Pay attention to the smell and color of the sweat. How do individual diseases “smell”?

The smell of every person is the result of metabolic processes taking place in the body, as well as the breakdown of sweat secretions and dead epidermis by bacterial enzymes. The smell of sweat may be barely perceptible in a healthy individual and intense in a sick person. While no doctor can judge an illness on the basis of a patient’s odor anymore, a change in the smell and color of sweat can still lead him to an accurate diagnosis. So what do diseases smell like? What changes are cause for concern?

  1. The unpleasant smell of sweat can be a signal that disturbing changes are taking place in the body – starting from bacterial infections, through problems with the hormonal balance, and ending with cancer
  2. A specific body odor is usually a sign of a transient metabolic disorder – associated, for example, with an unbalanced diet – or congenital metabolic defects caused by gene mutations
  3. Yellow sweat may occur as a result of impaired liver secretory functions, and red sweat – as a result of rupture of blood vessels in the sweat glands
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What can the unpleasant smell of sweat mean?

The smell of sweat can be so specific that it can be used as one of the criteria for the diagnosis of more or less serious diseases. An unpleasant sweat odor sometimes indicates a fungal infection or a bacterial infection. If the sweat stinks of rotten fish, it should be ruled out metabolic disorders, especially protein metabolism. A sweet smell may manifest itself in the course of diphtheria, and the smell of rotten eggs is often associated with indigestion and peptic ulcer disease. The sour smell of sweat often goes hand in hand with Hashimoto’s disease, and a specific senile smell usually indicates problems with the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. The unpleasant smell of rotting meat can occur in a person suffering from cancer due to the processes of tissue breakdown.

These odors are usually persistent and do not go away after taking a shower or applying deodorant. In extreme cases, an unpleasant odor affects not only the areas of high sweating, but also the entire surface of the skin. Such problems are not solved at home in the shower, with the use of soap and other remedies, but in a doctor’s office. A detailed interview is necessary here to reveal the triggering factors of the disturbing condition. Without additional tests, it is impossible to detect the metabolic disorders and pathologies responsible for the unpleasant sweat odor. Often, after the initial visit, the general practitioner or dermatologist will refer the patient to a neurologist, endocrinologist or an infectious disease specialist.

If you suffer from Hyperhidrosis, try Excessive Sweating – a herbal blend available on Medonet Market. You should drink a glass of infusion three times a day to reduce the amount of sweat and the intensity of its smell.

The smell of acetone and the burning of fats

Significant deficit of carbohydrates in the diet leads to the fact that the body begins to burn fat in order to obtain glucose. On the one hand, this is good news for people who want to lose weight – on the other hand, as a result of the processes taking place, ketone bodies are formed, including acetone, responsible for the smell of rotting fruit or nail polish remover. In people on a traditional diet, fatty acids are also broken down into glucose and acetone, but in disproportionately smaller amounts. Fat-based nutrition, on the other hand, involves an intensive synthesis of ketone bodies. The latter accumulate in the body in amounts exceeding the possibility of their excretion – hence human sweat acquires a characteristic smell. A similar situation occurs in the case of fasting, when the body does not receive fuel on an ongoing basis and begins to burn fat reserves.

Diabetes is another condition with excess ketone production. In this case, the pancreas does not release insulin (type 1 diabetes) or the cells are insensitive to it (type 2 diabetes). As a result, the glucose, while still in the bloodstream, cannot reach the cells and provide them with energy. But the brain, cut off from glucose, demands fuel. There is nothing else to do but get it from your fat stores. The body begins to break them down, which is accompanied by an intense synthesis of ketones – and with it the unpleasant smell of sweat.

For excessive sweating, it is worth using potassium alum powder for feet, hands and body Ballerina FLOSLEK. You can also buy alum in stone form for use during bathing, e.g. Aleppo Soap Co. alum stone. by Tadé and the polished alum stone Tadé Pays du Levant.

The smell of ammonia and unnecessary nitrogen

Ammonia is the final product of nitrogen metabolism, resulting from the metabolism of amino acids. Sweat with the smell of ammonia suggests that too much protein is being supplied to the body. This problem may apply to people who prefer high-protein diets. However, you must know that the body is very reluctant to draw energy from amino acids – the first source of glucose for it are carbohydrates, and then fatty acids. During the decomposition of proteins, the nitrogen atom is separated from the amino acid molecule and goes to the liver, where it is converted into urea. Its excess is removed as ammonia along with sweat. In this case, the problem of unpleasant sweat odor will be solved proper supply of carbohydrates in the diet.

Uremic odor often appears in the course of kidney diseases. This is due to a decrease in efficiency – the kidneys can no longer cope with the removal of unnecessary metabolic products: ketone bodies, urea and ammonia. These compounds accumulate in the blood plasma and along with sweat they reach the surface of the skin. On kidney failure in addition to the uremic smell of sweat, they also indicate symptoms such as hypertension, swelling on the legs and face, changes in the amount of urine, pain in the lumbar spine, eating disorders and nausea. The absence of these additional symptoms may suggest a slight fluid deficit in the body.

Order BIO roll-on deodorant with Honey Propolia BeeYes today, which inhibits the unpleasant smell of sweat and reduces its amount.

The smell of honey – a stick of blue oil

When a stick of blue oil runs through the human body, his the body starts to emit a characteristic sweetish smell, reminiscent of honey or jasmine. In laboratories, Petri dishes with cultured colonies of blue oil rods are easily identified by the intense scent of jasmine. Although it smells nice, it is one of the most dangerous bacteria, and at the same time a common etiological factor of nosocomial infections. Some strains of this bacteria are resistant to the most commonly used antibiotics. The blue oil rod can cause various lung diseases, inflammation of the meninges, ear, sinuses, and also cause extremely difficult to treat purulent skin conditions. For the doctor, the sweet smell emitted by the patient is a signal for immediate treatment.

  1. What does cold sweat mean? Associated causes and symptoms

Fishy odor – excess trimethylamine

If a person gives off a strong smell of fish, to make matters worse, rotting, most likely they are suffering from trimethylaminuria – a rare genetic disease that occurs as a result of a mutation in the FMO3 gene. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of nitrogen-containing byproducts of metabolism, including trimethylamine, which gives the fish their specific smell. The gene mutation prevents the breakdown of trimethylamine, so the compound accumulates in the body and makes itself felt with the intense fishy smell of sweat. Trimethylamine is formed in the gut during the metabolism of choline, carnitine and lecithin. Patients with this disease should therefore avoid products high in these compounds. For example, fish and red meat are rich sources of carnitine. Egg yolks, nuts, seeds and raisins are rich in lecithin, and liver – in choline.

It is worth consulting a doctor about the changed, characteristic smell of sweat. It is also good to have effective measures ready: traditional deodorant with a natural composition or a long-lasting antiperspirant.

The smell of boiled cabbage – an excess of tyrosine

Such a smell is given by people suffering from another rare genetic disease – tyrosinemia. There are three forms of this pathology, but they all result from abnormal activity of tyrosine-degrading enzymes. In the body, it then accumulates, and at the same time also stores other amino acids – methionine and phenylalanine. Their excess leads to severe liver and kidney diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and changes in bone tissue. AND high concentration of methionine and tyrosine in the blood causes the unpleasant smell of sweat, associated with boiled cabbage.

Color of sweat – the norm or pathology?

Changes in sweat color may not always be a symptom of a disease. However, if they have already appeared, you should pay attention to whether they are accompanied by other signals coming from the body. Yellow-colored sweat may indicate obstruction of the bile ducts and Gilbert’s disease. In both cases, yellowing of the sweat is caused high levels of bilirubinwhich co-creates bile and is responsible for its color. Yellowish sweat is also a symptom of sick kidneys, especially if it smells strongly of urine. This color of sweat also occurs in the course of chronic diseases, so it is not worth delaying finding out what is its cause.

White underarm stains on T-shirts and blouses do not have to be traces of antiperspirant – they may indicate high concentration of mineral salts in sweat secretion. And although this is not a serious pathology, it sometimes leads to excessive salt loss in the body. In addition, white stains do not look very aesthetically pleasing on clothes, so it is worth consulting a specialist about such sweating.

Are you looking for a way to improve your metabolism? Berberine can be a support. You can find the supplement with it in Medonet Market.

Sweat secretions may also turn red. Hematohydrozja, i.e. sweating blood is a very rare condition caused by bursting blood vessels. Sometimes it leads to such a state severe stress, physical or mental trauma, complications after an infectious disease or hypothalamus dysfunction.

In most cases, an unpleasant, abnormal smell of sweat indicates a metabolic disturbance – temporary or long-term. Therefore, the persistence of a strange smell of sweat is reason enough to see a doctor. Perhaps the body is sending out a warning that something serious is happening to it.

If your body produces too much sweat, it can be reduced by using the right cosmetics. At a promotional price at Medonet Market, you can order EPTA DEO cleansing gel regulating sweat secretion, as well as EPTA DEO hyperhidrosis body kit, which includes:

  1. EPTA DEO body spray eliminating excessive sweating and the unpleasant smell of sweat,
  2. EPTA DEO hyperhidrosis body cream.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

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