Paying for sin – a real story from people’s lives

😉 Hello dear readers! People have long known that God sees everything. The reckoning for sin will surely come, even after decades.

You have to pay for everything, none of our actions is without consequences – this is the law. Sometimes we have to pay for our every mistake, for every mistake. And not only to the one who committed it, but also to the people around. In this story, the action takes place in the post-war period in one of the villages of the Moscow region.


Mikhail returned from the war, having received a small wound in the leg. He limped, but this did not affect his life in any way. The guy calmly worked as a tractor driver, and with ordinary village affairs he managed no worse than healthy ones.

And so they married Mikhail to a bride – Anna, a girl from a neighboring village. He brought her to his house, where Alexander’s older unmarried sister lived with him.

One spring, while digging up a vegetable garden, Misha came across a terrible find – the corpse of a baby, or rather, his remains. He called the girls to the garden, pointed out the find and asked:

– Whose?!

– Well, definitely not mine! – Sasha answered confidently. “You know very well that I don’t go out with guys either. Once. I spend all my time at work or at home.

Anna’s face changed, turned pale, but did not answer. And then the young husband remembered that during the winter Annushka often clutched at her stomach, said that she was not feeling well. Mikhail understood everything.

First Love

No, Anna was not a walker, she did not wander around the peasants and did not communicate very much with the guys. Even before the wedding, a guy from her native village was courting her.

He promised to marry, but by the will of fate he left for the city to work. He promised to take his beloved to him as soon as he settled in a new place, but he never took it.

After some time, the girl realized with horror that she was pregnant. At this time, matchmakers from Mikhail came. She agreed to get married, and then come what may.

In those early years, abortions in our country were prohibited at the state level, but, as you know, demand creates supply. In remote villages, such “criminal” abortions were performed by some old women.

Anna turned to one of them. The grandmother agreed to “etch” the five-month-old baby from the womb in exchange for gloves and a coat.

Anna was not going to tell her husband anything. But Mikhail found out where this old woman lives. I went to her and shook a confession out of her, threatening to report her criminal activities to the appropriate authorities.

Burning jealousy tore at his heart. He didn’t want to believe that his wife had already had a man before him. But he did not divorce.


Finally, Alexandra got married and moved to her husband on the outskirts of the village. But Anna was not at all happy about this. As soon as the husband drank, the woman, leaving everything, ran away from home. She hid wherever she could: in the attic, in the neighbors’ bathhouse, in the barn.

Mikhail scolded her with the very last words and could easily hit. But, despite all this, the couple had three children – a son and two daughters.

Over time, Mikhail’s health deteriorated, he had to quit his job. He quit drinking and his life became much calmer.

The son grew up, got married. The daughters also got married, and everything seems to be fine. But the trouble is – none of them had children. Neither daughter-in-law nor daughter was able to give birth. Is this a cruel retribution for the sin of infanticide? Mikhail has been dead for a long time. Aged Anna lives alone, grieving for her unborn grandchildren …

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