Dismissal of nurses and doctors, lack of equipment and failure to implement promised investments. The NIK report reveals that many violations occurred in hospitals leased by Centrum Dializa.
Hospitals in Pszczyna, Białogard, Opatów and Łask were in a bad financial situation. Due to debts, they were threatened with closure. The authorities of the poviats to which the centers are subordinated decided to lease them to Centrum Dializa. It was supposed to help out of trouble. However, the audit of the Supreme Audit Office revealed many irregularities.
The decision to carry out inspections in hospitals leased by the Dialysis Center was made after the anesthesiologist died in 2016 at the center in Białogard. The NIK published the report along with the conclusions. It turned out that the company was making savings at the expense of patients and mass layoffs were taking place.
For example, we can learn from the report that in the facility in Pszczyna, only 30 people were allocated to medicines and disposable equipment. zlotys. Patients were forced to bring their own equipment.
In turn, over 150 people from the staff were dismissed in Łask. Moreover, the promised investments have not been realized. The leasing company did not create a dialysis station, did not build a magnetic resonance imaging room, did not purchase such a device and did not create a Hospital Emergency Department.
Moreover, the report shows that deficiencies in all four hospitals have already been demonstrated by inspections carried out by the National Health Fund many times. NIK places some responsibility for this situation on the shoulders of the poviat authorities – they have not ensured that they have the appropriate scope of control over what happens in hospitals after they are leased.
The employees of the Supreme Chamber of Control also pointed out that the provisions do not precisely regulate the principles of renting the property of poviat hospitals. Therefore, they asked the Ministry of Health to take action to clarify these issues so that the situations in which patients and hospital employees lose out on lease do not take place anymore.
Comp. on the basis of Wybcza.pl/TylkoZdrowie