Due to the lack of vital vitamins and microelements in the body, bees get sick, their productivity decreases. Especially important for them is cobalt, which is contained in the Pchelodar vitamin supplement. How to give the drug and in what doses, further.
Application in beekeeping
Beekeepers use “Pchelodar” as a prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases that can be brought from other apiaries. And also to replenish cobalt reserves and increase the immunity of the insect.
The syrup has a positive effect on the development of bees, stimulates the growth of families, increases the weight of the brood at the larval stage.
How Cobalt Deficiency Affects Bees
Cobalt, which is part of the Pchelodar top dressing, is vital for bees. Its deficiency hinders the synthesis of vitamin B12, which leads to protein and carbohydrate starvation. The young look sluggish and sick. Gradually, vitamin deficiency provokes weight loss, the development of anemia, which leads to death.
Composition, form of release of top dressing
The composition of “Pchelodar”, in addition to cobalt, contains vitamins and sucrose. Available as a light yellow powder. Packaged in 20g foil bags.
Pharmacological properties
Vitamins increase the resistance of bees to adverse conditions, increase honey productivity. Cobalt is involved in hematopoiesis, improves the absorption of vitamins, restores protein and carbon metabolism.
“Pchelodar” for bees: instructions
It is not difficult to feed the bees with this medicinal preparation. According to the instructions, “Pchelodar” is given together with sugar syrup. Experienced beekeepers recommend feeding insects in early spring and late summer, when colonies are preparing for wintering.
The powder is given before the main honey collection, if there is a lack of bee bread or pollen in the hives.
Dosage, application rules
“Pchelodar” is bred according to the instructions for use, without violating the dosage. A highly concentrated solution adversely affects the health of bees and leads to death.
Dissolve the drug in warm sugar syrup, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:1. Liquid temperature up to 45°С. For 10 liters of syrup, 20 g of powder is used.
Feeding features:
- In the spring, the syrup is poured into the upper feeders 2-3 times with an interval of 3 days. The consumption of the drug is up to 0,5 liters per family.
- To feed helper families in the early spring period, syrup is given every other day for 2 weeks. Serving size – up to 300 g.
- In the autumn, after the honey collection, “Pchelodar” is fed at the rate of 1,5-2 liters per family.
A weakly concentrated solution or insufficient doses do not give an effect, but make top dressing useless.
Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use
Giving syrup in large quantities or for too long is not recommended. Cobalt brings bees not only benefit, but also harm. It is noticed that violation of the instructions leads to a decrease in masonry. The queen bee can completely stop laying eggs, young larvae die. If the beekeeper continues to give the drug, then the death of the entire brood is observed.
No other side effects have been identified. All honey that has been harvested during the cobalt feeding period is not harmful to humans if used properly.
Shelf life and storage conditions
The shelf life of the drug “Pchelodar” is 2-3 years from the date of manufacture. However, you need to open the bag with the powder immediately before preparing the syrup in the apiary.
Store the powder in a dry, dark place where the temperature does not fall below 0°C. In summer, the room should not exceed +25°C.
“Pchelodar” is an effective top dressing, the use of which increases the density of bee colonies, improves the immunity of insects, and reduces the risk of infectious diseases. However, in order not to harm, it should be used only in recommended doses.