Peach Redhaven

Peach Redhaven is a hybrid variety that is recommended for the central regions of Our Country. In addition, growing in colder areas, the southern plant does not lose the qualities that determine the variety. It is these traits that serve as a motivation for gardeners to grow fruit crops in their own garden.

Peach Redhaven

History of variety breeding

In 1940, in the USA, in Michigan, a new fruit tree appeared. Breeding scientists from the American State University, under the project of Dr. Stanley Jones, bred a medium-early Redhaven peach variety. And this is not surprising, since 70% of the territory of this country is occupied by peach plantations for commercial purposes. This variety has become the standard and prototype of modern subspecies. Some time later, his early hybrid, the Earley Redhaven peach, was obtained.

In 1992, the tree was entered into the State Register of the Federation. Redhaven peach is recommended for breeding in the North Caucasus region.

Description of the Redhaven peach variety

The tree is tall, reaches a height of up to 5 m, a width of 10 m. The crown is leafy, spherical in shape. The bark is brown-brown, strongly cracked. The average size of the shoots, length 55 cm, thickness 0,5 cm. Internodes are medium. On the sunny side, burgundy shoots. Vegetative buds are small, cone-shaped. The generative buds are elongated to the top, the omission is partial.

The foliage is dark green, large: 15–18 cm long, 3–4 cm wide. The surface is glossy, the shape is lanceolate-elongated. The leaf plate is medium-wavy, not leathery, the central vein is clearly visible. There is a finely serrated border along the edges of the sheet. Petioles 9–10 mm long. Stipules are short.

Flowers solitary, 22 mm in diameter, bell-shaped. The color of the inflorescences is light pink. There are 5 petals per flower, all of them are medium in size, 9×5 mm in size, oval with a bladed base. The calyx is orange inside and dark green with a red tint on the outside. The flowers have a pleasant aroma and hold firmly on annual shoots.

The fruits of the Redhaven variety are large, weighing 120–160 g, sometimes specimens weighing up to 200 g are found. The shape is round, slightly flattened at the edges. Peduncle 8–10 mm. The skin is dense, slightly velvety, easily removed from the fruit. A rich orange peach with a washed out burgundy blush. The pulp is sweet, tender, juicy. The stone inside is small, easily separated, of a reddish hue. The presented description of Redhaven peaches can be seen in the photo.

Peach Redhaven

Characteristics of Redhaven peach

A fruit tree has been growing for about 40 years in one area. The fruits on the tree appear in the 3rd year after planting. A high yield variety is shown in the 5th year. The determining factor in the ripening of Redhaven peach is the climatic zone of cultivation.

Frost hardiness of redhaven peach

The frost resistance of the Redhaven fruit tree is high. It is able to withstand frost down to -25 ° C, which makes it possible to do without shelter in the southern regions. Not afraid of late spring frosts. It should be noted the high drought resistance of the variety. The fruit tree can be grown in dry areas with a dry climate. However, the Redhaven peach reacts rather poorly to drafts and strong gusts of wind.

Does the variety need pollinators?

The Redhaven peach description states that the variety is self-pollinating. Formally, the tree is able to bear fruit without external pollinators, but in practice this is quite rare. To obtain high results, it is necessary to plant next to other trees in which the moment of flowering coincides with the Redhein variety. These can be such subspecies of peaches: Ambassador of Peace, Gift of Kyiv, Favorite, Memory of Shevchenko.

Yield and fruiting

The fruiting period of the Redhaven peach begins in late July, but this figure may vary depending on the region. The fruits ripen unevenly, so harvesting continues for 30–40 days. From one tree, you can collect from 40–100 kg of fruit – it all depends on the age of the tree and the correct implementation of agrotechnical recommendations.

The palatability of the Redhaven peach is rated as high. Dry matter – 14,4%, sugars – 9,8%, acids – 0,82%, ascorbic acid – 4,19 mg per 100 g.

Attention! The calorie content of the Redhaven peach is 39 kcal per 100 g.

Scope of fruits

Thanks to its dense skin, the Redhaven fruit tolerates transportation even over long distances. Slight omission prevents from violation of integrity and damage. Redhaven peaches do not crumple, and the presentation remains the same as in the photo. But for transportation, it is preferable to pick the fruits a few days before the onset of technical maturity.

At room temperature, ripe fruits can be stored for 2-3 days. If the peaches are put in a container or paper bags and placed in the refrigerator, then the period will increase to 7-8 days. For a longer time, Redhaven fruit will be stored in the basement at a temperature of 0-2 ° C, if all recommended conditions are followed.

Peach Redhaven

Redhaven peaches are eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, fresh juices, canned and frozen. Cooked compotes from these fruits are estimated at 4,5 points, and the taste of jam – 4,8 points. Jams, jellies, all kinds of desserts are also prepared.

Disease and pest resistance

Redhaven peaches have medium resistance to curl and weak resistance to powdery mildew and clasterosporosis. Therefore, preventive measures for this culture are necessary. If the treatment is not carried out on time, then the weakened plant will be populated by harmful insects, in particular aphids, codling moth, weevil.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

If we take into account the reviews of experienced peach growers, we can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Redhaven variety:

  • considerable productivity;
  • drought resistance, frost resistance;
  • excellent taste qualities of fruits;
  • compact crown;
  • tree lifespan;
  • transportability.

The disadvantages of a fruit tree include:

  • poor resistance to curliness, clasterosporosis, powdery mildew; 
  • the need to ration the number of fruits – branches can break under their weight.

Peach planting rules

Following the recommendations for planting is the first step to getting juicy, appetizing and large fruits of the Redhaven peach. Correctly carried out procedure will allow the plant to reduce the time of adaptation in a new place.

Recommended dates

Redhaven peach planting is carried out from mid-April. Then the air temperature at night will be + 10– + 15 ° С, and spring frosts will be behind. By this time, the soil will already warm up, which is ideal for planting a heat-loving crop. In warm and fertilized soil, the root system quickly adapts and starts growing. In the first year after planting, a young tree lays vegetative buds for further crown formation.

Peach Redhaven

Choosing the right place

The site for placing the Redhaven peach should be chosen even, well lit. The sun should hit the tree throughout the day, since this factor affects the growth and the amount of sugar in the fruit. Do not plant it in the shade of other trees or buildings. It will be useful to protect the fruit crop from the winds. There should be a fence or shelter nearby that will cover the peach from drafts.

According to reviews, the Redhaven peach grows well on fertile, light, breathable soils. From soil prefers loam. You should not plant a tree in the lowlands, in swampy areas where groundwater is close. Peach will also not grow in acidic soils.

Attention! It is necessary to avoid areas where melons and nightshade crops, strawberries, strawberries grew 1–2 years ago.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The survival rate directly depends on the condition of the planting material. Experienced gardeners do not advise making an online purchase of Redhaven peach, choosing seedlings from a photo. It is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores, while paying attention to the following nuances:

  • age;
  • the roots should be elastic, flexible, without rot and damaged areas;
  • lack of sagging on the root neck;
  • well-formed, flawless bole;
  • bark without obvious damage.

The most viable are annual seedlings.

Landing algorithm

The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. Dig a recess of standard sizes 1×0,7 m. The distance between adjacent trees should be 3-4 meters.
  2. The hole is 1/3 filled with fertilizers (humus, ash, superphosphate) mixed with soil, and 2 buckets of warm water are poured on top. This procedure is performed if the soil has not been fertilized in advance.
  3. After soaking up the water, the seedling is lowered into the recess.
  4. The roots are neatly straightened to the sides.
  5. Sprinkle with earth, so that the root neck is 6-7 cm above the ground.
  6. The last step is watering. Form a near-trunk circle. 3 buckets of water are poured under each bush.
  7. When the liquid is absorbed, sprinkle the ground around the perimeter of the bush with mulch. Peat or compost is good for this.
  8. Pruning a Redhaven peach seedling to form a crown type.

Peach Redhaven

Peach Aftercare

Further measures for the care of Redhaven peach are timely pruning, watering, feeding, protection from rodents.

In early spring, thinning crown pruning is carried out, which contributes to an increase in weight, the number of fruits, and also prevents the development of infectious diseases. It is better to perform the procedure before the start of sap flow. After 3 years, they begin to artificially form the crown of the Redhaven peach, which can be cup-shaped or palmet. By choosing the latter option, you can get an earlier and more abundant harvest.

When watering, special attention should be paid to the periods of vegetative growth and the formation of ovaries, the norm is 20 liters under a tree. At other times, there is no urgent need for moisture. Therefore, it will be enough to water the Redhaven peach once every 10-14 days with one bucket of water. After the moisture has dried, it is necessary to loosen the soil for better air exchange.

The number of top dressings is directly proportional to the number of waterings. In autumn, it is advised to make humus and complex mineral preparations. In spring – nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

The Redhaven peach variety is considered frost-resistant, but in the conditions of the Moscow region, where the temperature drops below -25 ° C in winter, the tree may suffer. Therefore, insulation is required. Synthetic airtight or natural material is suitable for wrapping branches. The trunk circle is covered with a layer of mulch. To protect against rodents and pests, the tree trunk is whitewashed, and for the winter they are tied with a fine-mesh net.

Diseases and pests, control methods and prevention

The main diseases of Redhaven peach:

  • leaf curl – a fungal disease, the symptoms of which are wounds, reddish swellings, gum on the leaves. Treatment involves the treatment of the crown with copper sulphate, then with Horus, and after flowering with Polycarbocin.
  • Moniliasis characterized by damaged leaves, dry ovaries, the formation of gray and dark spots on the fruit. The disease is treated in the period before and after flowering with the drug “Nitrafen”.
  • fruit rot – a disease that can harm already harvested fruits. Systemic fungicides are used to eliminate fungal infections.

The Redhaven peach is resistant to pest attacks, but there are adverse conditions when they are numerous and dangerous. Insecticide preparations will help to cope with them.


The Redhaven peach will become a favorite and sought-after fruit tree in the garden. The pleasant taste of fruits will appeal to even the most demanding housewives, and a large harvest is enough not only for home-made preparations, but also for sale.

Peach grade REDHAVEN, STANDARD for other peaches


Dmitry Romanovich, 41 years old, Essentuki
Redhaven peach has been growing in the yard for 6-7 years. It bears fruit well, the fruits are tasty, juicy. True, the first few years were small and sour. For the winter we do without shelter. We rarely feed.
Alina Anatolyevna, 35 years old, Cheboksary
The Redhaven peach is just a great strain. Every year a large harvest of sweet fruits. It is on the tree of this variety that peaches are the largest and most beautiful. We eat fresh, make jams, freeze. Enough for everyone. I advise.
Petr Vasilievich, 50 years old, Aleksandrovsk
We had Redhaven, but, unfortunately, it did not take root. During a strong wind, several shoots broke. Then he picked up curly. Gradually disappeared, the treatment did not help, maybe he realized it too late. So they didn’t eat peaches.

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