Peanut oil is a vegetable product obtained from the beans of the peanut (peanut) by grinding the fruit using the cold-pressed technology. There are three types of peanut oil – unrefined, refined not deodorized and refined deodorized.
South America is considered the birthplace of peanuts, which is confirmed by archaeological studies of the 12-15 centuries. Peanuts were brought to Europe from Peru in the sixteenth century by the Spanish conquistadors. Later he was brought to Africa and North America, and then to China, India and Japan. Peanuts appeared in Russia in 1825.
In America, farmers were in no hurry to put the cultivation of peanuts on stream, since at that time it was considered the food of the poor, moreover, before the invention of special equipment for growing this crop in the twentieth century, it was a rather laborious process.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, peanuts were used to produce peanut oil and butter, which became an integral part of the table of the middle American population.

In the modern world, peanut vegetable oil is widely used in all countries for its beneficial properties and nutritional value. Peanut oil mainly contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.
The history of peanut oil
In 1890, an American nutritionist first used peanuts to make oil. This happened at the time when he was working on the invention of a product similar in energy and nutritional value to meat (calorizer).
Since then, peanut oil has found its use in the cuisine of all peoples of the world, but also began to be used for medical purposes.
Composition and calorie content
Peanut oil contains Omega-6 and Omega-9 – these are fatty acids that help the heart, improve immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and normalize blood cholesterol levels.
In addition, this oil is useful in that it includes vitamins such as A, B2, B3, B9, B1, D, E and trace elements calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc and many others.
- Proteins: 0 g.
- Fat: 99.9 g.
- Carbohydrates: 0 g.
The calorie content of peanut oil is about 900 kcal.
Types of peanut oil

There are three types of peanut oil: unrefined, refined deodorized and refined not deodorized. Let’s take a closer look at each of the types presented.
Unrefined oil
Unrefined oil, or oil of primary cold pressing, undergoes only mechanical filtration from litter and particles remaining after grinding the beans.
The result is a brownish oil that has a specific aroma and taste, but it is not very suitable for frying, as it quickly burns and emits soot. This oil has a very limited shelf life and should be kept in a cool, dark place. It is produced mainly in Asian countries.
Refined deodorized oil
Refined deodorized oil goes through several stages of processing – from filtration to complete purification from all impurities, pesticides and oxidation products – using modern technologies such as hydration, refining, neutralization, freezing and deodorization.
This oil is light yellow in color and lacks aroma and taste, but is great for frying. This oil is used in household and industrial cooking, as well as in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It is most popular in America and Europe.

Refined, non-deodorized oil
Refined, non-deodorized oil goes through the same processing stages as deodorized oil, except for the last one – deodorization, i.e., steam vacuum removal of aromatic substances. This oil also has a yellowish color and, like deodorized oil, it is widely used in Europe and America.
The benefits of peanut oil are due to the many nutrients it contains, such as vitamins E, B, A and D, as well as the minerals iron, manganese, potassium, zinc and selenium. In medicine, it is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases, including:
- Blood diseases caused by changes in plasma properties;
- Cardiovascular insufficiency;
- Diseases of the nervous system;
- Diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
- Increased blood sugar in diabetics;
- Diseases of the visual system;
Ulcers on the skin, and other hard-to-heal wounds.
Peanut oil is often used in cosmetology. It is added to a variety of masks and skin creams and hair care products.
Peanut oil Harm and contraindications
Peanut oil can harm people who are allergic to nuts and, in particular, peanuts. It is undesirable to use it for bronchitis and asthma, joint diseases, excessive blood clotting.
Like any other product, peanut oil has not only a lot of useful properties, but can also harm the human body, especially if you use it without knowing the measure.
Peanut butter vs peanut oil – what’s the difference?
The main difference between peanut butter and peanut oil is that the oil is squeezed from the peanut beans and it has a liquid consistency, which is used to prepare various dishes.
Peanut butter is made from chopped roasted peanuts with the addition of oil, sugar and other flavorings. Most often, peanut butter is spread over sandwiches.
Many people confuse these two and often call it butter, but these are completely different things and peanut oil cannot be made at home.
Peanut oil Cooking applications

Peanut oil is used in cooking in the same way as ordinary vegetable sunflower or olive oil. Food prepared with the addition of this product has a specific taste and aroma.
Most often it is used:
- As a dressing for salads;
- In pickles and preserves;
- For preparing first and second courses;
- Add to baked goods;
- Used for frying and stewing.
Nowadays, peanut oil is widely used around the world. Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, as well as taste, it is often used in folk medicine, cosmetology, as well as for preparing various dishes.