Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

Trout is a type of fish that belongs to the salmon family and inhabits fresh water bodies. She prefers reservoirs with very clean and cold water. In the wild, trout is found in mountain lakes, where there is cold and clear water. Moreover, both lake and brook trout are distinguished. The fish is quite cautious, therefore, it is not so easy to catch it. As a rule, luck befalls only experienced anglers who know their business. And yet, catching trout with your own hands is the dream of any angler. It is not for nothing that many of them visit paid reservoirs in order to fulfill their old dream and catch trout, which is also distinguished by very tasty meat. Nowadays, in many regions, trout breeding is practiced in paid reservoirs, so it’s not so difficult to realize a dream.

As a rule, most anglers use spinning rods equipped with artificial lures to catch this valuable fish. Despite this, it is successfully caught with a regular float rod or bottom tackle, using a special paste as a bait.

Trout fishing for pasta

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

Trout fishing on pasta allows you to abandon expensive spinning rods and artificial lures, giving preference to cheaper and more affordable gear. Trout fishing on pasta involves the use of the following rigs:

Equipment for trout fishing on pasta

Floating rod

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

In this case, there are no special requirements for the fishing rod, but it must have the following properties: blank length within 3-4 meters, fishing line with a diameter of 0,2 mm and a length of 50 to 100 meters, to the end of which a leash 0,15 thick is attached -0,18 mm and a length of 30 to 60 centimeters. Hooks will go from #10 to #14, depending on the size of the intended trophy. Any float can be used, depending on fishing conditions. When fishing with a float rod, it is advisable to choose a floating paste.

bottom fishing rod

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

It is especially popular with fishermen, because it allows you to fish at a considerable distance from the coast and at any depth. Nowadays, bottom fishing rods are equipped with a feeder rod or picker, since they are designed for this type of fishing. In extreme cases, you can use a spinning rod: the result will be the same, but the tackle will cost much less. The length of the rod can be in the range of 2,5-3,3 meters, which is equipped with an inertial reel (it can also be inertial, if it is a bottom tackle), on which a fishing line is wound, 0,15-0,25 mm thick with a leash at the end, 0,2 mm. Hooks are selected depending on the size of the intended production. These can be hooks from No. 8 to No. 12. This method of fishing involves the use of sinking paste.


Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

This is a very interesting equipment, which is based on a float with a load, which allows you to cast the bait much further than with a conventional, classic float. The presence of such gear implies its own specifics of fishing: after a long cast, slow posting with pauses is carried out. Moreover, the wiring can be both uniform and not uniform, with a little playing along with the bait. Such a game with bait increases the chances of effective bites. This method of trout fishing involves the use of floating paste.

As mentioned above, there are two types of paste for trout fishing, depending on which type of trout fishing is supposed to be used. For example:

  • A sinking paste that can quickly sink to the bottom and attract trout there. In addition, sinking paste is suitable for fast postings and for fishing with bottom gear (feeder).
  • Floating paste can stay in the water column for a long time, after which it can reach the bottom. It is preferable to use it for catching fish that are on the middle horizon or closer to the surface.

Trout fishing on a paid reservoir for baubles and pasta

Regardless of whether it is a sinking paste or a floating one, the same basic components are included in its composition, which have an important impact on its main characteristics. Here they are:

  • Highly concentrated protein blend.
  • Natural or artificial flavors such as garlic, cheese, fish products or caviar.

Features of the use of paste for trout fishing

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

The use of paste for trout fishing has its own characteristics, where the main factors are weather conditions and the season. It is especially difficult to apply the paste in winter. As a rule, for this you need to have certain skills, experience and dexterity.

With the onset of real cold weather, trout becomes quite picky about food. She has a heightened sense of self-preservation, and she reacts to any noise that alarms her.

In this regard, given such factors, it makes sense to adopt some recommendations. For example:

  1. In cold weather, you should mainly rely on baits with a large capacity of aromatic substances. In addition, it should contain elements that additionally attract trout, for example, sparkles. This is necessary because the activity of fish in general decreases in winter, and trout is no exception.
  2. Even in such conditions, it is difficult to determine where the fish is, because they do not stay in one place, but migrate through the reservoir in search of food. In this case, you will have to catch all the horizons, from the surface to the very bottom.
  3. In case of a bite and a catch of a fish, it is necessary to move on to the next hole, since it is unrealistic to catch two individuals in one hole. She will immediately move away from this hole, sensing danger.
  4. In regions with warm winters, the use of paste does not differ much from other fishing seasons.

At the end of winter, when the ice has already begun to melt, the trout are activated, but it is still not so easy to catch them.

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

The most active biting is observed in the spring, when the snow has already melted. In such conditions, catching trout is possible, but taking into account some factors, such as:

  • The right choice of place for fishing, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir. Fish can be found within rifts where the water is oxygenated but there is no strong current.
  • In the spring, trout prefers food of animal origin. In this regard, it is better to choose a pasta with a fish or shrimp flavor. Such a bait can be more effective than any wobbler.
  • It is better to use slow, even hauling and floating paste, as trout will not chase fast-moving bait in the spring after wintering.

In the summer, biting and activity of trout is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that trout prefers cold water and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, in order to catch trout, it is better to heed these tips:

  1. When fishing in the summer, it is better to give preference to a bombard or bottom tackle to increase the casting distance and try to get trout from the depths. During this period, the trout tries to stay at depth and away from the shore, as well as in the shade of aquatic vegetation or trees.
  2. The best option is to use a sinking paste, because the fish tend to go deeper, especially during very hot periods.
  3. The best fishing periods are morning and evening, when the heat has not yet set in and when the heat has already subsided. It does not make sense to catch trout at night, since during this period there is enough food for it. In other periods, except for morning and evening, it is better not to hunt trout. Although there are periods of cooling even in summer, then you can count on biting trout.

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

With the advent of autumn, the task of catching trout is greatly simplified. This is due to the fact that during this period she goes to spawn. In this regard, she behaves much more actively, and you can catch her anywhere in the reservoir. During this period, she loses her sense of danger and can safely take any bait. Despite this, trout fishing during this period is associated with certain recommendations. For example:

  • It is not recommended to go into the water, as it is easy to damage the laid eggs.
  • Do not fish for trout in sub-zero temperatures, as there is practically no chance of catching trout. During periods of warming, one can observe a significant activation of biting.
  • During this period, any pastes and with any flavor will fit. This is due to the fact that before spawning, trout stocks up on nutrients and takes bait at any depth.

Subtleties in the use of paste

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

According to some statements, the use of paste is unjustified, since the result that the fisherman expects is not obtained. In fact, a negative result when using a paste is a consequence of its incorrect application. This happens quite often when there is no experience in using such a bait.

For fishing to be effective, it is necessary to take into account some points. For example:

  1. Improper storage of the paste when it loses its properties. Trout paste cannot be stored at low temperatures, and even more so in the freezer. After defrosting, she will lose some of her attractive features.
  2. You should never skimp on pasta. When a trout behaves actively and eats intensively, it is able to eat quite a lot of food (up to 2/3 of its own weight). Therefore, the larger the volume of bait, the greater the chance of a bite.
  3. When in contact with water, it can simply fall apart if not prepared for casting. So that it does not fall apart, it should be compacted with your fingers.

If the paste is used as bait, then certain actions and their sequence must be followed. Here they are:

  • As a rule, the paste is one large portion, which will have to be divided into small portions before hooking it.
  • Form each small portion into a ball, slightly larger than a pea (optional). Small balls should not be sculpted, as there will be no end to small fish.
  • It is very important that this ball hides both the tip of the hook and its shank, so it simply cannot be small. Trout is a very cautious fish and at the slightest suspicion of danger simply refuses to take the bait.

Pasta Trout Fishing: Equipment, Techniques and Secrets

Despite a certain degree of distrust of pasta, it should be said that all fears are in vain. The use of paste may be more effective in certain periods. The most important thing is to follow all the written recommendations and advice, then the result will not be long in coming.

The use of paste for trout fishing does not require any special skills, but without skills it is unlikely that you will be able to catch such a cautious fish as trout. Therefore, in order for the use of paste to be effective, it is necessary to constantly improve skills in catching fish and using paste. Fishing is a constant and hard work, especially when you want to catch interesting and tasty fish, such as trout.

Trout paste mold 2

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