According to nutritionists, freshly squeezed vegetable juices are much healthier and more valuable than fruit juices. However, there is a drink that, in terms of its medicinal properties, is significantly ahead of even fresh vegetable juices.
Since ancient times, parsley juice has been considered a real elixir of life, which relieves a huge number of ailments, helps restore strength, and promotes longevity. Even in the time of Hippocrates, it was used as a treatment for various inflammatory diseases, as well as a panacea for male insolvency in the intimate sphere. In ancient Egypt, he was considered the blood of the god Horus, which he shed while fighting enemies for his father, Osiris. And in the Middle Ages, this plant and juice from it were endowed with magical properties – up to the healing of mortal wounds and the ability to cause evil spirits.
Modern nutritionists no longer consider parsley as a means of inviting the devil to a rendezvous, but they are unanimous in their opinion – the juice from this plant is endowed with simply incredible biological activity.
Calorie and chemical composition
The energy value of the product is 49 kcal per 100 g of the product. The composition of nutrients is as follows – 3,6 g of protein, 0,4 g of fat and 7,6 g of carbohydrates.
The chemical composition of the drink includes a wide range of useful substances: vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements. Thus, vitamin A is an effective antioxidant that slows down aging and is involved in the process of protein synthesis. Vitamin K helps the body absorb calcium, which is necessary for bone tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis. Folates prevent the development of anemia, are responsible for the condition of nails and hair. Choline is one of the components of lecithin, which is responsible for the structure and regenerative properties of cells, and also participates in the synthesis of insulin, helping to prevent the development of diabetes. In addition, its deficiency can provoke such a serious problem as fatty liver.
Parsley juice is a source of selenium, which stimulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones, as well as phosphorus, which is responsible for mental activity and takes part in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Manganese, present in the composition of this product, acts as an activator of many enzymes, helps to maintain the level of insulin in the blood at the required level. It is also responsible for the functions and regeneration of connective tissue.
Vitamin composition
Vitamin A | 8425 ME |
Vitamin C | 133 mg |
Vitamin E | 0,7 mg |
Vitamin K | 1640 μg |
folate | 152 μg |
Mixed | 12,8 mg |
Pantothenic acid | 0,4 mg |
Micro- and macro elements
Calcium | 138 mg |
Hardware | 6,2 mg |
Magnesium | 50,0 mg |
Phosphorus | 58,0 mg |
potassium | 554 mg |
Sodium | 56,0 mg |
Zinc | 1,1 mg |
Copper | 0,1 mg |
Manganese | 0,2 mg |
Selenium | 0,1 μg |
Medicinal properties
As noted above, parsley juice boasts a high rate of biological activity, so it should not be used to quench thirst, but as a medicine.
Here are just a few of its beneficial properties:
- Pronounced diuretic effect. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for removing excess fluid from the body. It is recommended to use it for people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the urinary tract. Also, this drink is indicated in case of the presence of protein in the urine. Moreover, it is believed that those who will use this drink regularly and in well-defined doses will be able to achieve the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
- The ability to reduce blood sugar levels. The thing is that the chemical composition of this drink contains the polysaccharide inulin. This substance has a sweet taste, but the human body practically does not absorb it. As a consequence, inulin can be used as a natural sweetener. In addition, it is able to regulate the processes of glucose metabolism in the body.
- Effective in the fight against parasites. For those who have been diagnosed with trichomoniasis or chlamydia, it is recommended to drink two teaspoons of this fresh juice on an empty stomach every morning.
- Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is endowed with the ability to enhance the secretion of digestive enzymes, and also has a positive effect on intestinal motility. It is recommended to drink this drink with a decrease or complete absence of appetite, as well as with gastritis with a low level of acidity. In addition, chlorophyll and enzymes contribute to the improvement of the intestinal microflora, neutralizing toxins and helping to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as flatulence and heaviness in the abdomen.
- Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women, helps with heavy painful bleeding.
- Works great as a prophylactic agent with significant stress on the organs of vision. This drink is indicated for various problems of the mucous membrane of the eyes: cataracts, ophthalmia, conjunctivitis. In addition, ophthalmologists recommend drinking parsley juice in order to get rid of the so-called “lethargy of the pupils” – this is the name for a weak reaction of the pupils to light.
- Helps maintain normal weight and can be used as a weight loss aid. It’s all about the special enzymes contained in the juice, which help the body in a more active “utilization” of fat reserves. Moreover, this fresh juice effectively drowns out the feeling of hunger – and, therefore, its use is recommended for those who have gained extra pounds due to poor nutrition. Also, this drink normalizes the metabolic processes in the body – and as a result, it simply ceases to store “social savings”.
- Removes hyperexcitability syndrome in children, helps with depression and nervous disorders. This is due to the high content of B vitamins in the drink. It is these substances that have long been used as an aid in the fight against neurosis and the consequences of psychological overload.
- It is an effective tool for strengthening immunity and increasing the body’s resistance in the off-season, as well as for the treatment of acute respiratory infections. Parsley juice mobilizes the internal reserves of the body to fight pathogens, helps to recover faster if you still “caught” the disease. The bioflavonoids contained in it contribute to a more complete absorption of vitamin C, which is also a proven means of preventing colds.
- Strengthens the heart muscle. The high content of magnesium in this drink turns it into an effective remedy for heart spasms, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other problems with the main “motor” of our body.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Parsley juice has long been one of the main components of a huge number of traditional medicine recipes.
To improve digestion
Mix fresh parsley with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of one part to three. This mixture should be consumed on an empty stomach daily for 1/3 cup.
With painful periods and cycle disorders
Mix freshly made carrot and beet juice in a ratio of 50:50, so that in total you get three-quarters of a glass of drink. Add 17 g of parsley juice to the mixture. Use a therapeutic cocktail should be in the morning and in the evening, dividing the portion into two times. The course is at least three months.
With eye fatigue
Those who spend a lot of time in front of the monitor can do compresses to relieve eye fatigue. To do this, moisten cotton pads in fresh juice and put them on your eyelids. Keep it for ten minutes.
For cataracts and conjunctivae
For eye diseases, not only juice compresses are recommended, but also its use in combination with fresh carrots and celery. We mix the ingredients in a combination of ¼ cup (parsley) and 1/8 cup (carrot and celery) and drink daily for a month.
You can also take the juice in its pure form, one tablespoon three times a day, immediately with half a glass of water. The duration of the course is eighteen days.
For chronic fatigue
Start each morning with a smoothie made with celery and apples (in equal proportions) with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed parsley juice per glass.
For kidney disease
Those who have been diagnosed with pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis and other diseases of the excretory system are recommended to take fresh juice three times a day, twenty minutes before meals. The dose is one tablespoon. Duration of application – 40 days. Please note that if kidney disease is in the acute stage, the drink should not be taken.
With flatulence
For those who suffer from disruptions in the work of the intestines, it is recommended to take parsley juice with honey. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 50:50, take 1 tbsp. l. three times per day.
With alcohol addiction
Reception three times a day, one tablespoon of a mixture of parsley and celery juices (ratio 50:50) is recommended for alcoholism. It is believed that with long-term use of this remedy, the craving for alcohol-containing drinks decreases.
For weight loss
Since ancient times, curly green beauty has been considered an effective way to get rid of extra pounds. The ability of this green to suppress appetite for a long time was known to our ancestors, who learned how to prepare a decoction for weight loss based on parsley juice.
To prepare a decoction, first chop a bunch of fresh parsley with a knife. Then the greens should be thoroughly crushed so that it starts up the juice.
Next, prepare water at the rate of one glass for two teaspoons of the resulting juice. Pour the chopped greens with juice with the right amount of boiling water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool the finished broth and strain.
It is necessary to take the resulting drink on an empty stomach during the day, half a glass at a time. It is necessary to drink it at the moment when you begin to feel hungry. After taking the decoction, the cramps in the stomach turn, and the feeling of hunger can be suppressed for at least two hours. In this way, you reduce the number of snacks, reducing the number of calories consumed. The course of taking the decoction is two weeks.
Use in cooking
Parsley juice in its taste goes well with almost all vegetable and fruit fresh juices. The most useful are mixes with juices of carrots, apples and cucumbers.
Contraindications to use
Due to the fact that the concentration of active substances in this drink is very high, it should be used very carefully. First of all, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to this product. Please note that individual intolerance to parsley juice can be even among those people who use the greens themselves without the slightest negative consequences.
In addition, this juice is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is believed that it can tone the uterus, which is fraught with the threat of miscarriage.
This drink should also be excluded from the diet during exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Please note that during the use of fresh juice for medicinal purposes, nutritionists recommend minimizing the content of foods high in starch and sugar in the diet.
How to make parsley juice at home
Industrial production of parsley juice is not carried out. You can cook it exclusively at home. To make the juice as useful as possible, several factors should be taken into account:
- It is best to use freshly picked parsley stalks. However, if you do not have such an opportunity, you can use the herb that has been stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
- Remove all damaged and dried leaves. Leave only absolutely healthy leaves of intense green color.
- Rinse the herbs thoroughly under running water. After that, let the parsley soak for half an hour in a container with clean cold water, and then rinse it with boiled water (not boiling water).
- To prepare fresh juice, use a juicer. In the event that you do not have it, the greens can be chopped in a blender, and then squeezed out using cheesecloth.
- Parsley juice is consumed immediately after it has been prepared. You can’t store it, because all the useful properties will quickly “come to naught”.
We drink parsley juice correctly
Due to the high biological activity of juice in its pure form, they do not drink it. Usually it is diluted with boiled water at room temperature or added to other fresh juices. Salt and sugar are not added.
The maximum daily dose of parsley juice is 40-50 ml.
Please note that, despite the fact that this drink can also be given to children, starting from the year, the dose in this case is significantly less – no more than two teaspoons per day. For children, fresh is also diluted with water or added to vegetable puree.
Use in cosmetology
The high biological activity of parsley juice makes it indispensable not only for internal but also for external use. It is one of the invariable components of cosmetic products of the most famous brands in the beauty industry.
Parsley juice has long been used for the beauty of the skin and hair. Moreover, it simultaneously helps to solve a huge number of cosmetic problems.
Parsley for skin beauty
There are more than enough indications for the use of home-made cosmetics based on parsley juice. They are most useful for mature skin, which already shows signs of aging and wilting, mimic wrinkles. Parsley will also come to the rescue of those who suffer from a yellowish, dull complexion, in other words, it will become a lifesaver for tired skin. In addition, even our ancestors knew about the wonderful whitening properties of this plant – it helps to get rid of unaesthetic age spots. Finally, this product helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands – moreover, cosmetics based on parsley juice can be used for any type of skin.
For oily skin
To solve the problem of increased oiliness of the skin, the notorious “black spots” and enlarged pores, it is enough to apply a mask on the face every evening from lemon juice mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 4, parsley juice and honey. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes.
For dry skin
Owners of excessively dry skin can make a mask by chopping the greens and squeezing the juice out of it, and then mixing the resulting slurry with sour cream in a ratio of 50:50.
When acne
Parsley juice helps to cope with such a serious cosmetic problem as acne. Just wipe the problem areas of the skin three to four times a day with a cotton swab dipped in freshly squeezed juice.
For whitening
To give the face an interesting pallor, you can use a recipe well known to our great-grandmothers: mix lemon juice with parsley juice in a 5: 1 ratio. Wipe the skin with the resulting mixture several times a day.
To improve skin tone
To refresh any skin type, mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of parsley juice. Such a mask is applied to previously cleansed skin, and after a quarter of an hour it is washed off with water without soap.
Another option is to make cosmetic ice. To do this, add one and a half tablespoons of juice to 0,5 liters of clean water, pour the mixture into ice molds and send it to the freezer. You can pamper yourself with an ice massage in the evening, after removing makeup.
Against age spots
A mixture of lemon, parsley and cucumber juices in a 1:1:1 ratio will help solve the problem of age spots. Every day, wipe the pigmented areas of the skin several times with a cotton swab.
Please note that before using any parsley juice-based skin care products, you need to make sure that they will not cause you an allergic reaction. To do this, put a few drops of fresh juice on your wrist and rub it into the skin. If within an hour you do not feel any discomfort, manifestations of intolerance can not be afraid.
Parsley for hair beauty
Parsley juice is also considered one of the most effective preparations for the beauty of curls. Traditional medicine considers it an effective tool for hair growth, strengthening their roots and improving the structure.
Parsley juice can be rubbed daily in its pure form into the hair roots and washed off with room water after thirty minutes.
The second option is to prepare a hair mask. To do this, mix 35 g of honey, 35 g of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of parsley juice. The mixture should be heated in a water bath until its temperature is approximately 35 degrees. After that, gently massage into the scalp. Put on a bathing cap and wrap your hair in a towel. The mask is washed off after thirty minutes with warm water and shampoo. You need to do it at least twice a week – and soon your curls will be surprisingly strong and shiny.