Parsley: benefits and harms

Parsley: benefits and harms

Parsley is an annual herb native to the Mediterranean but is now grown all over the world. It is valued for its unique combination of vitamins and minerals. Parsley has been used for many years to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, allergies, and inflammatory conditions. [1].

Using parsley in cooking is a great way to enhance the flavor and appearance of a dish without adding extra sodium or salt to your food. Parsley is also good for bones and the immune system. It has a high content of trace elements, which is extremely necessary with a lack of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron or magnesium. In these cases, it is necessary to introduce the use of parsley into your daily diet.

Chemical composition

Calories 36 KKal

  • Fats:

    1,15 g

  • Proteins:

    3,85 g

  • Carbohydrates:

    7,4 g

  • Water:

    85,4 g

  • Ash:

    2,2 g

  • Cellulose:

    2,7 g

Vitamins (in 100 g):



Vitamin K

790 mcg


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

246-358 mg



4960-6150 μg


Lutein + Zeaxanthin

5561 mcg


Vitamin A (retinol)

424 mcg


Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

116 mcg


Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol)

1,94-3,36 mg


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

0,28-0,39 mg


Minerals (in 100 g):




900-5300 μg



75 mcg



24,5 mcg



15 mg



1,5-12,8 mg



10-120 μg



41,5 mcg



4,1 mcg



21 mcg



94-354 mg



4,3-47 μg



43,4-85 mg



6-10 μg



443,0-768,0 mg



90-150 μg



1100-1460 μg


Full chemical composition ➤

Other important connections:

  • Phytosterols — 5 mg (9,1% of RDI)

  • Purine — 35 mg (28% of RDI)

  • Oxalic acid — 100 mg (25% of RDI)

Parsley is far more beneficial than people suspect. Just 30 grams of fresh chopped parsley provides:

  • Calories: 11 calories

  • Carbohydrates/proteins/fats: 2/1/1 grams

  • Fiber: 1 gram

  • Vitamin K: 197% of the RDI

  • Vitamin C: 130% of the RDI

  • Vitamin A: 18% of the RDI

  • Strong antioxidants lutein + zeaxanthin: 28% of the RDA

  • Folate (vitamin B9): 11% of the RDI

  • Iron: 15% of the RDA

  • Potassium: 4,6% of the RDI

In addition, parsley is very low in calories yet flavorful, making it a great ingredient for many recipes.

What vitamins are in parsley?

Vitamins contained in parsley are active antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. They protect the immune system, cells and tissues of the body, promote their regeneration and active renewal.

  • Most of all, parsley contains vitamin K and ascorbic acid – vitamin C. We need the first one so that the blood coagulates well, and the second (ascorbic acid) strengthens blood vessels, the nervous system and endocrine glands.

  • Folic acid – vitamin B9, is actively involved in hematopoiesis, normalizes the functioning of the liver and digestive tract. Thanks to folic acid, a balance is established between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the human nervous system.

  • Nicotinic acid – vitamin PP, is responsible for stimulating oxidative and reducing processes, the production of gastric juice.

  • Tocopherol – vitamin E, is the main antioxidant, used to prevent aging, restore capillaries.

  • Vitamin K – coordinates calcium metabolism, normalizes blood clotting.

  • Vitamin B2 – riboflavin, is responsible for the condition of the epidermis and vision, maintaining the nervous system in optimal condition, and preventing nervous breakdowns.

The benefits of parsley for the body

The benefits of parsley are in biologically active compounds and minerals. The sugars in its composition are glucose, sucrose and fructose. All parts of this plant are rich in pectins, bioflavonoids and phytoncides. And the spicy aroma of this plant is caused by a large amount of essential oils.

Health benefits of parsley:

  1. May reduce blood sugar levels. In addition to diabetes, high blood sugar can occur due to unhealthy diet or lack of exercise. Elevated blood sugar can increase the risk of health complications and lead to diseases such as insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome [5], [6].

    Animal studies show that the antioxidants in parsley can effectively lower elevated blood sugar levels (7).

    For example, a study in type 1 diabetic rats found that those given parsley extract had lower blood sugar levels and improved pancreatic function compared to controls. [8].

    Therefore, to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, eat a balanced diet and add parsley to your meals.

  2. May improve heart health. Parsley contains many plant compounds, including carotenoids, which have been found to be beneficial for heart health.

    For example, diets rich in carotenoids have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. [9].

    What’s more, population-based studies show that diets high in carotenoids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Parsley is also a good source of folic acid, which may also reduce the risk of heart disease in certain populations. A large study of 58 people found that taking folic acid reduced the risk of heart disease by 000%. [12].

    Experts suggest that folic acid lowers levels of the amino acid homocysteine. Some studies have linked high homocysteine ​​levels to a high risk of heart disease. Homocysteine ​​can negatively impact heart health by altering the structure and function of arteries. However, this relationship is still controversial. [13], [14].

  3. May help kidney health. The kidneys are constantly filtering our blood, removing waste and excess water, which is then excreted in the urine. If urine becomes too concentrated, mineral deposits form, leading to kidney stones. [15].

    A study in rats with kidney stones showed that those who ate parsley had less calcium and protein in their urine compared to the control group. [16].

    Parsley also has anti-inflammatory properties due to its antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C.

    In addition, parsley can lower high blood pressure, a major risk factor for kidney disease. Parsley, high in nitrates, dilates blood vessels, which improves blood flow and lowers high blood pressure.

    Studies show that nitrate-rich foods like parsley can support healthy blood pressure levels. [17].

    However, health experts recommend that only people with hyperoxaluria—characterized by excessive excretion of oxalates in the urine—restrict their use. [18].

  4. Supports bone health. Parsley is rich in vitamin K, which is important for bone health by strengthening them. This vitamin also activates certain proteins that increase bone mineral density. [19].

    Some research suggests that eating foods high in vitamin K may reduce the risk of fractures. One study found that vitamin K supplementation reduced the risk of fractures by 22%. [20], [21].

  5. Rich in antioxidants. Parsley contains many powerful antioxidants that can provide health benefits.

    * Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cell damage from molecules called free radicals. Our health requires an optimal balance of antioxidants and free radicals. [22].

    The main antioxidants in parsley are:

    • flavonoidы

    • carotenoids

    • vitamin c

    The aromatic herb is especially rich in a class of antioxidants known as flavonoids. The two main flavonoids include myricetin and apigenin.

    Studies show that diets rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of diseases such as colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. [23], [24], [25].

    Vitamin C also has a strong antioxidant effect and plays an important role in maintaining immunity and protecting against chronic diseases.

  6. Parsley extract has antibacterial properties. Parsley contains essential oils, including apiol and myristicin, which are antibacterial and fight potentially harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus [28].

  7. Supports eye health. Lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin are the three carotenoids in parsley that help protect our eyes and improve vision [29], [30].

    * Carotenoids are pigments that have powerful antioxidant activity.

    Beta-carotene is another carotenoid that supports eye health. It is converted to vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is essential for the eyes as it helps protect the cornea, the outermost layer of the eye, as well as the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the front of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. [34], [35].

  8. May improve liver health. Studies in diabetic rats have shown that parsley extract can prevent liver damage, improve liver function, and increase antioxidant levels. [36].

What else is parsley useful for women and men?

Parsley: benefits and harms

This spicy plant is useful for both women and men and actively helps in solving specific problems of men’s and women’s health.

Benefits for women:

  • Scientists have found that one of the medicinal properties of parsley is associated with myristicin and apiol (Apiole), so it allows you to increase the tone of the intestines, smooth muscles in the uterus, bladder, and also increases diuresis. The chemical compound apiol – a plant analogue of the female hormone estrogen, normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves well-being in the pathological course of menopause, eliminates pain during painful menstruation [37].

  • Parsley is indispensable for female beauty. It helps to look good, avoid unnecessary skin pigmentation during pregnancy and menopause, support aging skin, and cure acne.

  • The balance of essential micro and macro elements stimulates digestion, helps to get rid of body fat, and effectively suppress hunger when changing the diet. The use of spicy parsley during the diet compensates for the lack of enzymes and biologically active substances necessary for digestion.

  • Breastfeeding women are usually wary of including parsley in their diet. In large quantities, it leads to overexcitation of the baby, getting into breast milk. Meanwhile, a small addition of parsley to the first and second courses of a nursing mother will improve the composition of breast milk.

Parsley: benefits and harms

Rating of the best foods to increase potency

The benefits of parsley for men:

  • The potency increases;

  • Improves the functioning of the prostate gland;

  • Improves blood flow in the pelvis, which improves the health of the genitourinary system;

  • A decoction of parsley removes toxins from alcohol intoxication.

The benefits of parsley for men are largely based on the content of the chemical compound apigenin. This substance reduces the content of estrogen in the male body, allowing testosterone to show its purely masculine qualities.

Medicinal properties of parsley root

For medicinal purposes, a variety such as root parsley is used. In leaf parsley, the root is much smaller and has no practical significance, although they are almost identical in terms of the content of essential oils, vitamins, organic acids, trace elements and can also be used.

Useful properties of parsley root for healing:

  • Increased immunity;

  • Correction of the liver and biliary tract;

  • Disinfection of the oral cavity;

  • Removal of toxins, excess fluid;

  • Prevention of constipation;

  • Improvement of the genitourinary system, treatment of prostatitis, urolithiasis;

  • Normalization of the digestive tract, stimulation of the production of enzymes for better digestion of food;

  • Decreased glucose levels in diabetes

  • Help with indigestion in children and adults;

  • Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis;

  • Use in complex treatment of obesity;

  • Elimination of pigmentation, edema, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

For the preparation of medicines, both fresh and dried parsley root are used. The best time for its preparation is late autumn, the time before the onset of frost. Parsley root is used not only for treatment. It is a valuable flavoring additive that gives dishes with its use a strong aroma and original taste.

Contraindications to the use of parsley root

The high biological activity of this natural remedy requires special care when using it. Be sure to take into account the intolerance of this plant, a history of epilepsy, as well as acute cystitis and nephritis. In large quantities, parsley root can negatively affect calcium metabolism.

Video: parsley root in the program “Live Healthy”:

Potential Health Benefits of Parsley

The harm of parsley to human health usually lies in the origin of the plant and the amount of its use:

  1. For medicinal purposes, parsley grown in compliance with environmental quality standards is used. If the origin of the acquired greens is unknown, a bunch of parsley should be soaked in a container with cool water for half an hour before use. So it will be possible to minimize the negative effect of possible impurities received by the plant during the growing season.

  2. Improper use of a spicy plant will bring unpleasant complications. Excess consumption of a spicy plant will lead to an overabundance of myristicin – the active element of the essential oil. An overdose of this compound causes nausea, dizziness, and hallucinations.

  3. Parsley has a negative effect on the condition of patients with kidney pathologies. Its compounds irritate the sensitive cells of the parenchyma of this organ. Contraindications for the use of parsley in the diet and for treatment – nephritis, acute cystitis, gout, hypocalcemia, as well as urolithiasis, if the size of the stones exceeds 5-6 mm, since parsley can cause the movement of kidney stones.

Contraindications to the use of parsley

Despite the large number of useful properties of parsley, there are contraindications to its use:

  • Individual intolerance to parsley, allergic reactions to its components.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – causes a feeling of excitability in infants, increases the tone of the uterus, has an abortive property;

  • Inflammation of the bladder in acute or chronic form, nephritis, pyelonephritis, gout, nephrolithiasis, since parsley essential oils and bioflavonoids irritate the kidney parenchyma;

  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer;

  • Epilepsy;

  • Violations of calcium metabolism.

  • If you are taking anticoagulants such as warfarin (Coumadin), it is best to drink parsley tea in moderation, as large amounts of vitamin K may interact with these medications.

Even in the absence of contraindications, parsley should not be consumed in large quantities. An excessive amount of parsley juice causes negative symptoms in the one who abuses it. This is a headache, nausea, a decrease in general and muscle tone. It is best to dilute the juice with water, use a mixture of juices.

Answers to popular questions

Consumers of parsley often have various questions.

Is it possible to freeze parsley in the freezer?

Leaf and root parsley are successfully frozen for the winter. In this state, it can be stored for 7 to 8-9 months.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • Whole stems – peeled, washed and dried parsley is cleaned of coarse stems, distributed in bunches, wrapped in portions in plastic bags, folded into a tube, and placed in a freezer.

  • In chopped form – washed and dried parsley is finely cut, the mass is packaged in bags, tightly rolled up and frozen.

  • In the form of portioned cubes – the prepared parsley is finely chopped, the molds for ice are tightly stuffed with mass, a few drops of water are added to them. The molds are placed in the freezer, the next day they can be folded into a more compact package for storage.

  • In the form of puree – washed and dried parsley is crushed with a blender, a little vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) is added to the mass, frozen in portion molds. After that, puree cubes can be folded into bags for long-term storage.

  • In the form of chopped root crops – root crops peeled from the skin and thin roots are thoroughly washed and dried. Then they are cut or rubbed on a coarse grater, packaged in bags for storage, frozen.

Parsley is not thawed before use, it is added to soups, stews, sauces, salads. Quickly frozen parsley retains almost all of its flavor and aroma. It is put in various dishes 2 times more than fresh parsley would be added.

How to keep parsley fresh for the winter?

Parsley: benefits and harms

To keep root parsley fresh, dug up roots are sorted out, removing broken and spoiled specimens. Then they are dug into boxes of sand and placed in the basement. The sand can be slightly moistened during the storage period.

For short-term storage, leaf parsley is washed, placed in plastic containers and poured with boiled and cooled vegetable oil. So fresh parsley can be stored in a cool place for 2-3 months. If it is not possible to keep parsley fresh, it is salted, dried and frozen.

How to keep parsley fresh in the refrigerator?

You can save freshly cut greens for a week by putting it in water in the same way as a flower bouquet. In the refrigerator, this period is extended to a month. To do this, parsley is wrapped not in a plastic bag, but in paper, stored in a special compartment. Up to a month, fresh parsley is stored in a vacuum container.

How much vitamin C is in parsley?

This vegetable contains a double daily requirement of vitamin C. 100 g of parsley contains 166 mg of ascorbic acid. There is almost four times more ascorbic acid in parsley than in lemon, and 100 grams of parsley contain about two daily norms of ascorbic acid and two norms of vitamin A. 

Are vitamins preserved in frozen parsley juice?

When quickly frozen, parsley juice retains much of its rich vitamin composition. When defrosted, the juice loses about 30% of vitamins.

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