
A collection of living testimonies in which objective truth is in no way separated from subjective assessments, rumors, gossip and speculation.

The task of this stream of newspaper clippings, letters, memoirs is to create the most realistic, not emasculated, stereoscopic image of one of the main Russian poets of the XNUMXth century. A prominent place in the book is devoted to autobiographical material — Pasternak’s letters and diary entries. Pasternak’s correspondence, mostly about what is going on in his soul and what are the true motives of his actions, has long been published, but in combination with other evidence, it looks new. The book of the philologist Anna Sergeeva-Klyatis is for those who are capable of intuitive reading, who want not only to learn something about Pasternak, but to feel him.

Edited by Elena Shubina, 560 p.

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