Patient’s rights in the age of medical innovations. The first episode of the podcast “Health in conversation”

What does the Patient Rights Ombudsman do? What kind of complaints do patients turn to him with? We invite you to listen to the first podcast in the series “Health in conversation”. Its guest is the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman – Grzegorz Błażewicz.

The series of podcasts “Health in conversation” is about to start, telling about the technological revolution in medicine. Created by AI coalition in health and Polish Federation of Hospitals and a series of podcasts will be available on the most popular streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple, Google+ and YouTube. The main partner of the podcast is PZU Zdrowie, and they are media partners Medonet, i

The “Health in Conversation” podcast will include 6 episodes talks with medical workers, startups, innovators, patient organizations, public parties and directors of medical facilities on the creation and implementation of innovations in Polish healthcare, with particular emphasis on digital innovations. This will serve to popularize the use of innovative solutions among patients and the general public. During the podcasts, there will also be presentations of specific implementations in the field of AI.

– Innovations in the medical sector are implemented today. The development of new technologies is taking place overnight, revolutionizing the medical world, for example through the increasingly common use of artificial intelligence algorithms. However, there is still a large information gap, which is one of the barriers to technological development. The “Health in conversation” podcast will aim to eliminate this barrier by providing the latest information on implementations in the field of artificial intelligence, increasing trust in algorithms and innovations and showing how they can contribute to improving the patient’s comfort and the doctor’s work – says Ligia Kornowska , Managing Director of the Polish Federation of Hospitals and leader of the AI ​​Coalition in Health.

The thematic issues of the first series of podcasts include medical innovations that take into account the needs and comfort of the final recipients of a given solution – i.e. patients, as well as the implementation of health innovations while ensuring respect for patients’ rights and supporting the diagnostic and therapeutic process based on placing the patient in a medical care center. One of the topics of “Health in conversation” will also be the benefits for the patient from the use of new technologies in medicine.

– Medical innovation is a topic that seems complicated and distant from everyday life, but we do not realize how it is present in patients’ lives. In PZU Zdrowie facilities, we have been implementing and testing solutions of Polish start-ups for a long time, which can improve the work of medical personnel and increase the availability of care, e.g. symptom checker for initial symptom recognition, electronic stethoscope or vein illuminator facilitating blood collection. Our imaging diagnostics laboratories also conducted an extensive pilot of the BrainScan algorithm to facilitate the diagnosis of stroke. I am glad that we can jointly promote the topic of innovation by the AI ​​Coalition and the Polish Hospital Federation and interest it not only for technology enthusiasts, but also for anyone who would like to acquire interesting knowledge about health, says Anna Janiczek, president of PZU Zdrowie.

The first episode of the podcast “Health in conversation” will be broadcast on November 18, 2021, and will be hosted by the Deputy Ombudsman for Patients, Minister Grzegorz Błażewicz.

During the conversation with Minister Grzegorz Błażewicz, topics such as:

  1. The changing role of the Patient Ombudsman’s Office in the context of increasingly bold implementation of new technologies
  2. Complaints submitted by patients to the Office of the Patient Ombudsman
  3. What if the patient does not want to use teleportation and prefers an appointment with a doctor?
  4. Are patients prepared for the implementation of new medical technologies?
  5. Do new medical technologies increase inequalities in access to health care?
  6. The idea of ​​donating medical data as a solution for the so-called “Data poverty” in the context of the implementation of new medical technologies, including artificial intelligence

The Patient’s Rights Ombudsman is a government administration body competent to protect patient rights. The Patient Organization Council operates within the office of the Patient Rights Ombudsman, which associates approximately 105 organizations and performs the opinion-giving and advisory function of the Ombudsman.

– The Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights always supports and supports all initiatives that serve patients and which are to implement the basic postulate of easily accessible, comprehensive and high-quality health services, where all these elements must be combined so that we can talk about satisfaction with treatment . All solutions that contribute to the optimization of the process of providing benefits are worth implementing – he indicates in the podcast Minister Grzegorz Błażewicz.

We invite you to read the entire podcast on November 18, 2021 on popular streaming platforms or at the link:

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