Passionate or magical: how to tell about yourself with the help of clothes

“They are greeted by clothes.” It is a fact. But is it possible to stay in the created image without the risk of betraying oneself? What dangers are fraught with someone else’s style for us? Can clothes change our mood and even character?

“You can really “read” a person by clothes: what he does, what his temperament, lifestyle is, says Karina Efimova, an expert on individual style. – As a rule, people choose certain clothes in an effort to express what they already have, or to add what they do not allow themselves in actions. This is especially noticeable in the women’s wardrobe.

Women, regardless of age, can be roughly divided into several types and corresponding styles of clothing. It happens that the external image and internal self-perception correspond to each other. But sometimes we have a disguise in front of us, and a completely different type is hiding under this or that outfit.

What are the dangers of playing on a foreign field and is it possible to expand the boundaries without going beyond the boundaries of one’s true nature?

Seven female images and masks

Dramatic. If a woman considers herself passionate, most likely she will choose this image. It is generally accepted that this style allows the lady to give the impression of self-confident, strong, self-sufficient. If she really is, her image is authentic. It is comfortable for her to be in it, and others perceive her as such. Such women prefer leather, lacquer, sharp corners, spikes, large jewelry, red lipstick, bright colors (including black) and accessories, certainly high heels. In a word, everything that is usually attributed to the sexual image.

It is good if this image corresponds to the internal state of a woman, says Karina Efimova. Then he will only emphasize and strengthen what is inherent in nature. But it happens that a woman chooses this style because she lacks passion. With the help of clothes, she wants to add it, “throwing dust in the eyes.”

“For example, in fact, she is tender and soft and because of this she feels vulnerable. In the “image of herself” she is afraid to go out, and she puts on a dramatic armor. Sooner or later she will start to get tired of him: a double game is always tiring. In addition, when she comes to a meeting or work, she declares herself as strong, and confident, even aggressive actions will be expected from her. She will not be able to fully realize this style, because she is not like that.

In our society, it is not customary to be like that – it is believed that a woman should stand firmly on her feet

Sometimes a strong woman hides behind soft image. This happens when it is not customary in the family and environment to manifest themselves in this way. A woman is forced to choose skirts with frills, trying to appear in a feminine way. Sharp, dynamic, she will get tired in an alien camouflage suit. But in this image, a woman who is often associated with the concept of the Vedic will feel comfortable: feminine forms, flexible lines and elongated silhouettes, a lot of jewelry. The color scheme can be called spring, which reflects life and the birth of something new, an associative array – the sun, flowers, delicate greenery, the sky.

Women are completely different. magical. They seem to be out of this world – guests from outer space. And they feel like aliens. They seem to not always know what they want, it seems, touch them and they will disappear. Their choice is “foggy”, flowing fabrics. Colors – fog, water, dawn, clouds. These are the heroines of films about elven fairies. “In our society, it’s not customary to be like that – it is believed that a woman should stand firmly on her feet, and often such ladies add ground to themselves by choosing a boho style, but then they get lost in the layering,” the stylist explains.

grounded – that’s boho for her just right. This woman is the keeper of the hearth in a cozy wooden house in a field, mountains or forest. She loves to be on the ground, sometimes literally digging into it, planting flowers or weeding beds. Reliable, knows what he wants. Her colors are natural: moss, bark, grassy and berry shades, trees. And the same natural fabrics and materials – linen, cotton, fur. In other clothes, she will feel uncomfortable.

Woman-boy you can immediately recognize by a short haircut, a sporty or masculine style of clothing, a youthful figure. She chooses basic, discreet colors: shades of brown, blue, gray. If the “boy” is mischievous, then he can afford brighter colors.

“There is a lot of masculine energy in such a woman. Either she is trying to pass for her boyfriend, competing with men, or she does not accept her feminine essence. Men’s suits are really more suitable for such women, and they look feminine and sexy in them, despite trousers and a tie. And in a dress they look even more masculine – according to the rule of contrast, ”explains Karina Efimova.

As soon as she puts on a little more flashy clothes, she will not be visible. Clothes will start to sound louder than themselves

У women girls, regardless of age, often high, almost childish voice, large eyes, plump or bow lips – what is called an angelic face. “If you dress her up in adult clothes, it will seem that she took it from her mother.” Caramel, lilac, pink, blue shades are suitable for her.

“These women often come to me with a desire to “grow up” to be treated like adults. Alas, they can change the child’s image, except by doing plastic surgery. And, perhaps, this is the main thing – to accept the fact of your childishness and outward naivety. This often manifests itself in character. But it can be a resource. Such qualities, rare for an adult, as spontaneity, curiosity, desire to play, dispose the interlocutor and give a special charm. You will definitely meet a man who will appreciate them, ”Karina Efimova is convinced.

Gray mouse. Every woman sometimes finds herself in this image, for some reason not choosing any of the previous six images. “Each of us has a period when we want to hide in a mink, to be safe. The gray mouse wants to be invisible, to disappear into the crowd. Maybe she’s depressed, or she’s “pumped” herself so much in personal therapy or training that it doesn’t matter to her what image she is in and what others think of her. Often this style is quite natural and most beneficial for a woman. If in her appearance there are no brightly distinguished features, then she will not be lost in the outfit of a gray mouse. As soon as she puts on a little more flashy clothes, she will not be visible. The clothes will start to sound louder than they are,” explains the stylist.

Look in the mirror and be yourself

“The whole story about styles and compensation, when we try to change our true image with the help of clothes, is actually about the fact that the world does not meet the expectations of a woman, and a woman creates false expectations for the world. Such a double conflict. If you look authentic to your nature, then the world will give us what we need. This is the wisdom of our relationship with him,” says Karina Efimova.

“Of course, this is a dream – to accept yourself and live in harmony with yourself, without misleading anyone. But not everyone succeeds. In each style described, we can bring something that emphasizes and enhances our strengths, and add what is missing, without invading someone else’s territory.

For example, a magical woman can “ground” herself and appear more resilient and strong if she maintains elongated silhouettes and flowing patterns, but chooses a slightly denser fabric. The black belt will “pick up” a little of her foggy image.

“It is important to see yourself as if from the outside. Stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine your face and body. Write down what you see, without judgment. Large or almond-shaped eyes, color – green or blue, sharp or rounded cheekbones, straight or hooked nose … ”The list will become a description of an individual style: everything that we saw in appearance can be searched and selected in clothes.

About expert

Karina Efimova — stylist, image consultant, individual style expert. Read more at page.

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