Parsley seeds

In the post-Soviet space, parsley is added everywhere: salads, soups, main dishes are decorated with it, lush green stems are even laid out on store shelves in order to attract customers with external aesthetic forms. But does the same glory go to the seeds of parsley? Most often they are thrown away or used to make decoctions and medicines from the field of traditional medicine.

How effective are the seeds of parsley, is there any point in growing them, and how does traditional medicine relate to such a plant ingredient?

Botanical description of the plant

Mankind eats Petroselinum crispum – curly parsley / curly. This is the most famous and widespread species of the genus Parsley, family Umbelliferae. Only the leaves of the plant are eaten, while the stem and seeds are fed to livestock or scrapped. The leaves are used both fresh and dried as a condiment.

The plant belongs to the Mediterranean species. Parsley grows wild on the Mediterranean coast. Widespread cultivation began only in the XNUMXth century – at this time cultural forms and new varieties appeared.

Biennial plant reaches from 30 to 100 centimeters in height. Parsley has a thickened spindle-shaped root, which shallowly lies in the soil. The stem is erect, many small branches depart from it, on which leaves and seeds grow. Triangular feathery leaves are painted in a dark green shade, the surface is shiny.

The parsley flowering period is from June to July. Lush greenish-yellow flowers are formed, which are dotted with oblong-ovate fruits. These are parsley seeds. Fruits are egg-shaped two-seedlings that are slightly flattened on the sides. Their surface is smooth, shiny, painted in a gray-green shade. Usually they are thrown away, given to feed for livestock or used in traditional medicine. Seeds are not consumed, although their taste and chemical composition are almost identical to ripe leaves. The taste of the seeds is more spicy and gives a bright bitter notes.

Chemical composition of seeds

Parsley seeds contain essential oil, furocoumarin bergapten and flavone glycosidapine. More than 20% fatty oil is concentrated in them:

  • 76% petrozelinic acid;
  • 15% oleic acid;
  • 18% linoleic acid;
  • 3% palmitic acid.

The vitamin composition of the plant surpasses many fruits and vegetables. Parsley contains up to 0,2% ascorbic acid (vitamin C), up to 0,01% thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), retinol (vitamin A). Among the mineral salts are iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), as well as pectins, flavonoids, phytoncides, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

All parts of parsley have a pleasant spicy flavor palette – this is due to the high concentration of essential oil. Seeds contain from 2 to 7% oils, fresh parsley leaves – from 0,016 to 0,3%, dried roots (spice) – up to 0,08%. The essential oil contained in the plant is a fluid liquid. It is colored yellow-green. The main component of the liquid is apiol. It is also called parsley camphor.

Use of the plant component

Parsley seeds are not used in cosmetology, pharmacology and the gastronomic industry. The only scope is folk alternative medicine. You can independently decide the need (or lack thereof) for the use of a herbal ingredient, but it is better to consult with a specialized doctor beforehand.

For the treatment of internal pathologies of the body

Parsley seeds, like the stem / leaves / root, have diuretic properties and slightly increase the excretion of salt from the human body. It should be noted that the result is achieved only with prolonged abundant use of spices. Similar properties are provided by two component components – apiol and myristicin.

The diuretic properties of parsley used to be actively used in traditional medicine. Most often, seeds treated diseases of the kidneys and the heart (for example, in cardiac edema).

The plant component was also used for:

  • urolithiasis;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • smooth muscle spasms;
  • disorders of the digestive system and metabolic disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • problems with intestinal functionality;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • diseases and reduced functionality of the organs of vision;
  • liver pathologies.

Now, instead of broths and dried inflorescences, certified medicines have come in, which act faster and more efficiently.

Parsley seeds occupy a special place in homeopathic medicine. Home-made herbal remedies were taken in case of failures of the menstrual cycle, problems with reproductive function, diseases of the urinary system. For example, it was common to prepare a combined medicinal decoction for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Parsley seeds are useful not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for personal hygiene. A handful of seeds were chewed to prevent an unpleasant smell from the mouth and replace this procedure with brushing your teeth. Dense seeds additionally cleaned the tooth (if chewed for a long time), but could not cope with cleaning the enamel due to the smooth surface and small size. With the help of seeds, inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane, gums and tongue were removed, and the oral cavity was additionally protected from harmful bacteria.

To improve the condition of hair

Parsley seeds took part in the formation of modern trichology. The seeds were ground into a fine powder, and then rubbed into the scalp. Such a “dry shampoo” rid the hair of lice, healed the bites of mosquitoes, bees, wasps and other insects. Moreover, crushed parsley seeds have been used against baldness. They prepared special decoctions, pomace or simply applied dry. Such manipulations did not give a special result – the length and number of hairs are laid down at the genetic level, so no herbal / chemical agents simply can affect the structure of the follicle.

For sun protection

The first spf filters were prepared from a decoction of the roots and lemon juice. The mixture was applied during the day to the entire face and body to protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, even out the tone, get rid of age spots, freckles and acne. The effectiveness of such sun protection turned out to be zero – ultraviolet still penetrated under the plant mask and damaged epithelial cells.

To get rid of acne or age spots – consult a dermatologist. The doctor will select the optimal medicines/procedures that will effectively and carefully restore the skin. It is also best to consult a dermatologist for choosing a sunscreen or, by trial and error, find the spf yourself.

To comply with ayurvedic recommendations

Ayurveda is one of the varieties of alternative medicine. This is a branch of the Hindu philosophical system. According to the principles of Ayurveda, a person’s health depends not only on regular medical examinations, but also on everything that surrounds him – family, career, sports, nutrition, relatives and friends. Only a conscious and harmonious attitude to all spheres of life can testify to the absolute health of a person.

One of the rules of Ayurveda is to add more spices to the diet. It is believed that dry herbs and seeds bring a special spirituality and involvement into the cooking process. Moreover, spices and seeds really improve not only the taste of the dish, but its benefits and nutritional value. In Ayurveda, herbal ingredients are treated with special reverence – they are used as a daily dose of a strong medicine. It is believed that our ancestors instinctively chose spices, herbs and seeds, and we can independently decide what to saturate the body with each subsequent meal.

Parsley seeds and its fresh green leaves are special Ayurvedic spices, also on this list:

  • vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, mint, nutmeg;
  • basil, bay leaf, parsley, rosemary, thyme, oregano, dill;
  • garam, masala, curry, asafoetida, mustard;
  • black pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika;
  • turmeric, ground ginger, garlic powder, coriander, fennel, caraway seeds, fenugreek.

How to grow parsley at home

Parsley is a great houseplant option. It can be used not only for salads, but also to complement the decor. Moreover, the composition of the plant includes essential oils, which have a calming effect. Houseplants help to resist diseases and maintain the quality functionality of the body. So why not combine business with pleasure?

By planting only a few parsley seeds, you will get access to organic spices simply from the comfort of your home. You will be able to fully control the process of cultivation and will be sure that there are definitely no chemicals in the parsley, harmful fertilizers and other achievements of the agronomic industry.

The undeniable advantage of parsley is the lack of special care. The plant is suitable for normal room temperature, it can be watered only a few times a week. The main thing is to provide the plant with an abundance of moisture and sunlight. This is necessary for the production of essential oils, which means greater benefit and taste of the finished product.

In 1989, NASA proved that houseplants use toxins. What does this give a person? Eliminate dry skin, increase the protective functions of the immune system and improve mood.

Everything you need to grow parsley:

  • free window sill on the sunny side of the house / apartment;
  • pot (you can use both plastic and clay);
  • priming;
  • seeds.

It is best to choose a small pot (up to 3 liters) with an additional hole for draining the liquid, and put the pot on a pallet. This option is most convenient for beginners and those who do not want to spend a lot of time setting up the system. Fill the pot with soil. It is sold in any specialized agricultural store. If you are lost between varieties of soil, consult a consultant.

In order for the plant to successfully take root, place a small amount of drainage on the bottom of the pot – 1-2 centimeters. Pour soil over the drainage, and then seeds. Place the seeds at a depth of about 1 centimeter.

Before planting, parsley seeds are best wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth and dipped in liquid for the day’s 2-3. This will trigger the biological processes inside the grain and help the plant grow faster.

Do not forget to prepare a special vessel in which the water will settle, since it is better not to water houseplants with liquid from the tap. During cultivation, special vitamins and supplements may be needed – you can read more about them on specialized sites or check with a sales assistant in the store.

How to prepare parsley seeds

It is best to create gastronomic novelties or prepare medicines from ripened seeds. Harvest in late summer to be sure of the quality and maturity of the plant. The most convenient way is to cut the entire parsley inflorescence and dry it. Wide flowers are collected in small bunches, after which they are hung in a dark, well-ventilated place (the main thing is not in the sun). You can determine the readiness of the seeds by their appearance – the inflorescences will become completely lifeless, dry and change color from green to white-brown. This is due to the cessation of photosynthesis and the gradual slowdown of all biological processes inside the parsley.

The dried inflorescences need to be shaken slightly – the seeds will fall down on their own. Place the finished seeds in a glass container with thick walls, close it tightly and place in a cool dark place. The shelf life of the product is no more than 2 years.

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