Peach Veteran

Veteran peach is an old Canadian variety that is still popular with gardeners. Its yield, as well as the characteristics of the fruits, are not inferior to new breeding developments. The tree is hardy enough, if you follow all the rules of planting and agricultural technology.

History of variety breeding

The Veteran peach appeared thanks to Canadian breeders in 1925. Released in Ontario. This is the result of crossing Elberta early and Waikan varieties. The state test has been held since 1948. Today it is one of the most popular peach varieties among gardeners.

Description of peach Veteran

The Veteran peach variety has a medium-sized tree, the height of which does not exceed 4 m. The crown is spherical and dense. The fruits are round in shape, their marketable weight is 135–185 g. Peach skin A veteran of bright yellow color, with a reddish blush that occupies most of its surface. The pulp is not very dense, yellowish in color, juicy, has a persistent and pronounced aroma.

In the photo, the Veteran peach matches the description:

Peach Veteran

The Veteran variety was included in the State Register in 1959. Recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region: in Kabardino-Balkaria, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea. Veteran peaches ripen well in the Crimea.

Characteristic of the variety

Due to its characteristics, this variety has not lost ground for almost a hundred years. Its endurance, ripening period and fruit taste make Veteran one of the favorite crops of gardeners in the southern regions.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The winter hardiness of the Veteran peach variety in the description is estimated to be above average. In general, peach trees are hardy, but are afraid of severe frosts. They survive a temperature drop to -20-22 ° C, but at the same time there is a risk of damage to the buds, flower ovaries and roots located in the upper soil layer. Drought variety Veteran tolerates better than frost. It is also heat resistant.

Does the variety need pollinators?

Peach Veteran is self-fertile, that is, it does not need pollinators. But yields may increase if there are other varieties on the site.

Yield and fruiting

The variety belongs to early-growing – a young tree gives peaches already for 3 years. But harvesting up to 5-6 years is not recommended to allow the plant to develop. The taste qualities of Veteran peach are rated as good. Fully ripe fruit is sweet with a slight sourness.

Peach Veteran is shown in the photo:

Peach Veteran

The culture belongs to varieties with an average ripening period. The main crop is harvested from the second half of August. An adult tree produces 45–50 kg of fruit. A high yield is provided by a lot of flower buds, which are laid annually.

Scope of fruits

Fruits of a peach of a grade the Veteran are universal in use. According to gardeners, they are great for conservation. High palatability also allows them to be consumed fresh. Peaches keep well and tolerate transportation.

Disease and pest resistance

Peach variety Veteran is endowed with resistance to clasterosporia and cytosporosis. To powdery mildew, the tree has a slightly lower immunity. Under attack by aphids.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Veteran variety peach, according to the description, has the following advantages:

  • high yield;
  • good taste of fruits;
  • precociousness;
  • self-pollination;
  • good indicators of keeping quality and transportability of fruits;
  • resistance to clasterosporiasis and cytosporosis.

The disadvantages include a fairly low immunity to powdery mildew, as well as a strong thickening of the crown.

Peach planting rules

In order for the Veteran variety to take root and grow healthy, a number of rules must be observed when planting. Mistakes can even lead to the death of the tree. This is especially true for choosing a place for a peach and observing planting dates.

Recommended dates

There is no consensus among gardeners about planting a peach: some prefer to do it in the fall, others in the spring. If you carry out the procedure before winter, then there is a risk that the young tree will not have time to take root well and freeze. Spring planting is risky because the peach will suffer from pests and diseases.

It is not possible to do this procedure in the fall in all regions. In temperate climates, only spring planting is possible. It makes sense to root a peach in autumn if winter comes in accordance with the calendar and the temperature does not fall below -15 ° C. That is, the tree should have 8-10 weeks before frost in order to get stronger and survive the winter. In autumn, as a rule, there is more choice of seedlings, and they also have leaves and a developed root system, which makes it possible to judge their quality.

Peach Veteran

Peach Veteran is planted when he has a dormant period. For the south of Our Country, the northeast and northwest of Ukraine, the recommended period is September 10–15. In the Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and southern Ukraine, Veteran peach can be planted until October 20, and if winter is forecast to come later, then until November 10.

In the temperate climate of the Ural and Siberian regions, peaches do not have time to form ovaries and ripen. Such trees can be grown there only in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Choosing the right place

Peach is picky about heat and sunlight. The culture does not tolerate transplantation very well, so you need to choose a place very carefully. The peach tree grows well in heat and drought conditions, but drafts and excessive dampness can kill it.

They try to place the seedling on the south side of the site. It should not be shaded by any structures or other trees. On the north side, it is better to protect the peach with a fence or hedge, placing the seedling 2 m from the wall.

A tree cannot be grown in a lowland, because the soil there often becomes swampy and cold air stagnates. Groundwater must pass at least 1,5 m from the surface. Peach trees grow very well on the southern or southeastern slopes of the hill.

The seedling should not be placed in the place where solanaceous or melons grew before. Fungal diseases can be transmitted from sunflowers, strawberries, clover and legumes. Rye and oats are good forerunners for peach.

Peach Veteran

Yield rates depend on the composition of the land. Sandy and loamy soils, as well as chernozem, are best suited. There is sufficient moisture and a large amount of lime. A peach tree will not grow on saline soils and places where there is a high content of carbonates.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Choosing a seedling is a very important stage, which determines how healthy and strong the tree will grow on the site for several years. The main points to consider when choosing a material:

  1. It is best to buy seedlings in nurseries located in the area where the peach will grow.
  2. Don’t buy the item at the lowest price.
  3. It is not worth acquiring a peach too early – it must be dug out during the dormant period, otherwise it will not take root well. In good seedlings, the shoots are covered with bark, and the buds are fully formed.
  4. The variety must suit the climate of the area according to its characteristics.
  5. The choice of the age of the seedling depends on the experience of the gardener – it is better for beginners to take a 2-year-old peach with a height of 1,5 m and with 3-4 branches, but the skilled ones will be able to cope with an annual seedling in the form of a rod 1 m in height.
  6. In appearance, the tree should be strong and strong, without signs of damage and disease. The peach has a fibrous root system, so you should not take a seedling with one root. Sluggish leaves and flaky bark should alert you – you don’t need to buy such a plant.

If you had to buy a seedling far from the site and you need to transport it, you should remember that it is harmed by sudden changes in temperature and humidity. The roots should be wrapped with a wet cloth, covered with polyethylene on top and fixed.

Advice! Before planting, the tree trunk must be treated with melted paraffin – such a measure will protect the trunk from frost, rodents, the sun and harmful insects, and in the spring it will not interfere with the growth of branches and buds.

Peach Veteran

It is not recommended to immediately unpack the future tree – it is left in this form for 2 days. The day before planting, the seedling is placed in a container of clean water, so that both roots and branches are immersed. You can add a growth stimulant to the liquid.

Landing algorithm

2 months before planting, the site is cleared of stones and plant debris and dug up. Thus, the soil is saturated with oxygen. The size of the pit depends on the seedling, but it cannot be less than 0,5 m in depth, length and width. If necessary, drainage is made of expanded clay, pebbles or fragments of bricks. Its height is about 20 cm – this must be taken into account when planning the size of the pit.

The top layer of the earth is removed, but the rest of the soil from the pit is mixed with 2 buckets of humus and 0,5 kg of wood ash and poured back into the form of a cone. The Veteran peach planting algorithm looks like this:

  1. First, two supports are stuck into the pit – if you do this after, you can damage the roots.
  2. Then 6 liters of water are poured there and wait until it goes into the soil.
  3. Next, the seedling is placed vertically and the roots are straightened along an earthen hill. The root neck should be 3-5 cm above the ground.
  4. The soil is placed back into the hole, filling it up to the brim.
  5. The peach is tied to the supports, but not too tight.
  6. After the plant is watered using 8-10 liters of water.
  7. The soil should be lightly compacted, stepping back from the trunk about 0,5 m, it is necessary to form an earthen roller 15 cm high.
  8. Further, mulching is carried out with peat, sawdust, dry leaves.

Peach Aftercare

Peach Veteran requires moisture in the soil. Top dressing is necessary in the spring – nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Also use humus. In autumn, the tree is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

If the seedling is well developed, then pruning is done immediately. Peach variety Veteran needs crown formation, because it is prone to thickening. The pruning procedure is carried out from the very beginning of the appearance of the buds until they open. In autumn, after harvesting, the tree needs sanitary pruning – removal of dry and diseased branches.

Attention! The crown of the Veteran variety peach is formed from the first year and ends after 4 years. In the summer it is not pruned unnecessarily.

Peach Veteran

Reasons for pruning:

  • maintaining a balance between crown and roots;
  • ensuring the health of the tree;
  • peach will quickly enter the time of fruiting;
  • convenience in harvesting and processing wood.

Peach is a heat-loving crop, so in regions with cold winters, it must be covered. This must be done if the temperature is below -20 ° C for more than a month. The main rule is to use natural materials that allow air to pass through. Usually, the trunk is wrapped with burlap and the earth 30 cm high is poured nearby. This will also protect the rodent tree. Shelter is removed when the temperature is fixed at + 5–10 ° С.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The Veteran peach is resistant to most common diseases, and its main pest is aphids. A number of preventive measures will help avoid an insect attack:

  • weed removal;
  • removal of root shoots;
  • spring treatment with insecticides;
  • timely pruning of diseased and dried branches.

From aphids, the preparations Intavir and Iskra are effective, and they also quickly decompose. Wormwood, celandine and ash are widely used from folk remedies.

Peach Veteran


Peach Veteran rightfully deserves such fame. These fruits appear on the shelves of the southern regions every season and grow in many household plots. The resistance of the variety to changes in weather and most diseases makes it easy to grow even for beginners.

Peach growing technology / From planting to harvesting


Krylova Inga, 47 years old, Crimea
Three years ago they planted a Veteran peach in the garden. We bought a seedling that was already two years old. He got accustomed well, suffered a slight cold snap. Blooms very profusely and beautifully. The peach is already bearing fruit, they ripen quickly and become sweet.
Petrova Valentina, 53 years old, Belorechensk
The peach tree of the Veteran variety has been growing on our site for a long time. Always gives great yields. Never gets sick. Peaches are sweet, juicy and delicious. They also look beautiful and lie for a long time after collection. To have good fruits, you need to cut the branches of the tree, otherwise it will be very thick.
Sechenov Ivan, 63 years old, Novorossiysk
A Veteran peach grows in the garden, it is already about 8 years old. The harvest is always large and the fruits ripen quickly. We eat peaches, distribute to relatives, make compote – there is enough for everything. In the summer, grandchildren come, peaches are already ripe and you can eat them from the tree, they are sweet and tasty. Caring for the Veteran variety is simple, only the crown must be cut.

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