Partner Size and postures, the two star questions in sex inquiries
Both their own and their partner’s sexual satisfaction is one of the common concerns of people who go to a professional to solve their doubts about sexuality

Is the penis size in sexual satisfaction? To what extent do sexual positions influence orgasm? These two questions are some of the most frequent in the consultations of sexologists, urologists and psychologists. Despite the fact that the experts never tire of repeating that, in sexual matters, each person is unique and that there are no magic or general formulas, the truth is that we continue to be determined to know everything that helps to enjoy sex more.
As Dr. Nicola Tartaglia, urologist, andrologist, and sexual health expert explains, we actually all have a list of “preferred sexual positions.” In fact, that concept of “Preferred posture” Not only does it refer to the one that reports greater genital pleasure, as he clarifies, but it is also the one in which a person feels more comfortable physically and emotionally. However, it is true that some positions favor female or male genital pleasure, depending on the anatomy.
Favorable positions for them and them
What postures favor the pleasure of women? Clitoral stimulation is easier, Dr. Tartaglia explains, when the woman is on top of the man and in front of him (Andromache’s position). “This gives the woman control of the act and favors the rubbing of the clitoris with the man’s pubis, in addition to the fact that the man can stimulate the clitoris and breasts with his hands,” he explains. It is the favorite position for women, but the same cannot be said in the case of men because although the penetration is deep in this type of position, it is a relatively static action, which makes it more satisfactory for her than for him.
The position known as «the griddle“, Where the woman lies face down and the man stretched out on her, is one of those that facilitates male genital pleasure due to the control that he can exert over the rhythm, intensity and depth of penetration.
Size matters, doesn’t it?
Dr. Tartaglia says that patients often come to his office who are not satisfied with the dimensions of the penis. However, the doctor explains that, in most cases, they are men with a normal limb and that they simply need correct information.
In relation to size, the expert explains that, if we talk about ability to fertilizeIt is important to consider that the vaginal cavity measures an average of 10 cm in length, so a penis of about 8 centimeters is more than enough for the semen to reach the level of the cervix during ejaculation.
If we talk about sexual pleasure, the dimensions count even less because, as indicated by Dr. Tartaglia, several studies reveal that the majority of women without a partner express the desire that the member of their next sexual partner be large, almost all women with stable relationship they are satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. This indicates, as the expert analyzes, that men and women give penis size an importance that it does not have and that real sexual satisfaction is not influenced by the value given to the dimensions due to our cultural background or false myths .
What the doctor does clarify on this point is that there is a pathological condition called «micropene» (2 to 5 centimeters in erection) that has to do with a problem of structural development of the penis and that can influence when it comes to satisfying the partner. But only in the case of penetration because, as the expert in sexual health recalls, “sexuality is not only penetration and a couple in tune can find pleasure and connection even if this pathology exists.”