- What does parsley root look like?
- The chemical composition and calorie content of parsley root
- The benefits of parsley root for the human body
- The use of parsley root for medicinal purposes
- The use of parsley root in cosmetology
- How to use parsley root in cooking
- Harm of parsley root and contraindications
- Conclusion
Parsley root is a useful product that has value in medicine and cosmetology. In order for raw materials to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to study the rules for its use.
What does parsley root look like?
Unlike leaf parsley, root parsley has a developed underground root crop that resembles celery or carrots. Its shape is cylindrical with a pointed end, the color of the skin is whitish or yellowish. On the cut, the root is light.
The chemical composition and calorie content of parsley root
The use of root parsley for medicinal purposes is due to the numerous beneficial substances in its composition. In particular, the product contains:
- vitamins of group B;
- flavonoids and essential oils;
- manganese and potassium;
- tannins;
- cellulose;
- selenium and phosphorus;
- ascorbic acid;
- vitamins A and P;
- organic acids;
- iron and molybdenum;
- tocopherol;
- vitamins PP and K;
- calcium, sodium and magnesium;
- folic acid.
The energy value of the product is small – 100 g contains about 50 calories. Carbohydrates occupy about 10,1 g, another 1,5 g and 0,6 g each account for proteins and fats.

Parsley root lowers blood pressure and is useful for hypertensive patients
The benefits of parsley root for the human body
Parsley root treats numerous ailments and generally has a very positive effect on human health. In particular:
- cleanses the liver and normalizes its work;
- improves the flow of bile;
- lowers blood sugar levels;
- accelerates digestive processes;
- fights inflammation of the oral cavity;
- improves vision;
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes the functioning of the urinary system;
- helps fight swelling;
- improves the condition of the skin and hair.
You can take funds based on rhizomes to improve the cardiovascular system. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis and protect against heart attacks and strokes, improve blood quality and lower cholesterol levels.
Medicinal properties of parsley root for women
Vitamins in parsley root make the product very useful for the female body. With regular use, raw materials help to normalize the menstrual cycle and facilitate menopause, improve libido and increase the ability to conceive. With the help of the root, uterine bleeding can be stopped, and the product is also used for cosmetic purposes for facial skin care.
Decoctions and infusions of the plant are recommended for use on a diet. Parsley has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, helps to cleanse the body of toxins. If you maintain physical activity and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, the plant will speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds.
Medicinal properties of parsley root for men
The medicinal properties of parsley root for men affect mainly the reproductive sphere. The product increases testosterone levels and stimulates sexual desire, protects the prostate gland from inflammation. It is useful to take root infusions during the planning period of the child. The plant has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system as a whole and improves the quality of the seminal fluid, thereby contributing to a healthy conception.
The root can also be used to treat a hangover. Means based on raw materials quickly relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.
The use of parsley root for medicinal purposes
The health benefits and harms of parsley root are of great interest to traditional medicine. There are many recipes for medicines based on raw materials.
Infusion for the stomach
Infusion on the root of parsley improves the production of digestive enzymes and promotes rapid absorption of food. You can prepare a drink according to the following algorithm:
- Parsley roots in the amount of 40 g are peeled and washed.
- Raw materials are cut or ground on a grater.
- Pour the resulting mass with boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour.
- Strain off the sediment.
You need to drink the remedy 80 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

Parsley roots prevent flatulence and eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the stomach
Parsley root for prostatitis
The anti-inflammatory properties of parsley are used for prostate diseases in men. A multicomponent infusion with the addition of medicinal plants has a good effect. Prepare it like this:
- Parsley root is mixed in equal proportions with motherwort, goldenrod and asparagus.
- Add the same amount of wheatgrass root and poplar buds.
- Measure 150 g of the drug collection and pour 750 ml of hot water.
- In a thermos or in another closed container insist for 12 hours.
The filtered drink is taken up to six times a day, 30 ml each. In total, it is necessary to continue treatment for a month.
How to Brew Parsley Root for Kidney Treatment
Parsley root can be used for chronic kidney disease. Traditional medicine recommends using the following decoction:
- Greens and parsley rhizome are crushed in a volume of 50 g.
- Pour 500 ml of hot liquid and heat to a boil in a water bath.
- Remove the broth from the stove and leave in a thermos for eight hours.
- Strain and add a few drops of lemon juice.
You need to use the remedy 30 ml three times a day. The decoction has a good diuretic effect and helps relieve inflammation.
parsley root for ascites
You can use parsley root for medicinal purposes with ascites – a pathological accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. For therapy, it is recommended to prepare a healing decoction:
- 250 g of plant greens are mixed with one large chopped root.
- Pour the ingredients into 1 liter of milk.
- In a water bath, simmer the remedy for half an hour.
- Over time, the decoction is filtered from the sediment at the bottom.
The drug must be taken 100 ml three times a day. Best of all, the decoction is absorbed on an empty stomach.

A decoction of the root and parsley not only removes excess fluid, but also cleanses the liver of toxins
Decoction for edema
The diuretic properties of parsley have a good effect on puffiness, help get rid of heaviness in the legs and tighten the oval of the face. The remedy is done like this:
- The rhizome of the plant is crushed in a volume of 55 g.
- Pour medicinal raw materials with 500 ml of hot liquid.
- Bring to a boil on the stove and boil for seven minutes.
- After the time has elapsed, remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes under a tight lid.
- Strain through gauze.
Take a useful decoction of 100 ml three times a day in between meals.
Tea for urolithiasis
The properties of root parsley help to remove small stones from the kidneys and bladder. Traditional medicine advises to prepare the following tea:
- The dry root of the plant is ground to a powder state.
- About two large spoons of raw materials are poured into 250 ml of hot water.
- Leave the solution under the lid for 40 minutes.
- After the expiration of the filter.
Ready parsley tea is taken in half a glass three times a day. In total, treatment should be continued for two months.

Taking tea from parsley rhizomes is allowed only with small stones in the bladder and kidneys
Drink for cystitis
Parsley root is useful for inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, in particular, for cystitis in women. On the basis of raw materials, such a tool is prepared:
- About two large spoons of crushed dry root pour 500 ml of boiling water.
- Under the lid or in a thermos, the raw materials are kept for 15 minutes.
- Filter the infusion from sediment.
You need to take the drug 150 ml three times a day shortly before meals.
Infusion for menstrual irregularities
You can use root parsley in case of cycle failures and heavy menstruation. An infusion has a good effect, but they do it like this:
- Pour 250 ml of water about three large spoons of chopped root.
- Boil parsley over low heat for 15 minutes.
- Remove from stove and cool.
- Strain off the sediment.
The drug is taken 30 ml three times a day. It is necessary to use the infusion as needed during menstruation or in the intervals between them in case of cycle failures.
The use of parsley root in cosmetology
Useful properties and contraindications of parsley root are valued not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetology field. Vegetable raw materials are used for facial skin care and to strengthen weakened curls.
Mask for the face
A root-based mask has good cleansing and whitening properties. It can be used with excessive skin pigmentation, with frequent inflammation and acne. Prepare the remedy like this:
- The fresh root is finely chopped with a sharp knife or ground to a powder.
- A large spoonful of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and covered with a lid.
- Leave for 2-3 hours until completely cooled.
- Strain off the sediment.
In the resulting infusion, a small piece of clean cotton cloth is moistened and applied to the face for 15 minutes. To increase the whitening properties of the mask, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to its composition.

A parsley root mask helps to regulate the sebaceous glands in case of oily skin.
Hair infusion
Parsley for hair is used for oily and dull curls, as well as to get rid of dandruff. On the basis of useful raw materials, such an infusion is prepared:
- The root of the plant is crushed in an amount of 50 g.
- Pour the resulting slurry with 1 liter of hot water.
- Cover the container with a lid and leave for about 15 minutes.
- Strain through cheesecloth to remove sediment.
The resulting warm infusion is used to rinse the curls after normal washing. After that, the hair is gently wrung out and dried without using a hair dryer.
How to use parsley root in cooking
Parsley root can be used in cooking in a variety of ways. Most often, raw materials are added:
- in stewed vegetable and meat dishes;
- in fruit salads;
- to fish and potatoes;
- to mushrooms.
The taste of parsley root is quite pleasant, with nutty notes and a spicy aroma. The product goes well with cheeses and butter, apples and almonds. You can add fresh or dry root crops to main dishes and soups, to cereals and side dishes. Parsley is added to the soup shortly before the end of cooking, so that it has time to soften, but fully retains its taste and aroma.

Parsley root can be used in place of the plant’s greens or as a substitute for celery
Harm of parsley root and contraindications
The benefits and harms of root parsley are not the same for everyone – the product can have a negative effect on the body. It is not recommended to use decoctions and infusions based on raw materials:
- with individual intolerance;
- with epilepsy;
- in violation of calcium metabolism;
- with acute inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
- with violations of the outflow of bile;
- with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- in pancreatitis;
- in the kidneys and glomerulonephritis.
It is impossible to take decoctions and infusions of the plant root simultaneously with the use of preparations containing lithium. It is not recommended to use parsley home remedies for large stones in the urinary system. Infusions based on the root can lead to the movement of stones, which will provoke severe pain and inflammation.
Parsley root is a useful product that is used in cooking and has medicinal value. Means based on it are used mainly for digestive disorders and to get rid of edema.