Pea flour

New high-quality alternatives to wheat flour have long settled on the shelves of huge chain stores and small stalls in sleeping areas. Humanity is increasingly worried about its own health, monitors physical activity, is afraid of obesity, early aging and chronic diseases. In pursuit of eternal youth, we have long since replaced sunflower oil with coconut, and milk chocolate with dates, and pea flour instead of wheat flour.

What is actually pea flour and is there any point in replacing it with a classic and already beloved product?

General characteristics

Peas are a genus of herbaceous plants (legume family). It is one of the most widely grown beans in the world, and the crop is produced in the thousands of tons every year.

They learned to grow peas even under zero gravity conditions (as part of the experiment of the Institute of Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005-2006).

Practically in all culinary cultures of our planet there are peas. It is crushed, rubbed, consumed raw, immature or thermally treated.

How did the pea flour

The use of legumes for culinary practices began as early as the ancient Greeks in the 30th century BC. Later, the Chinese, Indians, Africans, and in the XNUMXth century Europeans joined the plant. Until now, the people of Great Britain have a special passion for peas and its derivatives. It was there that the selection of sweet peas was first started, and the product itself became the main highlight of the national cuisine. Americans show no less love for culture. The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than XNUMX varieties of peas in the garden of his own estate. Of course, a whole armada of gardeners helped a high-ranking politician, but the fact remains that peas are held in high esteem by citizens of developed countries.

Pea flour came into use at the same time as the legume itself. The peas were thoroughly washed, dried, then ground into small crumbs. This crumb was used not only in cooking, but in medicine and then cosmetology. Some ate whole spoons of pea flour on an empty stomach to improve metabolism, others diluted the mixture in water / milk / vegetable juice and applied to the face as a mask. Another extravagant way to use ground peas is fishing. Seasoned fishermen claim that balls of hemp oil and pea flour are the best bait for freshwater fish.

Modern use of the ingredient

Bean flour is used by adherents of a healthy diet, patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and losing weight. The component quickly fills the lack of vitamins / nutrients, promotes long-term saturation of the body, helps to bring weight to the desired indicator and improves overall health. An additional advantage of the product is the price – pea flour is no more expensive than high-quality wheat flour.

Flour can be prepared independently at home. It is necessary to have on hand about a kilogram of fresh / frozen peas, a quality chopper (even a coffee grinder will do) and 10 minutes of time.

Pea flour is prepared:

  • paste;
  • sweet pastry;
  • bread;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • breading;
  • falafel (bean flour based balls, deep fried with spices and herbs).

Culinary Tip: To seamlessly introduce a new food into your diet, use an incremental introduction tactic. At the first stage, replace 10-20% of wheat flour with peas, taste the taste, decide on the consistency and related ingredients. Gradually increase the dosage until you can replace the unhealthy white flour with a healthy alternative. Taste buds will easily perceive the change in food priorities, and the body will increase productivity significantly.

The unique taste of pea flour blends harmoniously with both salty and sweet dishes. The peas enhance the flavor of the spice/sweetener and create a whole new combination of flavors that could well qualify for a restaurant dish. Another important product characteristic is the structure. Flour absolutely does not absorb vegetable / animal fat during frying, which has a positive effect on the calorie content and quality of the dish.

Raw Bean Chemistry

The nutritional value of fresh unprocessed fruits of green peas (per 100 grams of product)
Caloric value81 kCal
Proteins5,4 g
Fats0,4 g
Carbohydrates14,5 g
Sugar (carbohydrate)5,7 g
Vitamin composition of fresh unprocessed fruits of green peas (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Retinol (A)0,038
Thiamine (V1)0,3
Riboflavin (V2)0,1
Niacin (B3)2,1
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,1
Pyridoxine (V6)0,2
Folic acid (B9)0,065
Ascorbic acid (C)40,0
Nutrient composition of fresh unprocessed green pea fruits (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Calcium (Ca)25,0
Iron (Fe)1,5
Magnesium (Mg)33,0
Phosphorus (P)108
Potassium (K)244
Zinc (Zn)1,2

After processing, the chemical composition and the energy value of the finished product is subject to some changes.

Energy value of pea flour (based on 100 gram of finished product)
Caloric value298 kCal
Proteins21 g
Fats2 g
Carbohydrates49 g

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of vegetable protein in flour. Nutriciologists compare its nutritional value and the degree of digestibility with low-fat meats. The concentration of vitamins and minerals of bean flour often exceeds meat products. Moreover, vegetable protein is much faster, easier and more efficiently absorbed by the human body, compared with a component of animal origin.

Useful properties of the product


Lysine (C6H14N2O2) is an essential acid found in most proteins.

In the absence of lysine, the growth and regeneration of tissues, the sufficient production of antibodies / hormones / vital enzymes become impossible. Amino acid provides protection against viruses, including the human papillomavirus.

According to the results of the 2003 study of the year “The effect of dietary lysine deficiency disease in chickens”, a lack of lysine causes immunodeficiency states.

What is useful component:

  • harmonizes the serum composition;
  • prevents clogged arteries, pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • replenishes the energy balance and increases efficiency;
  • improves appetite;
  • accelerates the growth process and a set of high-quality muscle mass.

A lack of lysine is characterized by irritability, bleeding in the eyeball, diseases of the reproductive system, weakness, loss of hair / nails, anemia, and poor health.

The required daily dosage of lysine for an adult is about 2-3 grams.


Fiber is the coarse part of plants that is not digested and absorbed by the body. The component is found exclusively in plant products and is vital for maintaining human health.

Peas contain at once 2 of a type of cellulose: soluble and insoluble. The first species is responsible for the prevention of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Soluble fiber creates favorable conditions for the development and nutrition of the so-called “good” microbiome. As soon as the fiber enters the body (along with pea flour), it immediately takes the consistency of a liquid gel and literally spreads along the gastrointestinal tract.

100 grams of peas can contain from 8,8 to 14 grams of fiber (depending on the type and degree of processing).

Insoluble fiber speaks for itself. It participates in the promotion of food through the esophagus, contributes to the regular work of the digestive system, releases harmful heavy elements and toxins. Also, the component is responsible for the normalization of the chair and a feeling of lightness in the abdominal cavity.

The recommended dosage of fiber for an adult is from 30 to 50 a gram per day.

What else is useful component:

  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • decrease in cholesterol concentration;
  • reduction in the rate of absorption of food, which prolongs saturation;
  • protection against pathologies of the cardiovascular system, bowel / breast cancer;
  • fighting an irregular stool;
  • reduction of body fat (occurs naturally, without harm to the body);
  • skin cleansing and minimizing rash;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

Indicator pH

The acid-base balance directly affects human health. Doctors say that all diseases originate only in an acidic organism, but in an alkaline one, the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria is practically excluded. An indicator of the acid-base balance is the pH level – a hydrogen indicator. If the pH level is 7, then the body is in a neutral environment, if from 0 to 6,9 – in an acidic environment, if from 7,1 to 14,0 – in an alkaline environment.

In the majority of the modern population, this balance is shifted to an acidic environment – hence the illness and constant malaise. The pH level is affected by stress, ecology, dietary habits and poor quality water. To block excess acid, you need to consult a doctor and introduce a large amount of alkalizing foods into your diet. These include peas and its derivatives.

The diet of a healthy adult should consist of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods. Before changing your own menu, consult a doctor. Take saliva for analysis to determine the acid-base balance, wait for the results and follow the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Use component in cooking

Protein flour is rarely used in mass production. It can be found only in local organic establishments or on the menu of expensive restaurants. The component itself is maximally available both on the Internet and on the shelves of the nearest supermarket, so it is most efficient to use flour in home cooking. Mix the component with other types of flour (wheat, buckwheat, corn), create new unique flavor combinations and do not forget to experiment with the benefits for the family.

A quick recipe for Indian pea fritters with tomatoes

Nutritional value of the dish
Caloric value271 kCal
Proteins11 g
Fats1,6 g
Carbohydrates54,5 g

We need:

  • pea flour – 10 tablespoons;
  • whole grain wheat / corn / oatmeal / buckwheat flour – 5 tablespoons;
  • tomato – 1 pc;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • chopped ginger – 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • herbs to taste.


In a deep bowl, mix flour and dry spices. Stir thoroughly, then slowly pour cold water into the container. Pour in the water until you can knead the thick dough to make pancakes.

In a blender, beat the tomato into tomato paste and add it to the dough bowl with chopped herbs. A mixture of pea and optional flour should swell and become soft. The dough should not be light. Get the most elastic and pliable consistency by adding liquid and dry ingredients (tomato paste, cold water, flour).

Form pancakes and fry on both sides in a non-stick frying pan or a drop of vegetable oil for frying. A ready meal can be an excellent option for a healthy breakfast or snack.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Various cosmetic products for the face, body and hair are prepared from pea flour. Traditional medicine assures that a monthly course of poultices and masks made from pea flour can smooth out wrinkles, regulate sebum fat content and nourish the skin. The effect for hair and body is identical – moisturizing, nourishing, UV protection and stunning smoothness.

Flour is diluted in essential and base oils, milk, honey or plain water, then applied to the face / body / hair and wait for a victorious result. Dermatologists claim that the modern cosmetology industry eliminates any home manipulations and provides a comprehensive care effect without additional procedures. With the wrong ratio of components, you can cause the exact opposite effect: provoke a rash, redness, itching, exacerbation of acne or the formation of scar tissue.

If you have any skin problems, you should contact a specialist. If the skin does not bother, then there is no need to carry out experiments on themselves. Use high-quality care, which is selected for the individual characteristics of your skin and leave pea poultices in the past.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Among the contraindications to the use of pea flour are individual intolerance and diseases of some body systems. Peas and its derivatives should be limited to gout, acute nephritis and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. Also, the diet should be cleaned from legumes in violation of blood circulation and flatulence. With such pathologies, the patient should be examined by the attending doctor. The doctor, on the basis of the patient’s condition, periodically adjusts the diet, introduces / excludes new food components. Ask your doctor about the allowable amount of pea flour and periodically delight yourself with your favorite dishes.

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