Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

The peach plant came to Europe through the country of Persia from China, which is why the fruit tree has such a name. The peach tree is unusually beautiful in bloom, and its fruits are very tasty and fragrant. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to grow this crop on their site, which is represented today by many varieties, one of the best among which is Golden Moscow.


Almost all peach varieties are quite picky about our climatic conditions, so growing such an outlandish tree in your garden is not an easy task. But breeders continue to work on creating peach varieties that can successfully survive both frosty winters and late spring frosts. Choose a variety suitable for your region in all respects, and then, following the recommendations for caring for the crop, you can expect a good harvest in our latitudes.Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of careGolden Moscow is a variety of peach, which appeared thanks to the specialists of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It was obtained by crossing quality varieties such as Elberta and Salvey. This variety of fruit tree is an industrial and high-yielding variety of peach, which is characterized by an average ripening time – approximately August 15 – 23. If we talk about the description, then Golden Moscow is a medium-sized tree with a fairly compact neat crown, which is characterized by a round crown.

Golden Moscow has rather large fruits, the weight of which can reach 145 – 185 g, and some even about 200 g.

The shape of peaches is broadly oval, sometimes almost round. The fruits have a medium-thick skin, which is removed in mature ones without much difficulty. The color of the fruits is bright yellow, a specific carmine blurred blush is clearly visible on the surface, which can occupy about 50 – 75% of the surface in terms of area. Dots and strokes can also be observed on fruits. Peach fruits of this variety have a small, pleasant to the touch, velvety edge. Flowering of the late period, the flowers are of the horn-shaped type.Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

If we talk about the description of the pulp of the fruit, then its color is yellow, and the consistency is quite dense, the fibers are well interconnected. The taste qualities of the Golden Moscow variety, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who have already tried this marvelous peach, are amazing. It is very juicy and fragrant, and after tasting, an interesting aftertaste remains in the mouth with a pleasant combination of sugar and sourness. Such a peach has a medium-sized pit inside, which can be easily separated from the pulp during tasting.

When studies were carried out on the taste qualities and other characteristics of this variety, it received a high rating of 4 points from the expert commission. The ripening of this type of fruit tree falls on the third decade of August, and about 8-50 kg of fruits can be harvested from each crop. It is best to harvest the peach in several steps, since in this case an increase in the yield of commercial products of the first grade can be expected. The fruits of this variety are very loved by both children and adults, they are used both in their natural form and for making delicious compotes, jams, and desserts.Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

Advantages of the variety

Before you buy peach seedlings and plant them in your garden plot, you need to read the reviews on the websites of other gardeners, as well as familiarize yourself with the technology for proper planting and care for such a fruit tree. Indeed, in order to be able to harvest a good harvest, one should take into account all the features of the variety and provide him with comfortable living conditions. What are the benefits of this type of peach?Peach golden Moscow: description with photo, rules of care

We can safely talk about good resistance to cold and frost, which will undoubtedly help the culture not to die in the winter season. It is also worth noting the increased yield and large size of the fruit, their good commercial quality and transportability, which makes it possible to transport peaches even over long distances. This wonderful variety has strong immunity to such unpleasant diseases as powdery mildew. This type of fruit tree has practically no drawbacks, which is why experienced gardeners love this peach so much and willingly plant it on their site.

Video “Peach Care”

After watching the video, you will learn how to properly care for peach trees so that there is a good good harvest every year.

Peaches Achieving Excellent Processing Results

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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