will increase the yield of the crop and improve the taste of the fruit.
“August” pear has the highest degree of self-healing. This helps her to survive even in the most difficult conditions. So, even after severe frostbite, a tree in the spring may be late to dissolve the buds on damaged shoots. If this does not happen, then you can cut off the frozen branches completely and cover the place of the cut with garden pitch. As a rule, dormant pear buds, even after deep pruning, form new skeletal branches in a few years and, having fully restored the crown, begin to bear fruit.
“August Dew” is a wonderful variety for owners who are ready to once spend their time and energy on providing the necessary conditions for the plant, and then regularly enjoy wonderful, tasty pears. The variety is resistant to external factors and has a high vitality, therefore it requires minimal care. After planting, the pear begins to bear fruit quickly, and its harvest pleases with abundance and taste. “August” pears can be stored for a long time, harvested for the winter or sold. But in order to get such an opportunity, you still need to grow a fruit tree of this variety with your own hands.