Peach leaf curl: treatment and prevention

The peach is not only a very fastidious tree that requires certain climatic conditions and compliance with the rules for caring for it, but it also reacts sharply to the treatment with protective preparations. At the slightest inaccuracy, one can expect falling leaves and fruits, developmental delays and other troubles. One of the dangerous diseases of this fruit tree is peach leaf curl, when it appears, it is necessary to immediately take measures to save the crop.


The causative agent of this disease, which can bring a lot of trouble to gardeners in the spring, is the so-called voice-marshy fungus. It becomes especially active in the spring, while its spores penetrate the cracks in the bark of trees and on the scales of the leaves, after which one can observe the release of resin from them. When the disease occurs, the leaves become ugly and curl, their color also turns pale.

If timely spraying is not carried out, then even the death of the shoots is possible. Most often, this disease can lie in wait for such varieties of peach as Cornet, Early Cornet, Armgold, varieties such as Collins, Stark Delicious, Dixired can get sick to an average degree. All others are considered more resistant to the appearance of the disease. Peach leaf curl: treatment and prevention

Of course, treatment with drugs will always be the most effective of the methods of struggle, but it is always better to carry out prevention than to treat peach trees later. For these purposes, at the beginning of March, it is necessary to spray the crops using a well-established 1% solution of copper sulphate. After about 4 – 5 days, for better protection, it is necessary to do this spraying again.

For preventive treatment in order to avoid a dangerous disease, you can also use the well-known 3% Bordeaux mixture or one of the fungicides – Raek, Hom, Skor – which can be purchased today at a specialized store.

In autumn, experts advise pruning affected trees and spraying them with copper sulphate.

Also, in order to prevent the disease and protect the fruit tree, it is advised to give preference to well-lit dry areas of the garden for planting and growing peach. Peach leaf curl: treatment and prevention 

Methods of struggle

Of course, it is not an easy task to fight the disease in the spring, but if you start timely complex treatment, you can expect a good result. The first step is to carry out the procedure for trimming and burning the affected leaves and shoots in May. It is recommended to prune the first time during the growing season, and the second – before the spread of spores of a fungal disease. Before spraying a tree with special preparations, it is necessary to take into account the fact when exactly the infection occurred.

The fight against leaf curl after the flowering period involves protection by treating the plant with tank biopreparations – such as planriz, pentaphage, trichodermin. It is also recommended to use copper oxychloride and special fungicides for spraying in spring. Until the moment buds appear on the trees, urea, copper sulfate or lime milk can also be used along with these drugs. In autumn, experts advise spraying the tree and soil in the area of ​​​​the stem circle with any of the above-mentioned means, with the exception of fungicides. Peach leaf curl: treatment and prevention

For the treatment of the disease for many years in a row, gardeners have widely used the method of treating peach with a solution of 3% Bordeaux mixture. When spraying trees with this drug in the spring, it should be borne in mind that there will be a certain delay in the fruiting of the crop compared to the generally accepted terms. Excessive phytotoxicity is also possible, which will grow at the same time as the shoots. But the apparent degree of effectiveness of this method is much higher than all the possible negative consequences.

It is especially good to carry out the treatment with Bordeaux mixture in the event that a disease of the fruit crop has been observed for a couple of years now. The traditional folk remedy for curly hair can be safely called ordinary clay. It is customary to use it together with lime, and it works as an adhesive, adsorbent. Help to overcome the disease also present in the composition of such a solution of useful substances – sulfur, silicon, aluminum and others. Clay for the treatment of peach trees can also be used in its pure form. Peach leaf curl: treatment and prevention

If the clay-lime mixture did not give the expected effect, and the use of the Bordeaux mixture for some reason is impossible, then modern preparations can be purchased for processing. These are delan, chorus, speed, which can be used both in combination and each separately.

As all kinds of laboratory studies have shown, this kind of new generation means will help to make the treatment of leaves from curl almost one hundred percent effective. In autumn, it is imperative to collect, compost or burn the leaves, as the infection partially remains on them.

Video “Peach Curl”

After watching the video, you will learn how to treat such an ailment as curly hair and how to take preventive measures.

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