Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

Anglers know this fish well because it is also called common roach. Roach is considered the most numerous fish, after crucian carp it is natural that is found in our reservoirs. Several hundred tons are caught daily. It is caught in almost all reservoirs on an ordinary float fishing rod. Quite often, fish soup is boiled from roach, although most fishermen cook rams from it, which is why it has earned wide recognition. The average size of the path that comes across the gear of anglers does not differ in large sizes, although roach can grow and weigh up to 2 kg if conditions favor it. Catching such a fish is a pleasure.

Basic information about the path

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

In the regions of Siberia, her name is completely different. Here the path is known as chebak. In fact, it has several names – it is a chebak, roach, roach, roach.

There is a lot of this fish not only here, but also in Europe. There are several types of it, although in appearance it is no different. Its only differences are habitats, as well as its behavior associated with the characteristics of the habitat.

Roach grows very slowly: it takes about 300 years to gain weight within 10 grams. Although larger individuals are also found, they are very rare.

How to distinguish a path from other fish?

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

As a rule, difficulties with determining the type of fish arise only for beginner anglers. Experienced anglers can easily distinguish the path from other fish by the structure of its body and by the coloring and color of the fins. The fish has a somewhat dark back, which may have a blue or green tint, and red fins. The body has small scales that are easy to clean and cast a silvery tint. The eyes are distinguished by the presence of a red rim.

Where is the path found?

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

This fish is found in most reservoirs of Europe, in the reservoirs of Siberia, in the basins of such seas as the Caspian and Aral. It is caught both in large and small rivers, both in large and small ponds. To catch her, you need to know her behavior, to determine her location in a pond or in a river.

Almost all fish prefer to stay in those places that can feed them. The path is no exception. Its traditional places are thickets of aquatic vegetation with a weak current, as well as under the crowns of overhanging trees. These are the places where roach can get their own food.

She also prefers places where a lot of willow grows, so there should be no problems finding her whereabouts, especially, especially recently, each reservoir is characterized by the presence of numerous coastal thickets.

She does not like a fast current, so the best areas for her are the absence of a current or the presence, but a slow current. In addition, she chooses places where you can hide from a predator. In this case, these are areas with a large number of snags or flooded trees. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the fact that there will be hooks and breaks in gear.

What does a weasel eat?

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

The diet of the path includes almost everything that can get into the water or is under water, including vegetation. Like any other fish, the path in the summer can switch to food of plant origin, especially during hot periods. As for spring and autumn, she prefers food of animal origin. And yet, the main food is bugs, worms and other insects.

For example:

  • Mosquitoes.
  • Midge.
  • Grasshoppers.
  • Flies.
  • Caterpillars
  • Larvae of various insects.

Her diet includes crustaceans that are found in the reservoir and other small representatives of the underwater world. In addition, roach eats the seeds of many plants, algae, makuha, etc. To catch a path, it is enough to stock up on worms or bloodworms, or simply dig a caddisfly in the river.

Commercial catch

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

Industrialists became interested in this fish quite recently, and before that it was considered a weedy fish. If she got into the net, then she was thrown out and, she was simply destroyed on a large scale. When the fishing industry began to actively develop, for which raw materials were needed in huge quantities, they also remembered the path. It was harvested in millions of kilograms in order to smoke, pickle or wither. After all, its meat is quite tasty, and the price is public, which made it a very popular fish.

Smoked fish was the most expensive, and salted fish was not at all expensive.

Interesting information about the path

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

Here are some interesting facts about roach:

  • The path is so popular in the world that some countries issue postage stamps with its image.
  • She prefers rivers, where there is a lot of aquatic vegetation. Mostly individuals weighing from 100 to 400 grams come across, although roaches weighing up to 2 kg are often caught in the rivers of the Urals.
  • The path is quite often confused with the rudd, although it can be distinguished by one eye: the roach has a bright red rim.
  • The best period for catching it is the first ice or the period when the ice has just melted.
  • This fish grows very slowly. To gain weight of 1 kilogram, she needs to live at least 20 years.

When and what should you fish for?

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

As a rule, roach is actively caught before spawning and after it, and this is the end of spring – the beginning of summer. She is most active early in the morning or late in the evening. You can catch it both on a regular float rod and on any other tackle, for example, on a feeder.

Roach is also caught with small artificial baits, in the form of flies or small spinners. When a zhor begins in it, it is caught on an artificial small fish. It is quite often caught when not roach is purposefully caught, but bream, for example, etc.

The best season for fishing

Roach is caught almost all year round, but the most active biting can be before spawning or after it, when it is the most hungry and it needs energy for normal life. Large roach can be caught in winter, within deep holes, where it hides from the winter cold.

Gear preparation and selection

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

The most suitable gear for roach fishing are:

  • Floating rod. It should be a sensitive tackle that can respond to any bite.
  • Fly fishing with a fly. This fishing method is designed to catch fish from the surface of the water. Very interesting fishing, although fly fishing should be mastered first.
  • Bottom tackle (feeder). Mandatory presence on the tackle of the feeder, since the track is in constant motion, looking for food for itself.
  • Spinning. At the same time, it is better to use fairly small artificial baits that imitate not only fish, but also various insects.
  • Winter float rod, and a crustacean is used as bait.

Technique of fishing

Catching roach in summer : ODR #5

It is believed that the main tool for catching the path is an ordinary float fishing rod. It is very easy to catch on such tackle, especially since roach leads a flock of life. The main thing is to find a promising place, which may be within the limits of aquatic vegetation or the presence of willow thickets. Fishing will be more effective if you use bait.

Suitable for bait:

  • Dung worms (or others).
  • Bread crumb.
  • Oilcake.
  • Flour.
  • Semolina or other cereal.

Subsequently, a fishing rod with bait is thrown and the line is pulled up a little. This process attracts the attention of the roach, causing it to attack the bait.

Some tips for catching a path

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

  • The roach does not like it when they make noise on the shore.
  • It is desirable to use tackle with an inconspicuous thin fishing line.
  • You should not get carried away with bait: fish should be attracted, but not fed.
  • Carrying out wiring, do not make sudden movements.
  • The roach constantly migrates across the reservoir and can be on any horizon, so it is better to take several types of gear.
  • All items of equipment must be of minimum size so as not to frighten away the fish.

How to catch a bucket of roach with one rod. Float fishing.

Delicious roach recipes

If the path is cooked correctly, then you can get a fairly tasty dish that can decorate any, even a festive table.

Roach baked with cheese

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

For five people you will need the following components:

  • One kilogram of roach.
  • 5-6 pieces of potatoes.
  • One onion.
  • 300-400 grams of sour cream.
  • ½ part lemon.
  • 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Spices to taste.

Stages of preparation:

  1. The fish is cleaned, washed thoroughly and cut into portions.
  2. Chopped pieces are marinated with salt, spices and lemon juice.
  3. While the fish is marinating, the potatoes are cut into rings of medium thickness.
  4. Then, the onion is cut into half rings.
  5. A baking dish is taken and greased with vegetable oil, after which the potatoes are laid out in layers.
  6. Fish is laid out on top of the potatoes, and then onions.
  7. All this is poured with sour cream and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
  8. After that, the fish is removed from the oven and sprinkled with hard chopped cheese, after which it is again sent to the oven for a while so that the cheese melts.
  9. The finished dish is cut into portions, sprinkled with herbs and served at the table.

Path in foil

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

For this dish, you should take a fairly large individual, weighing up to 1 kg.

So what to take:

  • One carcass of fish.
  • Potatoes – 3-4 pieces.
  • One onion.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Greenery.

Cooking method.

  1. The carcass is cut, washed and rubbed with salt and pepper, after which it is poured with lemon juice.
  2. Onions and potatoes are cut into thin rings.
  3. Part of the potatoes is laid out on the foil.
  4. After that, the fish is stuffed with onion and lemon slices and placed on top of the potatoes.
  5. The rest of the potatoes are laid out on top of the fish.
  6. Finally, the dish is drizzled with olive oil and wrapped in foil.
  7. The dish is ready in about 30 minutes. Before serving, be sure to sprinkle with herbs.

Path cutlets

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

To prepare cutlets you will need:

  • 1,5 kilograms of fish.
  • One potato (or 2 tablespoons of flour).
  • One onion.
  • One egg (chicken).
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic.
  • 100 grams of loaf.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Salt.
  • Spice.


How to cook:

  1. The fish is cleaned, washed and disposed of all bones.
  2. All ingredients, except spices, it is desirable to pass through a meat grinder.
  3. The resulting minced meat is thoroughly mixed with the addition of salt and spices.
  4. Small balls roll from minced fish and are wrapped in breadcrumbs.
  5. Cutlets are fried in a well-heated frying pan.

Roach fried

Pathway fish (common roach): when and how to catch, recipes

This is the most common dish. Despite the fact that it is prepared very quickly, it is quite tasty.

For this you need to have:

  • Roach – 4-5 pieces.
  • Flour – 5 tablespoons.
  • Lemon.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper.

Fried roach. Chef’s Secrets. Morning at 5

How to prepare:

The fish is thoroughly cleaned and washed, after which the head and tail are cut off. The path is pickled, with the addition of salt, spices and lemon juice. To do this, you need to take a deep bowl. The fish is left for 10-15 minutes.

After that, the fish is wrapped in flour and lies on a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil before this. The fish is fried until golden brown.

All anglers are happy to catch roach. This is due to the fact that roach is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes. But especially, it is valued dried, among beer lovers. This is due to the fact that it is really very tasty, but, at the same time, very cheap, which means that it is quite affordable for a wide range of lovers to drink beer with dried fish.

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