Parsnip vegetable: growing
Parsnip is a vegetable rich in nutrients, including B vitamins. Due to this property, it is used for food and as infusions for general malaise and loss of strength. The root of the plant is suitable for these purposes. It also contains digestible carbohydrates and carotene.
It is a biennial plant. In the first year, the root is formed, in the second, it gives flowers in July or August and forms seeds. During this period, you can collect your material for sowing. The seeds are large, but have a drawback – poor germination, and they are also poorly stored.
Parsnip is a vegetable for making soups and salads
The most famous are 2 varieties of parsnip – “Long” and “Round”. They are so named for the shape of the root.
Roots resemble carrots in shape and taste. They have a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma. They are used for making salads, soups, they can be stewed with other vegetables. Also, the fruits are suitable for drying, they are crushed and used as a seasoning. Dishes with it become richer and richer. It is also used in the industrial production of products: this vegetable is an indispensable ingredient in many canned food.
In order for the planted seeds to take root and give a good harvest, you need to apply the following recommendations in caring for the plant:
- Light soil, well plowed, is suitable for this crop;
- We plant seeds in furrows at a distance of 10 cm from each other. There are large-fruited varieties such as “Russian Size” and “Culinary”. We leave 20 cm between them;
- The optimum depth is 2 cm. They will germinate for a long time, about 20 days. But you can not be afraid of spring frosts – the plant tolerates them well;
- The seeds are able to germinate already at a temperature of + 3 ° C. Therefore, they need to be planted in early spring, when the snow has just melted and the soil has retained moisture;
- If the seedlings still did not appear (sometimes this happens), you can plant the plant later. Before this, the seeds must be soaked for 3 days in water;
- The main care measures are soil loosening and thinning;
- In drought, infrequent but abundant watering is required. If it rains regularly, watering is not necessary at all – excessive moisture harms the plant.
Prevention and treatment with drugs is not required, parsnips are not affected by pests and diseases. We harvest in the fall, after all other root crops, in dry weather. Store in a cool, dark place. You can store vegetables in the basement, provided it is dry. It is good to sprinkle the fruits with sand.