Parsley: useful and medicinal properties. Video

Parsley: useful and medicinal properties. Video

Parsley is a biennial garden herb that belongs to the umbrella family. In cooking, parsley is prized as a spicy condiment. This plant is also used in folk medicine.

Parsley: useful and medicinal properties

The use of garden parsley in cooking

All parts of the parsley are used in cooking. This plant not only adds aroma and flavor to dishes, it also enriches them with vitamins and minerals.

The greens of the plant have a pleasant sweet-spicy taste with a slight bitterness. It is used fresh and dried. Fresh parsley is added to vegetable salads. It goes well with fish, offal, meat, eggs and cereals. It is used to flavor sauces and gravies. Fresh parsley is used to decorate roasts, jellied fish, meat and vegetable cuts.

Fresh parsley is added to hot dishes 10 minutes before cooking

Dried and fresh parsley leaves are used in the preparation of canned fish, vegetables and meat. They are added to soups, goulash, porridge, ketchup.

The seeds of the plant are used whole and crushed in home canning of vegetables.

Parsley root is added to food dried and fresh. Usually it is put into dishes at the beginning of cooking.

The use of parsley in traditional medicine

Parsley is valued in folk medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, analgesic and general tonic. The plant is used to treat gout and polyarthritis, as it promotes the elimination of uric acid and excess salts from the body.

Since parsley contains a large amount of vitamin C, it is used for vitamin deficiency and loss of strength

Fresh parsley juice is useful for diseases of the bladder, it dissolves stones and reduces inflammation. It is useful to use parsley for gastritis with low acidity, liver and gallbladder diseases, atherosclerosis.

Parsley root decoction is used to treat eye diseases. Compresses are made from it on the eyelids and the eyes are washed with it. From parsley, a remedy is prepared that improves tissue regeneration in case of wounds, ulcers, burns. Gruel from it is applied to bee and mosquito bites, abscesses.

Dull hair will become shiny if rinsed with parsley infusion after washing. To prepare it, pour a bunch of greens with a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour

Due to its beneficial properties, parsley is used as a cosmetic product. Greens are added to masks to whiten skin from freckles and age spots. Lotions and compresses are made from it to relieve swelling from the face and eyelids. Parsley juice can be used to treat inflamed skin and is also used against hair loss.

Mask recipe for oily skin

To prepare a mask for oily skin, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Pour the oatmeal with warm water and lemon juice, when swollen, combine with the parsley.

Mix the ingredients well, if the mixture is very thick, add a little more water

Apply the mask to clean skin and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

Also interesting to read: cholecystitis.

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