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You can sit comfortably… close your eyes… hear the sounds that surround you… feel the volume that your body occupies in the volume of this room…
The first stage of meditation is words. Repeat them mentally.
I am peace. I am surrounded by peace. Peace covers me. Peace sustains me In peace I am safe. Peace in me. This peace is mine. Everything is fine.
The second step is reflection. You can think about peace — how you understand it … what it means or could mean in your life … About what these words can mean: “Peace covers” … “Peace sustains” … And you can think about it in a special way… as if watching your thoughts from the side… as you watch a stream flowing… letting thoughts flow… coming… changing… going… as they please… and thoughts come and go… like birds… that cross the firmament… and the firmament of consciousness remains deep… clear… and calm…
And in the next step, we use your imagination. You can imagine that right here, right above our heads, there is a boundless ocean of peace… maybe you imagine peace as a color… or light… or something like fog… or something else… never mind… that’s right, that’s right, how do you imagine… and you can open up… and let it enter the body… and peace enters the body… and fills it… like a liquid fills a vessel… down to the fingertips… and peace fills every cell… and for a while there is just a feeling of peace … and comfort … and the body responds with gratitude … for those few moments of peace … that you provided it … and if relaxation comes … you can let it come … and use it …
And at the next stage… internally maintaining a state of peace… you can imagine some kind of everyday situation… of those that disturbed or annoyed… and mentally enter it… maintaining an internal state of peace… and there is an opportunity to assess… how the situation is changing… due to the fact that that you are internally calm in it … maybe your attitude towards people is changing … or the attitude of people towards you … or something else … and even if this understanding does not come now … it may come later … when you are ready for this …
And you let go of the situation… and let it go and dissolve… and return to the previous stage… where you just allow the body to experience a state of peace… and comfort… for a few moments…
And you return to the previous stage… where you allow thoughts to flow again… these may be thoughts related to peace… or not related to it…
And you return to the previous stage … at which you mentally pronounce the words again …
I am peace.
I am surrounded by peace.
Peace covers me.
Peace sustains me.
At rest I am safe.
Peace in me.
This peace is mine.
All is well.
And for a few more moments… you can stay in this pleasant and comfortable state… and when you feel completely ready… you can take a deep breath… stretch a little… and open your eyes… and come back… fully present, here and now… keeping inner sense of peace.