peach wine

Peach wine equally pleases both on a hot summer afternoon, giving a gentle and invigorating coolness, and on a frosty winter evening, dipping into memories of a sunny summer. Although preparing it right at home is not the easiest of tasks, but all efforts will be surely rewarded with an easy-to-drink drink with a pronounced taste of your favorite fruit.

peach wine

How to make peach wine

Winemaking, in general, is a real mystery, but in the case of peach wine, many details take on additional depth.

After all, the peach fruits themselves, despite their delicate taste and attractive aroma, can hardly be called a suitable raw material for making wine.

  1. Firstly, there is practically no acid in them, which means that it is difficult to start the fermentation process itself.
  2. Secondly, peaches are also distinguished by the almost complete absence of tannins necessary for making quality wine.
  3. Finally, on the surface of their peel, in addition to wild yeast, there may be many more “comrades-in-arms” unfavorable for winemaking, especially when it comes to processed imported fruits.

But all these difficulties are easily overcome, but the result is able to attract the attention of any lover of homemade alcoholic beverages.

How to choose suitable peaches for winemaking

Of course, the wine made from the so-called wild peaches will have the best qualities. They are still found in some places in the southern regions of the country, but finding them is not easy. When choosing a suitable variety in the market or in the store, you should be guided by the following considerations:

  1. It is advisable to abandon the imported representatives of the peach family, because they are necessarily treated with a variety of chemicals for better preservation and beautiful appearance.
  2. You should not choose fruits that are perfect in shape, the most delicious peaches are always a little asymmetrical.
  3. The color of peach can also tell a lot. Dark varieties have a more intense aroma, but light ones are the sweetest in taste. It is best to combine these two characteristics in wine, so usually half light and half dark fruits are chosen.
  4. The density of quality peaches should be medium. From a slight pressure on the peel, dents may remain on it.
  5. In general, fully ripe natural peaches have a very intense aroma that remains even on the palms after holding the fruit in them.
  6. It is this fragrance that becomes very attractive to insects. If bees or wasps are hovering around the fruit tray, then the peaches are most likely of good quality.
  7. The bone can also tell about the quality of the fruit. If you break one of the peaches and the stone inside turns out to be dried up and even half-open, then such fruits have been chemically treated more than once and it is not safe to eat them raw.
  8. And, of course, there should be no signs of rot, damage, dark or black spots and dots on the peaches. Such fruits are not suitable for making wine, but they can be processed using high temperatures to make jam.

peach wine

Rules and secrets of making peach wine

To make peach wine really tasty and healthy, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Do not deal with metal utensils during the manufacturing process. Containers should be either glass or wooden, in extreme cases, plastic or enameled (less desirable).
  2. Even for chopping peaches, it is undesirable to use metal utensils (kitchen blender, meat grinder or knife). It is better to chop the fruits with your hands in sterile disposable gloves or use a ceramic knife. Otherwise, bitterness may appear in the finished drink.
  3. For washing and rinsing the vessels in which the future peach wine will ferment and be stored, do not use synthetic detergents. Only a solution of water and baking soda should be used. It perfectly removes all unnecessary odors and dirt.
  4. Fruit intended for winemaking should not be washed. Wild yeast can remain on the surface of their peel, without which the fermentation process cannot be started.
    Comment! True, in the case of making peach wine, it is better to play it safe and add special wine yeast (usually about 1-2 g of yeast per 1 liter of juice obtained is used).
  5. The lack of acid in peaches is usually made up for by adding citric acid, and even better, freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  6. The sugar content in peaches is also not enough for full fermentation, so it is also added to the wine must without fail.

How to make classic peach wine

According to this recipe, the proposed components are enough to make approximately 18 liters of peach wine.

You need:

  • 6 kg of ripe peach fruits;
  • 4,5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • about 18 liters of water;
  • squeezed juice from 5 lemons;
  • 1 bag of wine yeast;
  • 1,25 tsp wine tannin (you can replace 5-6 tsp of black tea brewing).
Attention! Optionally, 10 Campden tablets can be added to kill excess micro-organisms found on the surface of peach skins. They can interfere with full fermentation.

peach wine


  1. The fruits are sorted out, removing, if necessary, all spoiled specimens and wiping them in case of contamination with a damp cloth.
  2. Bones are removed and crushed by hand or with a ceramic knife.
  3. Crushed peaches are placed in a vessel with a capacity of about 20 liters, which are poured with clean filtered water at room temperature.
  4. Add half of the sugar, lemon juice, tannin or black tea and optionally 5 crushed Campden tablets to the bowl.
  5. Stir, cover with a clean cloth and leave for 12 hours in a cool place.
  6. If necessary, wine yeast is added after 12 hours and left in a warm place without light for about a week to ferment.
  7. Twice a day, it is necessary to mix the contents of the vessel, each time drowning the pop-up pulp.
  8. After the end of the first stage of rapid fermentation, the contents of the vessel are filtered through several layers of gauze, carefully squeezing the pulp.
  9. The remaining amount of sugar is added, mixed thoroughly and, if necessary, topped up with water to bring the total volume of contents to 18 liters.
  10. Install a water seal or an ordinary rubber glove with a hole in one finger on the container.
  11. Place the future peach wine for fermentation in a cool place without light.
  12. Regularly (every 3-4 weeks) the drink must be carefully filtered, trying not to touch the sediment that forms at the bottom.
  13. When the wine is completely clarified, you can taste it and add more sugar if desired.
  14. If a decision is made to add sugar, then a water seal is again installed on the vessel and kept in the same cool place for another 30-40 days.
  15. Finally, the peach wine is filtered for the last time (removed from the sediment) and poured into prepared sterile bottles and sealed tightly.
  16. To get the full taste of homemade peach drink, it should be kept in a cool place for another 5-6 months.

Easy Homemade Peach Wine Recipe

Using a very simple technology, you can make peach-flavored sparkling wine at home.

This will require:

  • 7 kg of peach fruit, pitted;
  • 7 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 7 L of water;
  • 1 liters of vodka.


  1. Pure spring water is poured into a large glass vessel or bottle.
  2. Peaches are washed, pitted, cut into pieces and dipped in water.
  3. Sugar and vodka are also added there, mixed.
  4. Leave the vessel in the sun or place in the warmest place for fermentation.
  5. Every day, the contents of the vessel must be stirred, achieving complete dissolution of sugar.
  6. After 2 weeks, all the fruits should be at the top and the drink is filtered through several layers of gauze. The rest of the fruit is removed.
  7. Strained wine is put in the refrigerator, previously tightly corked.
  8. After a few days, the wine peach drink is again filtered, corked again and placed for aging in a cool place without light.
  9. After 2 months, you can already try it.

peach wine

Wine from fermented peaches

You can make excellent homemade wine from fermented or simply candied peach jam. The main thing is that there are no traces of mold on the jam, since in this case it will need to be thrown away.

To make wine from fermented peaches, you will need:

  • 1,5 kg of fermented peach jam;
  • 1,5 L of water;
  • 1 a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. l. unwashed raisins.


  1. The water is slightly heated to about + 40 ° C and mixed with fermented jam.
  2. Add raisins and half the dose of sugar.
  3. Everything is placed in a glass or plastic bottle of suitable volume (about 5 liters).
  4. Put on a glove with a hole on the neck or install a water seal.
  5. Placed in a warm place without light for several weeks until the fermentation process is over.
  6. After that, the drink is filtered, the remaining granulated sugar is added and the future wine is again put under a water seal.
  7. After about a month, the wine is again carefully drained through the filter, without affecting the sediment at the bottom.
  8. Pour into dry clean bottles, tightly cork and place in a cool place for several months.

How to make wine from peach juice

Using peach juice or even peach puree, you can make an interesting and light sparkling wine at home.

For this you will need:

  • 1,5 liters of semi-sweet or dry champagne;
  • 0,5 l of ready-made peach juice or peach puree.

If semi-sweet champagne is used, then sugar can not be added at all. Otherwise, another 100 g of granulated sugar is added to the composition of the ingredients.

The process of making peach sparkling wine is very simple.

  • All ingredients are well chilled.
  • Mix peach juice with champagne in a glass jug.
  • If desired, add a few pieces of ice.

When pouring the drink into glasses, decorate each with a slice of peach.

peach wine

Comment! This low-alcohol drink has a special name – Bellini. In honor of the Italian artist, the color scheme of whose paintings slightly resembles the shade obtained in the manufacture of this cocktail.

Making wine from peaches and plums

You need:

  • 3,5 kg of peaches;
  • 7,5 g of plums;
  • 4 L of water;
  • 3,5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g vanillin.


  1. Stones are removed from both fruits, but they are not washed, and in case of severe contamination they are only wiped with a napkin.
  2. In a separate container, knead the fruits with a wooden pusher.
  3. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, cooled to room temperature.
  4. Pour fruit puree with syrup, add vanillin and mix thoroughly.
  5. The whole mixture is poured into a container for subsequent fermentation, a water seal (glove) is installed and taken out to a warm place where there is no light.
  6. Active fermentation should take place within a week or even more.
  7. At the end of it (the glove was blown away, the bubbles in the water seal ended), it is necessary to carefully drain the main contents of the container through a tube into a separate vessel, without disturbing the sediment at the bottom.
  8. At this point, peach wine must be tasted in order to finally determine the amount of sugar. It must be added if necessary.
  9. The wine is then filtered again through cotton wool or several layers of cloth and bottled in suitable bottles.
  10. Close tightly and put in a cool place without light to ripen for several months.

Peach wine at home: a recipe with raisins

It is considered almost classic to add raisins to the future peach wine. This will enrich its taste and allow you to do without the addition of special wine yeast.

You need:

  • 3500 g of ripe peaches;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 250 g unwashed raisins;
  • 2-3 lemons;
  • 2,5 liters of warm water, plus the required amount as needed.


  1. Peaches are kneaded by hand, removing the pits.
  2. Raisins are crushed with a ceramic knife.
  3. Combine softened peach fruits, raisins and half a portion of sugar and pour warm water.
  4. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Add juice from lemons and top up with cold water so that the total volume is about 10 liters.
  6. Cover with a cloth and leave for a day before fermentation begins.
  7. Then, after mixing thoroughly, the remaining granulated sugar is added and a water seal is installed.
  8. The container with the future wine is left in a cool dark room until the fermentation process stops completely.
  9. The drink is filtered without affecting the sediment, water is added again to a total volume of 10 liters and placed in the same place until any signs of fermentation are completely over.
  10. Every 2 weeks, it must be removed from the sediment (filter).
  11. In the event that no sediment appears within 2 weeks, peach wine can be poured into clean bottles, tightly closed and set to mature for 6-12 months.

Peach and Banana Wine Recipe

Wine is prepared according to the same principle as described in the previous recipe. Only wine yeast is added instead of raisins.

peach wine

You need:

  • 3500 g of peaches;
  • Xnumx bananas;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 1,3 tsp citric acid;
  • Xnumx boiling water;
  • wine yeast according to the instructions.


  1. Bananas are peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in 2,5 liters of water for about 20 minutes after boiling.
  2. Strain through a sieve without squeezing out the pulp.
  3. The pulp separated from peaches is poured into 3 liters of boiling water and, adding half the dose of sugar, mix thoroughly.
  4. Cool, add banana juice, citric acid and the required amount of water to bring the volume to 10 liters.
  5. Cover with a cloth, leave the wort in a cool place for 24 hours.
  6. Then add wine yeast according to the instructions, the remaining sugar and then proceed in the same way as described in the above recipe.

Peach wine recipe with grape juice


  • 3500 g of peaches;
  • juice from 2 lemons;
  • 900 ml of concentrated light grape juice;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • wine yeast according to the instructions;

Making peach wine at home according to this recipe is not much different from the classic technology:

  1. The pulp of peaches is separated from the pits and squeezed out of it the maximum juice. The resulting juice is poured into a separate container.
  2. The pulp remaining from the fruit is poured into 4 liters of boiling water, sugar is added.
  3. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Cool to room temperature, add lemon juice, concentrated grape juice.
  5. Pour everything into a fermentation container, add yeast and squeezed juice from peaches.
  6. Covered with a cloth, set to ferment in a warm place for 8-10 days with daily stirring.
  7. The resulting drink is removed from the sediment and additionally filtered without squeezing the pulp.
  8. They put a glove on the hole (or install a water seal) and place it for fermentation in a cool place without light.

    peach wine

  9. Every 3 weeks check for sediment and strain the wine until the sediment no longer forms.
  10. Then poured into bottles and let the wine brew for at least 3 months.

How to make alcohol wine from peach

To make fortified peach wine according to the classic recipe, you must first get a fermented mixture of fruits.

Comment! To obtain about 3,5 liters of wine per 2 kg of peaches, 750 ml of 70% alcohol is used.


  1. The pits are removed from the peaches and the pulp is crushed with a wooden crusher.
  2. Add 2 liters of warm water, add 0,7 kg of granulated sugar, stir and, covered with a napkin, put for fermentation for 20 days in a warm place.
  3. Every day, the mash must be mixed, melting a hat of fruit pulp.
  4. After 20 days, the liquid is filtered, another 0,6 kg of sugar is added and alcohol is added.
  5. Then insist another 3 weeks.
  6. The almost ready peach wine is filtered again, poured into sterile dishes, corked and left to infuse for 2 months.

Recipe for homemade peach fortified wine with honey and nutmeg

Using the same scheme, you can make peach wine at home, enriching it with interesting additives.

You need:

  • 3 kg of peaches;
  • 3 L of water;
  • 1 liters of alcohol;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 10 g of nutmeg.

The manufacturing process differs from that described in the previous recipe only in that at the first stage the peaches are infused only with the addition of honey. And sugar and all spices are added already at the second stage, along with alcohol.

peach wine

How to make peach wine with cinnamon and vanilla

Peach wine at home can be prepared using a very simple technology. Although it will be closer to the peach tincture.

You need:

  • 1 kg of peaches;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • ½ tsp dry mint.
Comment! It is quite possible to replace vodka with 45% alcohol, well-purified moonshine or cognac.


  1. Peach pulp cut into small pieces.
  2. Placed in a glass bowl and pour vodka, which should completely cover the fruit.
  3. The container is tightly closed and left for 45 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  4. Shake the container every 5 days.
  5. After the expiration of the scheduled time, the infusion is filtered through gauze, while squeezing the pulp well.
  6. In a separate bowl, sugar, vanillin, cinnamon and mint are dissolved in water.
  7. Boil over low heat for several minutes, removing the foam until it stops appearing.
  8. Filter the syrup through gauze and mix with the infusion.
  9. Hermetically cork and insist for several days before use.

Rules for storing peach wine

Properly made peach wine can be easily stored in cool and dark conditions for up to three years without changing its properties.


Peach wine can be made at home in several ways. And everyone chooses something that is most suitable for their taste and for their conditions.

How to make homemade wine

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