Pea mash and getting moonshine

Peas are usually boiled or stewed, other processing methods are extremely rare. But for fans of homemade liquor, this legume is also interesting – affordable, cheap and fermenting well. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe for moonshine on peas, which has been used by more than one generation of moonshiners.

Earlier, I told you how to make a “quick moonshine” from peas, the mash of which is ready for distillation in 2-3 days, but the quality of the drink is lower than usual. This time we will consider the classic technology for making mash on peas, which preserves the taste and smell of the raw materials.


  • shelled peas – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 12 liters;
  • pressed yeast – 100 grams (20 grams dry).

Attention! The method of making moonshine proposed in the recipe involves obtaining alcohol mainly only through the processing of sugar, and peas give the distillate a taste and smell. To obtain alcohol directly from legumes, saccharification is required – the breakdown of starch in peas to simple sugars under the influence of enzymes. Peas can be sugared with malt: cook pea porridge (4-5 liters of water per 1 kg of raw materials), cool to a temperature of 63-65 ° C, add ground malt (200 grams per kilogram of peas), mix until smooth, cover, leave for 120 minutes, maintaining the specified temperature, stirring the wort every 15-20 minutes during the first hour. Then add water so that the mash becomes liquid, cool the wort to 18-28 ° C, add yeast and wait for the end of fermentation.

Pea mash recipe

1. Pour peas with 1-2 liters of water (should cover the seed layer by at least 5-6 cm) and leave for 4 hours. Then drain the water. Pre-soaked peas ferment much better.

2. Mix 3 liters of water and 2 kg of sugar in a saucepan. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, boil over low heat for 5-6 minutes, removing white foam. Cool the finished sugar syrup to a temperature below 30°C. You can simply dissolve sugar in water without boiling the syrup, but in this case, the mash takes longer to ripen.

3. Dilute your chosen yeast (dry, spirit or baker’s) according to label instructions.

4. Mix the soaked peas, sugar syrup, diluted yeast and the remaining water (7 liters) in a fermentation tank.

During the fermentation process, a lot of foam will be released, so I advise you to fill the container no more than 75% of the volume.

5. Install a water seal (rubber glove with a hole in the finger) on the neck of the bottle to remove carbon dioxide and transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-27°C.

Pea mash and getting moonshine
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

6. After 4-10 days, the water seal will stop bubbling (the glove will deflate), the mash on the peas will become lighter and bitter in taste, sediment will appear at the bottom. This means that it is time to start distillation.

Getting pea moonshine

7. Drain the Braga from the sediment into the distillation cube, it is advisable to filter through gauze.

On the remaining peas, you can make 3 more servings of moonshine by adding the same amount of water and sugar as the first time (yeast is not needed).

8. Distill the mash on a moonshine still of any design. During the first distillation, do not separate the yield into fractions. The selection is completed when the fortress in the jet falls below 35 degrees. Determine the amount of absolute alcohol in the distillate (multiply the resulting volume by the percentage of the fortress and divide by 100).

9. Dilute the distillate to a strength of 20% and overtake again, dividing the yield into fractions. The first 12-15% of the yield from the amount of absolute alcohol is poured into a separate container. This is a harmful fraction (“heads”), which you can not drink.

Select the main fraction (“body”) until the output strength falls below 40 degrees. The remaining cloudy distillate (“tails”) can be poured into the next portion of the mash to increase the strength (before distillation).

10. Dilute moonshine from peas (“body”) to 40-45 degrees and let it stand for 2-3 days before use to stabilize the organoleptic properties (taste and smell). The result is a drink with a slight smell of raw materials and an aftertaste of boiled peas. Drinks easily. There is no flatulence 🙂

Pea mash and getting moonshine

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