Pear Anjou: photo and description

Anjou pear is one of the low-growing varieties for universal use. The fruits of the variety are used as an additive to dessert cheeses and salads, they are also used to make jam, compotes and eat fresh. On the territory of Our Country, the Anzhu pear is zoned for cultivation in the North Caucasus region.

Description of the Anjou pear variety

There are 2 varieties of varieties – green and red Anjou pear. In the first subspecies, the skin of the fruit has a pale green color, which remains unchanged as the pears ripen, except for a barely noticeable yellowness on part of the crop.

The ripeness of this variety is difficult to determine with the naked eye, however, there is a little trick to determine whether the pear has ripened. To do this, gently squeeze the narrow part of the fetus, at the very stalk, with two fingers. If the pear yields to pressure, then it is ripe.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

The red Anjou pear variety was bred by accident. It practically does not differ from its predecessor, with the exception of the yellowish-red hue of the fruit.

The height of an adult tree reaches 3,5 m, but specimens of about 4 m are also found. It is easy to harvest, especially from young trees.

In addition to its main purpose, the Anjou pear is used as a decorative element for the garden. The flowering of this species is plentiful and very beautiful – small flowers with petals of delicate cream tones cover the tree with a dense layer already in April.

Important! The Anjou pear is not a self-pollinating variety. This means that the tree needs a pollinator to bear fruit.

It is recommended to plant other varieties next to Anjou pears that will pollinate them:

  • Shekel;
  • Bartlett;
  • Starking;
  • Bere Bosk.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

Fruit Characteristics

Anjou pear is a large-fruited variety, despite the fact that it is a low tree. The average fruit weight is 250-300 g. Pears grow up to 8-9 cm in length, while their diameter can reach 8,5 cm.

The shape of the fruit is ovoid. The lower part is quite wide, but starting from the middle of the pear, a narrowing of the fruit is outlined. The upper part is narrow, but rounded at the end.

Skin color is light green. As the pear ripens, its fruits may turn slightly yellow, but in general their color does not change, which cannot be said about the red variety of Anjou. It is similar to the green variety in all respects, however, the mature fruits of this pear acquire a yellow-red color.

The taste of the Anjou pear is sweet, harmonious, not too sweet, but not too sour. The pulp is dense.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

Pros and cons of the Anjou pear

The advantages of the Anjou variety include the following characteristics:

  • long shelf life of the crop – from 5 to 7 months;
  • pleasant taste of fruits;
  • decorative wood;
  • low calorie content of fruits, due to which they can be part of dietary dishes;
  • versatility of use – you can grow both for yourself and for sale;
  • the small size of the tree, which simplifies harvesting;
  • large-fruited;
  • rich aroma with hints of lime.

As a disadvantage of the Anjou pear, gardeners highlight the need to plant other pollinating varieties next to it.

Optimal growing conditions

When choosing a site for planting Anjou pear, one should take into account the fact that it is a heat-loving variety that needs a lot of light. It is better not to thicken the plantings, although the trees develop well in conditions of moderate shading.

Important! The length of daylight hours for abundant fruiting of a pear should be at least 7-8 hours.

Requirements for the composition of the soil are modest – a tree can be planted on almost all types of soil. Well-drained soil is best suited for this. Planting in heavy clay areas is not recommended, however, loamy soils are quite acceptable. If necessary, you can correct the soil by adding Pear Anjou: photo and description

Planting and caring for the Anjou pear

The agrotechnics of planting Anjou pear is simple and does not cause any difficulties. It is also easy to care for the variety due to its low growth. Tolerance to low temperatures eliminates the need to cover the tree in regions with mild winters.

Rules of landing

The Anjou pear planting algorithm looks like this:

  1. Planting material on the day of disembarkation is soaked in a container with warm water. You can add a little growth stimulant to it for better survival of the seedling. The seedling is kept in water for 4-5 hours, no more.
  2. At the selected site, they dig a hole with a depth of about 70-90 cm. The dug soil is carefully laid next to the hole.
  3. The bottom of the planting hole is filled with fertile soil mixture. It is made independently. The composition of the mixture: the top layer of soil from the garden plot, compost and peat moss, taken in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  4. Spread the roots of the seedling on top of the soil mixture, evenly distributing them along the bottom of the planting pit.
  5. The root system of the plant is sprinkled with soil and the near-stem circle is lightly tamped.
  6. For better retention of moisture after watering, it is necessary to make an embankment of the planting pit.

Sometimes after watering the soil sags a little. If this happens, the trunk circle is sprinkled with a small amount of earth, leveling it to the level of the soil.

Pollinating varieties are planted at a distance of 4-4,5 m from plantings. This is the most optimal gap for the transfer of pollen by wind and insects. If you plant trees closer, there is a risk that adult pears will interfere with each other. If you place them further, problems with pollination may occur.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

Watering and top dressing

Anjou pear does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, so the tree is watered infrequently – 1 watering every 2 weeks is enough. The frequency is increased only in case of prolonged drought or abnormal heat.

Important! Waterlogging the soil can cause root rot, which leads to the death of the pear.

It is especially important to ensure that in November the trunk circle is not flooded with water, otherwise the excess moisture in the soil in winter will injure the tree.

In order to get a bountiful harvest of pears, plantings are recommended to be fertilized regularly. In the spring, for a better set of green mass, the pear is fed with nitrogen, which is found in large quantities in organic fertilizers. During the period of active fruiting, they switch to feeding with potassium and phosphorus. The introduction of water-soluble fertilizers into the soil improves the immune system of the pear.

The frequency of top dressing depends on the age of the tree. Young pears do not need feeding, especially when grown on fertile soils and when nutrient soil is introduced into the planting pit. True, if the growth of a tree suddenly slowed down, you can feed it.

This is done after the buds have blossomed, but at the same time it is important to be in time before the end of July.

The appearance of brownish or yellow spots on the leaves of the tree indicates a nutritional deficiency. Over time, the leaf plate of the pear begins to curl.

Pear Anjou: photo and description


Mature plants need to be pruned from time to time, forming a crown. This is done in the spring, removing weakened or damaged shoots. Also cut out too long or simply interfering branches. In addition, it is recommended to remove shoots growing vertically and towards the center of the tree. This pruning is aimed at preventing thickening of the crown. For normal pear development, light must reach the inner branches freely, as excessive shade can create high humidity, which is an ideal environment for the development of a number of diseases.

In summer and autumn, cutting the Anjou pear is optional.

Important! It is desirable to lubricate the places of cuts with garden pitch in order to avoid infection.

Pear Anjou: photo and description


Anjou pears need to be bleached in spring and autumn. This procedure allows you to protect the tree not only from low temperatures in winter, but also from sunburn in the spring months. In addition, whitewash repels pests and prevents the spread of certain diseases.

As a whitewash, a combination of lime, glue and copper sulfate is used. Solution preparation algorithm:

  1. 1 kg of lime is diluted in 7-8 liters of water.
  2. 200 g of copper sulfate are mixed with 100 g of PVA glue.
  3. Everything is poured into lime mortar and thoroughly stirred.
  4. When it becomes viscous enough, you can whiten the pear.

Instead of PVA glue, you can take clay. 200 g is enough. To do this, it is soaked in water until it softens to a thick slurry, after which clay can be added to the solution.

Another version of the mixture is crushed chalk with lime diluted in water-based paint.

Pear whitewashing is carried out in the direction from the bottom up. So, excess whitewash, flowing down, will fill the missed hollows and gaps.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

Preparation for winter

The Anjou pear variety is quite resistant to low temperatures, so adult plants do not shelter for the winter. It is recommended to sprinkle young trees with a thick layer of mulch, somewhere up to 30-35 cm in height. Peat is usually used as mulching material. Such protection will protect the pear root system from severe frosts.

If necessary, peat can be replaced with sawdust, covering the soil near the tree trunk with a layer of about 20 cm.

Advice! With the onset of heat, it is necessary to remove the shelter. If you are late with this, the pear may snort.

Before mulching plantings, as an additional precaution, tree trunks can be covered with whitewash. You can make the solution yourself or purchase a ready-made mixture at any gardening store.

In regions with severe winters, for better protection, seedlings are covered with insulating material, on top of which spruce branches are laid out. Finally, snow is also used to protect the pear, raking it closer to the trunk and powdering the tree down to the skeletal branches.

Pear Anjou: photo and description


The yield of the Anjou variety is average. Harvested at the end of September, however, the fruits finally ripen already indoors, at room temperature. Ripening time – 3-5 days.

Diseases and pests

In general, the Anjou variety is quite resistant to most of the diseases that pears suffer from. On the other hand, it is better to take a couple of preventive measures than to treat the trees later for some kind of infection that can mow down all the plantings.

The main threats to the Anjou variety are:

  • scab;
  • rust;
  • leaflet.
Important! All preventive measures are carried out in the spring, before the buds open.

The drug “Skor” or a solution of Bordeaux liquid will help to cope with rust. Scab is helped by spraying with urea, which also acts as a top dressing, and the chemical preparations “Ardent” and “Merpan”.

As an additional preventive measure, it is recommended to burn fallen leaves and not plant trees near juniper – it is a rust carrier.

Pear Anjou: photo and description

Chemical agents cannot be used against the leafworm, as it affects the trees when the fruits have already formed on them. It is better to spray plantings with biological-based preparations, for example, Fitoverm.

For more information on how to deal with pear pests, you can learn from the video below.

Pests of pear and apple trees. Blisters on pear leaves – gall mite


Anjou pear is perfect for growing in Our Country. The variety safely tolerates fairly low temperatures in winter, bears fruit well even in unfavorable years and is highly versatile. Fruits can be grown not only for themselves, but also for sale.

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