Pavel Derevyanko: personal life, biography of a theater and film actor

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Actor Pavel Derevyanko: biography

Pavel was born in Taganrog on July 2, 1976. Parents, Yuri Pavlovich and Tatyana Vasilievna Derevyanko, worked at the Krasny Kotelshchik plant and believed that their only son would continue the working dynasty.


But fate chose a different path for the young man. Once, by chance, he found himself at a rehearsal of the Staircase theater studio, and he really liked the reincarnation of people he knew into a personality of another era.

An incredible atmosphere of magic reigned in the hall. On the same day, Paul signed up for the studio, to the amazement of his parents.

After graduating from school, the young man left for Moscow and successfully passed the exams at GITIS, on the course of L. Kheifets under the contract.

His acting career started early. Director Nina Chusova noticed the talented performance of the second year student in the play and invited him to play in the production of “Overstocked Barrel”. The role was played brilliantly and offers poured out as if from a cornucopia.

The next performance, in which the main role was played by Derevianko, is “Roberto Zucco”.

It was the turn and reincarnation, which so once struck the imagination of an impressionable teenager. He played the role of Akaki Akakievich in the play “The Overcoat”.

Roles in the cinema

The actor’s film debut took place in 2001. The director of the comedy “Two Chauffeurs Rode” A. Kott noticed Pavel’s acting back in “Overstocked Barrel”. Three years later, the student received an invitation to audition. And again a well-deserved success. The actor is vying with each other to be offered roles in films and television series.

Pavel is skeptical about TV shows, but often participates in these projects. Indeed, it was in the series that he had the opportunity to work with many popular artists and gain experience from them.

By the age of forty, he took part in 70 films and television series. The actor does not divide roles into main and episodic ones. This, perhaps, hides his success. He considers each role to be his responsible exam in front of the audience. Therefore, his serious or comedic roles evoke a lot of positive responses.

Pavel reincarnated as an anarchist and an emperor, a poet and an astronaut … This is how his youthful dream of reincarnation came true.


One of his works was the role in the drama “Salute-7”. The movie was based on a real event and tells the story of heroism in human space exploration. In 1985, the Salyut-7 station suddenly stopped responding to signals from the Earth.

If the station, which the Russian science and, in particular, astronautics are proud of, leaves orbit and falls to Earth, then a tragedy will occur that will take the lives of astronauts.

To prevent a catastrophe, it was decided to send highly qualified specialists into orbit who will be able to detect and eliminate the problem in an incredibly short time. The crew had to dock in space with the object that had lost control. This flight is still considered the most dangerous in the history of astronautics.

To create a film where the characters are in open space for 20 minutes, and zero gravity is filmed twice as long, new conditions were needed. This was the first time in cinematography. The technology for filming zero gravity was developed for this film by the operator S. Astakhov. The film was released in 2017.


The following year, viewers saw Pavel Derevyanko in the comedy “Super Bobrovs”. The actor played one of the main roles. In the Bobrov family, everyone has unique abilities. Fantastic stories happen to them, which in the film are accompanied by a large set of unique special effects.

The film is set in Thailand, where the Bobrovs are hiding from the court. They perform in the circus and demonstrate their abilities. But they do not want such a life and strive to go home …

Personal life of Pavel Derevyanko

It seems that with such an incredible workload in cinema, theater and television, Pavel has no more time for anything. Far from it. His personal life is in full swing.

Pavel Derevyanko: personal life, biography of a theater and film actor

Isn’t it Casanova? 😉

In 2010, he became the father of a beautiful daughter, Varvara, who was presented to him by the common-law wife of a business woman, Daria Myasishcheva. But even the birth of a daughter did not calm the 34-year-old actor.

A few months later, on the Internet, users hotly discussed the actor’s high-profile romance with a young actress Olya Dymskaya. The controversy about this has not yet subsided, and Pavel has another “serious” hobby on the horizon – the model Vera Goppen.

Fans of Pavel Derevyanko do not remain without sensations about the novels of their idol. The model, actress and singer Lena Knyazeva got into the network of the loving hero of cinema. Then she was replaced by an employee of a beauty salon, a master of manicure, Nadezhda Saltanova …

The actor’s list of lovers is truly impressionable. This is the famous TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya …

Pavel Derevyanko: personal life, biography of a theater and film actor

In 2015, the actor returned to Daria and their daughter Sasha was born. Christening took place in the fall. But, alas, it did not work out a quiet haven from the family.

Fans, all also enthusiastically follow the adventures of the actor. What if a free window appears in his personal life? He also does not exclude such a possibility …

The actor’s height is 1,7 m. The sign of the zodiac is Cancer.

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