Parsnip vegetable: description, distribution, composition, calorie content, benefits and harms + use in cooking and medicine

Parsnip vegetable has an unusual taste and pleasant aroma. It is rich in useful properties, so it is used in cosmetology, traditional medicine and cooking. However, parsnip has not only advantages, but also contraindications. From the article you will learn how to properly use this vegetable, and why it is harmful.

What does parsnip look like and where does it grow?

This herb has a straight stem with thin branched branches. The leaves are large, and the flowers form yellow umbrellas. After ripening, the fruit is divided into two parts, each of which has a greenish achene.

Parsnip vegetable is rich in beneficial properties

The parsnip root looks like a carrot, and its diameter reaches 20 cm. The taste is sweet, with a nutty flavor. The plant was first seen in the Caucasus. It is unpretentious in cultivation, any soil will do. The main rule is to dig up and loosen the soil before planting.

Video “What is the use of parsnips”

In this video, experts will talk about the beneficial properties of parsnips.

Live healthy! Parsnip is a close relative of carrots. (01.11.2016)

Chemical composition and calorific value

The composition of parsnip includes various minerals, acids and vitamins. The plant is rich in potassium, starch, proteins, fiber and oils. As for trace elements, the plant contains sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Parsnip is a storehouse of vitamin B – it includes the entire group of this substance. In addition, the vegetable is rich in vitamin C and carotene.

The vegetable is perfect for losing weight, since there are only 100 kcal per 70 g.

Useful properties of vegetables

Due to the high content of silicon, the vegetable has a positive effect on nails and bones. Chlorine and phosphorus are beneficial in respiratory diseases, and potassium improves brain activity.

The use of parsnips in cooking

Due to the beneficial properties of the plant, it has found its application in the culinary field. The vegetable can be used in soups, salads and sauces. Moreover, not only the root crop is suitable for food, but also the tops.

Procurement and storage

Dig up a vegetable at the end of September. This must be done before the first frost. If it is stored in a refrigerator or cellar, the shelf life can be extended up to a month. 

How to cook

The root is used in different ways, depending on the dish. For salad, it is rubbed raw, and mashed from the boiled root crop. You can root and stew, cook on the grill. But before frying it is dipped in sunflower oil.

The vegetable is also eaten whole, but be careful as it is bitter. In order to add flavor to the soup, the plant is placed in a saucepan, boiled, and after a while they are taken out. In South American countries, a fried vegetable dish is traditional for some holidays. And parsnip seasoning will add a special flavor to any food.

How to use parsnip in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the plant is used in the fight against cellulite, acne, and skin inflammation. It has a herb and a rejuvenating effect, so it is added to the composition of creams. In order to whiten and nourish the skin, you can prepare a healthy mask. To do this, chop the root of the vegetable, add one chicken yolk and a spoonful of honey. Apply the resulting mixture on a clean face and wash off after 20 minutes.

If you want to get rid of skin inflammations, grind the root of the plant, mix it with honey, sunflower oil and lemon balm leaves.

Author’s advice

Recipes for use in traditional medicine

This fruit is often used by folk healers. And this is not surprising, because the plant is rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it helps in the treatment of various ailments.

Parsnip vegetable: description, distribution, composition, calorie content, benefits and harms + use in cooking and medicine
Parsnip is used in folk medicine

parsnip juice

The juice from the leaves of the grass has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, improves digestion and appetite, and has expectorant and analgesic effects. Such a drink is given for diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach. In addition, the juice reduces swelling of the skin, as it removes excess water from the body.

Juice is consumed before meals, pre-mixed with honey.

Leaf tea

In order to make tea from this plant, you must first dry its leaves. Mix them with mint and linden. Ready tea is diluted with boiling water and drunk with honey. It has a calming and analgesic effect.

Decoction of leaves

Such a drink has a positive effect on the work of the genitourinary system, and also removes stones from the kidneys. To prepare, you need to pour a spoonful of dried leaves with water, and then boil over low heat for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered, then insisted throughout the day. It is drunk in a tablespoon three times a day.

Parsnip vegetable: description, distribution, composition, calorie content, benefits and harms + use in cooking and medicine
Medicinal decoction is made from parsnip leaves

Decoction of roots

This drink helps to get rid of coughs and colds. To prepare it, the root is rubbed on a grater, and then poured with boiling water. You can put sugar or honey in the broth. It should be consumed three times a day before meals for a tablespoon.

Parsnip infusion

To prepare the infusion, you need to finely chop the rhizome of the fruit. Tamp it in a small bowl, and then fill it with vodka so that the fruit is completely immersed in liquid. Until fully prepared, the tincture should stand for a month. Store it in a dark place, shake occasionally.

Harm and contraindications to use

Despite the beneficial composition, the plant can harm the body. In order to avoid this, you should not use it with the following contraindications:

  • thin light skin (fraught with pigmentation);
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • allergy;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • lactation.

As you can see, parsnip has found its application in various fields. You can strengthen the body if you add it to food, and you can improve the appearance if you use it in cosmetic procedures. But do not forget about contraindications that can negate your best expectations.

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