His element is transformation and reincarnation. An actor of phenomenal talent, he can play everything – a children’s fairy tale, a tragicomedy, and even a telephone book … On May 11, Pavel Derevyanko * plays Tiny Tsakhes in a new play by the Theater. Moscow City Council directed by Nina Chusova. At our request, Pavel leafs through an album with personal photos and comments on the most important.
Pavel Derevyanko 30 years. Winner of the Moscow Debuts festival, the Chaika theater award, and the Triumph youth award. Plays in the performances “Viy” (April 19, 20, A. S. Pushkin Theatre) and “Little Tsakhes” (premiere May 11, Mossovet Theatre). On April 26, Roman Kachanov’s film “Tumbler” is released, in which Pavel has the main role.