American doctors, starting from the analysis of 57 different studies with the participation of 67 thousand people, were able to successfully prove: the enemy of a thin waist is not fat, but carbohydrates! A full account of medical research is available in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. It follows from it that the most effective diet is a low-carb diet.
Unlike bread, pasta, and potatoes, fat should be eaten, but only in limited quantities. The beneficial substances present in it are necessary for the body to work. Let’s go back to research. During them, scientists observed two different groups of respondents. Some ate a low-fat diet. Others are low-carb.
The result of the research was unexpected. The volunteers in the low-carb group had less weight than those who limited their fat intake. A similar result, doctors say, can only indicate one thing: potatoes, pasta and flour product are the culprits for a full waist, and not fats, as previously believed.
Recall that the myth about the dangers of fatty foods is a long-liver. It appeared forty years ago. Fat was attributed to harm to the body and suggested to avoid it. And only now, through the efforts of doctors from the United States, all charges against fat, oil and saturated seafood have been dropped.