Housewives often grow green peas for cooking, canning and freezing. Early maturing varieties are very popular among summer residents. Gloriosa peas are an excellent representative of legumes.

Gardeners note the high characteristics of the Gloriosa variety when grown
Description of pea varieties Gloriosa with a photo
The variety belongs to the legume family. Gloriosa – high-yielding, sugar and early ripening peas. You can grow it both in open ground and in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

Large brain peas grown in the soil are harvested for seeds and dried
The fruit has a bright green color and a sweet taste. The Gloriosa variety is rich in vitamins: B6, K, A, S. R. Contains ascorbic and folic acids.
In cooking, it is used for cooking first and second courses, preservation. Widely used in the production of baby food.
The yield of peas Gloriosa
When choosing seeds, pay attention to the collection period. If the crop is harvested for more than three years, the peas may not sprout or produce few fruits.
Gloriosa reaches a height of 80 cm. The ripeness of the fruit is up to 60 days from the moment of sowing. The yield of the variety is 50 tons per 1 ha. One pod contains up to nine peas.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any vegetable crop, peas have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include high demands on watering. In arid regions, it is recommended to mulch the garden bed to maintain moisture in the soil.
The pluses include:
- precocity
- friendly maturation;
- high yield;
- wide application in gastronomy;
- unpretentiousness to soils;
- high germination;
- good taste;
- disease resistance.
How to plant Gloriosa peas
To get a good harvest, a small bed of 1 * 2 m is enough. The Gloriosa variety is planted in prepared soil. For better germination, the seeds are pre-soaked until sprouts appear.
Before landing, prepare:
- beds and soil;
- seeds;
- comply with the rules of agricultural planting.
Terms of planting
Shoots of the Gloriosa variety withstand slight frosts up to -6 0C. Therefore, it is recommended to sow peas in warm soil when a constant temperature is reached in April-May. Summer oversowing to prolong maturation lasts until the tenth of July.
Seed preparation
Whole peas are chosen for seed. Before planting, the seeds are soaked until germination. A cotton cloth is placed on a plate and peas are placed inside. Add water to keep the rag wet.
Before planting in the ground, germinated seeds are placed in a warm solution of boric acid. For the composition, take 1 g of boric acid and 5 liters of water. Seeds are left for 5-10 minutes. You can replace the solution with growth stimulants, such as Epin or Zircon.

Treating seeds before sowing with fungicides will increase plant immunity and simplify pest control.
Antimicrobial agents reduce the likelihood of fungal diseases. It is recommended to sow sprouted pea seeds carefully so as not to damage the young sprouts.
Garden and soil preparation
Peas prefer light soil and a well-lit area. Gusty winds can bend and break the stems, so the bed should be in a sheltered area.
Experienced summer residents recommend sowing peas in different places of the plot near the near-trunk circle of young fruit trees. A small crown allows the sun’s rays to penetrate, and in the heat to protect from the sun. In addition, a garter can be constructed by tying a cord from the peas to the trunk. The near-stem circle retains the moisture necessary for the Gloriosa variety.
To achieve an excellent harvest, experts advise to observe crop rotation after four years. Cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage and pumpkin are considered good predecessors for peas. Under these vegetables, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied, which in the future will give the fruits of the Gloriosa variety a delicate texture. If you fertilize the soil before sowing peas, it will begin to “fatten” and go into tops.
Preparation of the selected beds begins in the fall. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil for digging. In the spring, the bed is loosened or dug up and nitrogen-containing mineral products are added.
Rules of landing
Gloriosa peas are sown in rows every 25 cm to a depth of 3-4 cm. The distance between seeds should be 7-10 cm. To protect young seedlings from birds, sowing is covered with a net or agrofiber.
To extend the harvesting period, sowing is carried out in several stages with a frequency of ten days. To get a rich harvest, experts advise sowing Gloriosa peas according to the scheme 10-15×25-30 cm.

If the site is located on sandy soils, the seeds are buried by 8 cm, in the black soil – by 6 cm
A distance of 50 cm is maintained between pea beds. Ash and compost introduced before planting increase productivity. The support is installed before the emergence of shoots, so that the shoots cling to the mustache and trudge in height.
Caring for Gloriosa peas is simple. Shelter is necessary until the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 cm. Timely weeding and watering are important. Top dressing is carried out with liquid nitrogenous fertilizers on the leaf.
Watering is required for peas frequent, but so that the soil is not waterlogged, otherwise rotting will occur. If the pods were allowed to dry out, the Gloriosa pea crop would lose its beneficial properties.
Additional fertilizing
Fertilizer is produced during the ripening of the pods. Apply nitrogen-containing liquid agents along the stem. Top dressing is carried out in the morning until ten o’clock or in the evening in dry weather.
To increase the yield, pinch the tops of peas at a height of 20-25 cm, leaving 4-5 true leaves. The next stage of pinching is done on lateral shoots, leaving 3-4 leaves. The plant will develop strongly and give a good harvest.

To make it convenient for the plant to branch, install supports or pull the rope on each row
Upon reaching 20-25 cm in height, the plant will seek support. Therefore, gardeners pre-stretch the cord in 2-3 rows above the rows at intervals of 20 cm. Or they install pegs near each bush.

Harvesting for conservation begins earlier so that the peas are juicy and do not have time to dry out.
Fighting diseases and pests
Malicious pests of Gloriosa peas are leafworm and aphids. Caterpillars hibernate in the soil, butterflies wake up at the time of flowering. On the back of the leaf, the pests lay their eggs. After a week, small caterpillars appear, which make their way into the young pod, destroying the peas. Gardeners give several ways to deal with codling moth:
- Once every 7-10 days, plants are sprayed with an infusion of tomato tops (3 kg of tomato stepchildren are poured into 10 liters of water and insisted for 3-7 days).
- Produce processing garlic infusion. 20 g of garlic are crushed and poured into 10 liters of water, left to infuse for a day, the product is filtered and sprayed from a spray bottle.
From powdery mildew, a solution of field sow thistle helps. An infusion of 300 g sheets and 10 liters of water is left to mature for 12 hours. Then the stems are processed.
Against aphids, a decoction of onion peel 1 kg and 5 liters of water with the addition of soap helps. A solution of ammonia is also used in proportions of 2 tbsp. l. and 10 liters of water.

To scare away pests and at the same time fertilize the plant, a mixture of tobacco dust and ash is used.
Gloriosa peas are famous for their high yield and precocity. By following all the tips on agricultural technology, summer residents get an excellent result. Strict adherence to step-by-step recommendations on time will allow you to get a rich harvest.