Patriotic education of children: moral, civil
The important task of raising a real citizen from a child cannot be entrusted only to the school. Parents, investing strength in the patriotic education of children, are building their native country.
The role of the family in the patriotic education of preschool children
Children, under the influence of upbringing, receive what allows them to become full members of society. Literary critic Belinsky wrote that upbringing completely decides the fate of a person. It would be correct to add that upbringing decides not only the fate of a person, but also the fate of the whole country.
Patriotic education of children – visiting the Hermitage
Before the kids get to school, where teachers will take care of them, they form their views on life under the influence of their parents. The foundation of character is laid in the preschool years. Parents, who are responsible for the future of their children, give them the correct moral principles, instill a love for Russian traditions and culture.
How to cultivate love for the Motherland
It is important for kids to understand their belonging to the nation, to recognize themselves as a part of the people who have historical roots, special traditions. A sense of nationality is fostered by reading Russian folk tales and books by Russian writers, singing beautiful folk songs, visiting theaters, parks, museums.
Children should realize and love the beauty of their native word, Russian culture and nature. Discussion of impressions and thoughts from excursions, home readings – this is patriotic education.
Respect for public holidays is an important part of civic education. Parents, celebrating these days with their children, can tell them about the events that formed their basis, talk about the history of the holiday. It is useful for kids to get acquainted with the symbols that are included in the state flag and coat of arms, to learn the national anthem.
Moral and civic education in the family
Children are a reflection of their parents, and this applies not only to their appearance. Parental actions and words are necessarily reflected in the behavior of children. Therefore, it is important to form in children the concept of belonging to their home, street, city, country, to establish a sense of responsibility for their homeland.
The awareness of oneself as a part of society leads to a culture of behavior in public places – respect for the cleanliness of native streets, cultural speech without swearing and swear words, observance of traffic rules on the roads.
Children should see how to do the right thing by the example of their parents. Parents are the first world of the child, which forms the basis of his personality, shows the difference between good and evil.
In order for children to grow up to be responsible and caring, real citizens of Russia, adults need to analyze their lives from the point of view of benefits for society, to show an example of love for their homeland.