Peanuts – nutritional values, properties

We also call peanuts peanuts or peanuts. They are not only a tasty snack, ingredient of desserts and salads, but also have unique properties and rich nutritional values. They contain a lot of protein, so they are a great replacement for animal protein for people on a vegan diet. However, they also very often cause allergies. What should you know about these nuts?

Peanuts – nutritional values

First of all, peanuts have the most protein of any nut. They also contain a lot of vitamin B3, i.e. niacin, and are a source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats. They are also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Interestingly, not only the nuts themselves contain nutritious ingredients for the human body, but also their red coating, in which you can find polyphenols, tocopherols and flavonoids, which, among other things, have the property of neutralizing free radicals, i.e. preventing faster aging of cells.

100 grams of peanuts contain 25,8 grams of protein. In addition, there is a lot of arginine in peanuts, which has properties that accelerate the growth of muscle mass, which is why peanuts are often included in the diet of bodybuilders. Unfortunately, they are also high in calories – 100 g of nuts equals 567 kcal and 49,24 g of fat, 16,13 g of carbohydrates and 85 g of fiber.

But it is also worth looking at the content of vitamins and minerals. In 100 g of nuts, you can find as much as 12 mg of niacin, which covers as much as 85 percent. the daily requirement for this vitamin in adults! In addition, peanuts can also contain thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E or folic acid – but despite the high content of folic acid, it is not recommended to eat peanuts in pregnant women due to the high allergenicity of this plant.

In peanuts, you can also find 100 mg of calcium and 92 mg of phosphorus per 376 grams of the product, which favor the development of the skeletal system. The iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc contained in nuts improve the functioning of the whole organism and, above all, have a positive effect on the central nervous system.

Peanuts – for stress, atherosclerosis and hypertension

Due to the richness of minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B3, magnesium and zinc, peanuts have nerve-soothing and stress-relieving properties, although they also have a great protective effect on the nervous system and can increase its immunity when consumed regularly. It is worth knowing that a portion of peanuts eaten before going to bed will help you fall asleep. In people diagnosed with depression or chronic fatigue, it is recommended to introduce peanuts into the diet, which have a positive effect on the symptoms of stress and the immunity of the nervous system.

Niacin has properties that lower bad LDL cholesterol and supports the production of good HDL cholesterol. This means that peanuts can prevent atherosclerosis, which is usually caused by high cholesterol levels. Peanuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids that prevent heart disease and even heart attacks. In addition, they are high in potassium, which has a positive effect on blood pressure.

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