Paul Chetyrkin, extreme athlete, participant in the world’s most difficult survival races about vegetarianism

 As for vegetarian nutrition for athletes, first of all I must say that in 15 years it has become a way of life for me, and I no longer pay much attention to it. However, I will not be so arrogant, because it is very important to watch what you eat, at least at the very beginning. 

If you are a student, your choice will most of all depend on whether your institution’s cafeteria has vegetarian options. If not, talk to the head of the dining room and ask them to be included in the menu. Now many universities are committed to healthy eating, so it should not be very difficult to agree. 


The most important thing for a complete diet is VARIETY. Basically, I try to eat a variety of foods to get everything I need. Personally, I really like to find something unusual. I love shopping at Asian grocers because you can definitely find something healthy there, and it’s usually a lot cheaper than the bigger stores. 

I eat tons of leafy greens and just dark green vegetables, either raw or steamed or baked. This is the basis of my diet. This is a healthy and healthy protein – only without cholesterol and other substances of animal origin, which remove some valuable trace elements and nutrients from the body (for example, calcium, which is very important for strength training). To replenish calcium, eat greens, as well as soy, tofu, or sesame seeds. DO NOT Expect to get it from dairy products. It is the worst source of calcium because cow’s milk protein is too acidic for the human body. The acidic protein forces the kidneys to excrete calcium not only from cow’s milk, but also from our bones. Consuming enough calcium is key to bone repair, as is protein intake for muscle tissue after a hard workout. Trust me, when my team prepared for survival races and trained 24 hours a day non-stop (running over 30 miles, 100 miles on a bike, and another 20 miles on a kayak), we always recovered with lightning speed. speed, since veganism is the best diet for the human body. 

Concern about lack of protein is a myth. It is based on simulations done by scientists for the meat and dairy industry. Harry is right – there’s a whole bunch of protein in tofu, beans, lentils, and even vegetables. And always remember this – if it’s not fat or carbohydrate, then it’s protein. So eat plenty of vegetables, they are high in carbohydrates and proteins. And they won’t slow you down like animal food, which is high in cholesterol. 

I look at all this from very different points of view. When it comes to the body and training regimen, it is important to think not only about the content of food (amount of protein, etc.), but also about how it affects you when it is inside. The thing is, the meat is dead, and I’m not trying to scare you. Dead food, that is, meat, causes a strong acid reaction, since immediately after death the animal begins to decompose. Microbes destroy the structure of the tissue, and it is acidified by decay products. When you load yourself with portions of acid food, it’s like telling your body that decomposition is taking place in it, and this gives the wrong signal to the muscles that are being tested for endurance during training. Live foods, on the contrary, cause an alkaline reaction during digestion – which increases efficiency, energizes, heals, etc. Alkaline foods help you recover faster and have more beneficial effects on your body during and after strenuous exercise. Live food – like a green salad with spinach leaves, a piece of tofu marinated in soy sauce, and vegetables seasoned with sesame oil – is much healthier than a large steak. Having alkaline foods on your menu will make you more resilient during physical activity, help you recover your muscles faster, and also prolong youthfulness – that is, you can get to a high athletic level faster and keep it longer. 

I am now 33 and faster, stronger and more resilient than ever before. I also played rugby for 10 years. Being a vegan has helped me a lot in my recovery from the many injuries and fractures I’ve had in matches. 

As I said before, the most important thing in nutrition is variety! If it is difficult to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, you can get by with cooked ones. I eat a lot of canned beans, beans and chickpeas. They can also be added to salads. In addition, fresh live (alkaline) foods – fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains – help to keep fit, as opposed to dead (acidic), heavy and processed foods, such as meats, cheeses, sweets with added sugar, etc. .d. 

I think everyone needs to experiment on their own and figure out what to make up the menu from, depending on taste preferences, financial capabilities and availability of products. So it goes. There is no secret. Eat a varied diet and don’t worry – I don’t take vitamins because I don’t need them. They are found in all vegetables and fruits. 


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