Patient: 6,5 hours waiting for the emergency department for a medical consultation
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– At the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital in Warsaw, I waited 6,5 hours for a medical consultation. Although I explained that I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and at the latest at On the 22nd I have to take insulin, unfortunately no one cares … – 80-year-old patient Hanna Radzikowska told Medexpress.

  1. Mrs. Hanna fell down and, fearing that she might damage the endoprosthesis, she went to the HED to consult a specialist
  2. After more than six hours of waiting, she returned home without consultation. Due to diabetes, she had to take the medications she left at home
  3. Hanna is afraid that she will contract the coronavirus. As he admits, he avoids crowds of people, and when he has to leave the house, he wears a mask

Martyna Chmielewska, Medexpress: The coronavirus epidemic has turned everything upside down. Patients have poorer access to healthcare. What problems did you encounter during the pandemic?

Hanna Radzikowska: I am 80 years old. In September last year, I underwent an endoprosthesis of the right knee. Two weeks ago I fell over. Unfortunately, there were no people around me. I had to count on myself. I managed to get up. I was afraid that my endoprosthesis had broken, so I went to the HED to the Infant Jesus Teaching Hospital in Warsaw. My temperature and heart rate were measured.

Unfortunately, I waited 6,5 hours there for a medical consultation. Although I explained that I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and at the latest at 22 I have to take insulin, nobody cared. I didn’t have any food with me, so after 6,5 hours I gave up waiting for a consultation and returned home. I was very disappointed with this situation.

Before the coronavirus epidemic, did you have a problem in this facility with getting an appointment to the doctor?

Before that, I was treated very well. I was taken care of right away. It’s much harder to get to a doctor during the coronavirus outbreak. Currently, specialists such as diabetologist and endocrinologist have been dismissed. Thyroid ultrasound, cataract surgery was also canceled. On August 6, I was enrolled in a cardiologist. As far as I know, this visit will also be canceled.

What diseases do you suffer from?

Diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, I have problems with the thyroid gland, I have a knee replacement.

Did you have a problem with getting into rehabilitation?

I had problems getting into rehabilitation. I got a referral from a doctor for home rehabilitation because I live on the fourth floor. I waited five months for her. Nobody spoke to me at that time. Finally, I signed up for a stationary rehabilitation. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus epidemic, it was canceled. I was referred for urgent rehabilitation. It turned out that the earliest date is in November. I decided to go to private classes.

What changes should occur in the health care system? What do you expect from the government?

The government is lying when it says that drugs for people aged 75+ are free. I spend a minimum of PLN 500 a month. That’s why it gets upset when I hear that for old people the drugs are free.

What are your biggest concerns about the coronavirus epidemic?

I am afraid that I may get the coronavirus, the more so because I have many comorbidities. I wear a mask. I do not go into large groups of people.

The editorial office also recommends:

  1. Emergency Room or Night Medical Assistance?
  2. When to go to the HED and when to night and holiday health care?
  3. What are patients complaining about during a pandemic? Results of the research of the “My Patients” foundation

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