Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

Pavlovsky lemon is the most famous and common citrus variety that grows on the windowsill. It was from him that many lovers began to seriously engage in the cultivation of original indoor plants.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

It is believed that the variety first appeared in the city of Pavlovo, located on the banks of the Oka. In the XNUMXth century, the merchant Ivan Karachistov, who sold metal products, ended up in Turkey on business. Having made a successful deal, he received lemon cuttings as a gift from Turkish partners. Karachistov returned to the city of Pavlovo and presented them to his relative, Elagin, who was seriously engaged in crop production. He rooted the cuttings, soon his citrus fruits bore fruit, and a few years later, in almost every Pavlov’s house, miracle fruits flaunted on the windowsills. Since that time, the lemon has received the name Pavlovsky, quickly spread throughout Our Country. The range of the new plant expanded, became truly popular, since many ordinary people later put their hand in cuttings. They developed and improved the famous variety. Today, the Pavlovsky lemon looks different and is somewhat different from the original.

Description of the Pavlovsky lemon variety

The amazing biography of the Pavlovsky variety led to its change: many forms appeared that differ from each other. The differences relate to the fruits, leaves, the bush itself.

The Pavlovsk lemon bush usually does not exceed 1,5 m. Its branches hanging down have thorns: green at a young age and brown at a more mature age. The bark of young shoots is green, later becoming grayish-yellow. On the trunk of the plant – longitudinal cracks.

The leaves of the Pavlovsk lemon are salad green, large, shiny, on short cuttings. They differ in size and shape: ovoid, elongated, lanceolate. There are notches at the top of the leaf.

Pavlovsky lemon is a remontant variety, that is, it is able to bear fruit several times per season. Most often, flowering occurs twice – in early spring and early autumn. The first individual flowers on a plant obtained from a cutting appear in the second year of a citrus life. True flowering occurs at the age of four years.

Pavlovsky lemon flowers are snow-white, located in the axils of the leaves, 3 cm in diameter, have a pleasant strong smell. Self-pollinating, flowers are arranged singly or in small inflorescences.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

The tree grows well and bears fruit in lighted places, easily tolerates slight shading. Does not like Pavlovsky lemon in direct sunlight and being outdoors.

The optimum temperature for growth is 20 oC, in winter the indicator can be 5 oWith less, with humidity – 60 – 70%. With excessive dryness of the air or humidity above 70%, citrus can shed its leaves.

Upon reaching the age of 12 – 15 years, Pavlovsk lemon gives a high yield of fruits: up to 50 pieces weighing 200 g. There are frequent instances with a mass of 500 g.

The taste and quality of the fruits are excellent. The fruits have juicy pulp with a bright aroma. Their color is yellow, the shape is oval, elongated. The thickness of the peel of the fruits of this variety is medium, sometimes thin, up to 3 mm. Its surface varies from smooth to rough and bumpy. Such specimens of Pavlovsk lemons ripen for a long time, they can hang on the branches for a whole year.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no doubt about the benefits of Pavlovsky citrus fruits. They contain vitamins C and B, minerals. The composition of the peel includes vitamin P and substances that can fight microbes. Essential oils reduce the level of “bad cholesterol”, strengthen the immune system, improve memory, relieve fatigue, fight nausea.

Due to the chemical composition and properties, lemon fruits have a positive effect on the body:

  • help reduce high blood pressure;
  • help cleanse the liver of toxins;
  • fight colds and flu;
  • stop the development of infections;
  • help reduce stomach pain.

Like industrially grown citrus fruits, Pavlovsky lemon fruits ripened on the windowsill have these advantages. But growing citrus at home has its advantages, namely:

  • easy adaptability of the plant to home conditions;
  • repeated flowering of Pavlovsky lemon during the year;
  • tree compactness;
  • minimum requirements for pruning and crown formation;
  • entry into fruiting already in the third year;
  • high quality fruits;
  • good harvest.

The plant has practically no drawbacks, so for centuries the variety has remained in demand. With proper care for the Pavlovsk lemon, observing the temperature regime, humidity, it grows and bears fruit without problems.

How does a lemon reproduce?

Growing Pavlovsk lemon from seeds requires patience. Harvest can be expected only after 15 years. For propagation, it is worth choosing seeds from a well-bearing tree. It is necessary to sow them immediately after extraction from the fruit. If the seed has had time to dry, then it is soaked in warm water for a day.

A pre-prepared substrate should contain humus and sand in a ratio of 2 to 1. A small pot is filled with soil mixture, compacted, and Pavlovsk lemon seeds are placed in grooves 1,5 cm deep at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Sprinkle, moisturize using a spray bottle. Shoots appear in a month and a half. Up to three sprouts can hatch from a seed. They leave one, the strongest, and the weak are removed. At the stage of 4-5 leaves, the seedlings dive one by one into the pot, without deepening the neck. Pavlovsk lemons, grown from seeds, bear their first fruits in 10 to 15 years. You can speed up the process by forming a crown and creating optimal humidity, lighting, fertilizing, but the difference will be insignificant.

Fruiting will occur in three years, if the seedling is grafted with a cutting taken from the Pavlovsk lemon that is already bearing fruit. Grafted seedlings have endurance, develop well.

The most popular method of propagation is cuttings. They take root better if cut in early spring. Planting material is taken from a lignified branch. A cutting 5 mm thick and 10 cm long with 5 leaves is cut at an angle with a sharp knife from a healthy fruit-bearing tree. The cut is treated with a growth stimulator. Next, the stalk is placed vertically in the soil of the greenhouse, deepening by 1,5 cm. While maintaining a temperature of 20 oWith regular hydration, roots appear in two weeks. After a month and a half, the plant can be planted in a permanent place. With proper care, lemons from Pavlovo begin to bloom in a year, bear fruit – after 3 – 5 years.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

Propagation by cuttings gives a quick and high-quality result, while all the properties of the mother plant are preserved, grafting is not required. The method is labor-intensive and does not require special expenses.

Pavlovsk lemons are rarely bred with seeds, since it takes a month and a half to germinate. In the future, the seedling must be grafted or wait for the fruits of a decade and a half. Vaccination does not always take root. It needs a varietal scion.

Rules of landing

Rooted cuttings are transplanted into separate clay pots with a volume of 0,5 liters. It is not necessary to pinch the roots when planting, at their ends there is a mycorrhiza – a symbiotic formation of fungi and roots. Long rhizomes are twisted in a spiral and laid on the bottom of the pot, pouring with soil mixture. The seedling grows quickly, it must be transplanted annually by transshipment.

The operation is carried out in acidic soil. It is completely changed, rotten roots are pruned, drainage is increased, new soil is poured and Pavlovsky lemon is already planted in it.

Transshipment is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. The earthen ball is not broken, but only the soil mixture is added.
  2. The root neck should be at ground level or 1 cm lower.
  3. The pot is chosen 2 cm larger than the previous one.
  4. Watered with warm water.
  5. Broken brick or coal is used as drainage.

Growing Pavlovsk lemons at home

In comfortable conditions, with proper care, the Pavlovsky lemon in the apartment gives a good harvest of fruits.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

Pruning the plant is carried out as necessary, so as not to weaken it. An old tree is rejuvenated in this way. As a result of the operation, life expectancy and fruiting periods increase. Pruning is carried out according to the rules:

  • pinching and pruning spend the entire growing season;
  • it is worth starting from the trunk, shortening it by no more than 20 cm;
  • shoots of the first order are shortened by 25 cm, the second – by 10 cm.

Young trees are watered more often than adults. In summer, Pavlovsky lemon is irrigated at the root, sprayed with leaves. In winter, humidification is carried out less often. Water should be warm, settled. The best watering time is morning or evening.

If the lemon turns yellow, leaves fall, then it needs top dressing. Fertilization time – from winter to autumn. At the age of two years, the plant needs phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

The shade tolerance of Pavlovsky lemon depends on air temperature and humidity. In winter, it is placed closer to the window, they provide additional lighting for several hours. Finding a lemon on a sunny window can end badly: it will burn, shed its leaves. The best place for citrus is the middle of the room with diffused light.

Pavlovsky lemon loves warmth. Development requires a temperature of about 20 oC, in winter it is reduced to 12 oC. The plant does not like sudden changes in temperature.

The requirements for soil and air moisture in Pavlovsky lemon are high. The soil should not be waterlogged or overdried. The optimum air humidity is 70%. When it drops to 55%, citruses feel discomfort. Caring for Pavlovsk lemon at home in winter and summer consists in maintaining the proper microclimate. Trees are sprayed twice a week, a plate of water is placed under them, the room is ventilated, and a humidifier is used.

Pavlovsky lemon (Pavlova): home care

Pests and diseases of Pavlovsky lemon

When the leaves of the Pavlovsk lemon are twisted, the leaves are twisted, the flowers, ovaries and buds fall off, it means that pests attacked it:

  • aphids;
  • whiteflies;
  • thrips
  • scale insects;
  • spider mites.

The most reliable method of protection is insecticidal preparations.

Pavlovsky lemon is subject to a number of diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • spotting;
  • gommoz.

Fitosporin is used to fight, but viral diseases are cured with great difficulty.


Pavlovsky lemon begins to ripen in November. The process takes about 200 days. Fully ripened citrus has a bright yellow color. It is not necessary to pick all the fruits: their appearance on the tree pleases the eye, uplifting.

The variety has undergone many changes during its existence. It is difficult to find the initial version, but the lemon from Pavlovo deserves respect: it is not for nothing that a monument to this exotic fruit has been erected in the city on the Oka.

We grow Pavlovsky lemon. Site “Garden World”


Protasov Oleg Ivanovich, 33 years old, Artem
I did not grow Pavlovsky lemon, but bought a ready-made seedling from a nursery and transplanted it into a pot. He got on well. Soon the seedling bloomed, but I cut off the flowers. I think that the strength of the tree was not enough. 3 years have passed, and the first 4 fruits have ripened on the Pavlovsky lemon.
Korosteleva Inna Markovna, 37 years old, g. Dmitrov
It is believed that citruses disinfect the air. Six months ago, I bought and brought Pavlovsky lemon to work. It really freshens the air, it is more pleasant to work and it has become less sick.

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