Rosa La Villa Cotta is an ornamental plant with a unique color. This is a new hybrid variety that has gained popularity among domestic gardeners. The flower has not only amazing decorative qualities, but also many other positive characteristics. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the description of the plant and the features of growing in open ground.

History of breeding

Variety La Villa Cotta (La Villa Cotta) bred in 2013 in Germany. The breeder is Wilhelm Kordes III, who is the grandson of the famous German gardener and breeder who founded the Wilhelm Kordes & Sons company. The company specializes in growing and breeding new roses.

Variety La Villa Cotta is the result of crossing several species. In breeding work, varieties Angela (Angela), Harlequin (Harlekin), Belvedere (Belvedere) were used.

Description of the rose La Villa Cotta and characteristics

It is a shrubby shrub plant. The average height is 110 cm. Under favorable conditions, it grows up to 130 cm. A bush with erect stems, medium spreading.

Shoots are strong, with a small number of thorns. The bark is dark green, hairless. The bush contains up to 20 stems. Shoots are prone to lignification.

Adult specimens may be deformed due to the growth of the stems. Therefore, periodic pruning of bushes is necessary. A tie or the use of supports is required, provided that the bush grows above 120 cm and can break under the weight of the flowers.

The variety is characterized by a high growth rate. The annual growth reaches 30 cm. The buds are tied both on new and last year’s shoots.

The foliage is profuse and dense. Color is dark green. Leaves are ovoid with serrated margins. The length of the plates reaches 7-8 cm, they are distinguished by noticeable light veins.

Park rose Cordesa La Villa Cotta (La Villa Cota): variety description, photo

Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of summer

The budding period takes place in May. In the future, the plant is covered with large double flowers. The color is copper yellow with creamy pink and peach hues on the back. The shape of the flowers is cup-shaped, and the diameter reaches 10 cm. Each consists of 70-80 petals.

Important! Flowering roses La Villa Cotta continuous, long. Under favorable conditions, it continues until mid-September.

The bushes exude a light, subtle aroma. In the spring and summer season, it attracts pollinating insects, which contribute to more abundant flowering.

Like other roses, Cordesa La Villa Cotta is hardy. This variety endures temperatures from -17 to -23 degrees. Belongs to the 6th group of frost resistance. For the winter, it is advised to cover the rose to eliminate the risk of freezing.

Variety La Villa Cotta is among the drought-resistant. The plant well withstands a short-term lack of moisture without loss of decorative qualities. Prolonged drought leads to a reduction in the duration of flowering and subsequent wilting.

The rose is characterized by medium sensitivity to precipitation. Long rains can adversely affect the condition of the plant.

The flower is known for its resistance to infections. Variety La Villa Cotta is not sensitive to powdery mildew, black spot and rust.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

La Villa Cotta is superior to other hybrid varieties in many ways. The plant has many advantages that every gardener will appreciate.

Among them:

  • long flowering;
  • beautiful color of buds;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • high resistance to frost;
  • drought resistance;
  • low sensitivity to infections and pests.

There are practically no drawbacks to such a plant. The disadvantages include the need for regular pruning and the formation of a bush. Also, the disadvantage is the exactingness of lighting and acidity of the soil, as this can affect the decorative qualities.

Methods of reproduction

To preserve varietal characteristics, only vegetative methods are allowed. La Villa Cotta rose seeds are not grown from seeds.

Breeding methods:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • reproduction by layering.

Such methods are considered the most effective. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring, before budding begins. You can grow new specimens in the fall, after flowering.

Cultivation and care

In the description of the La Villa Cotta rose with a photo, it is said that the plant does not tolerate shade. Therefore, such a flower requires a site well lit by the sun. It can be planted in partial shade, provided that during the day the plant will receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light.

Important! In summer, intense sunlight can harm the rose. Therefore, it should not be planted on the south side in open areas.

Variety La Villa Cotta needs good aeration. Therefore, it is planted in places with full air circulation. It is desirable that the site is not in a lowland where groundwater flooding is possible.

Park rose Cordesa La Villa Cotta (La Villa Cota): variety description, photo

The optimal acidity for rose growth is 6.0-6.5 pH

Chernozem and loamy soil are best suited for growing roses. It needs to be enriched with organic fertilizers 2-3 months before planting. Usually the bushes are transferred to open ground in the fall, so you can add compost or manure in early summer.

Planting is carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening. The site is cleared of weeds in advance.

Next steps:

  1. Dig a hole 60-70 cm deep.
  2. Place drainage material (crushed stone, pebbles, gravel) on the bottom with a layer of at least 10 cm.
  3. Pour soil mixed with compost or rotted manure.
  4. Lower the roots of the seedling into a clay mash for a few minutes.
  5. Place the roots of the seedling on the enriched layer with a depth of 5-6 cm.
  6. Cover with loose soil and compact the earth around the surface shoot.
  7. Water the seedling under the root with warm water.
Important! After planting, the soil around the rose is recommended to be mulched with bark or peat.
Park rose Cordesa La Villa Cotta (La Villa Cota): variety description, photo

Seedlings begin to bloom 2 years after planting

Rose bushes need abundant watering, especially in summer. For each bush use 15-20 liters of settled water. It should not be cold so that the roots do not suffer from hypothermia. Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week as the soil dries out.

The soil around the plant needs to be loosened. Otherwise, it becomes compacted and prevents proper nutrition of the roots. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 2-3 weeks. A layer of mulch is added to retain moisture in dry weather.

In spring and autumn, the La Villa Cotta rose bush needs to be pruned. Remove overgrown, withered or dry shoots for 2-3 buds. In summer, cut off closing buds from roses to speed up the formation of new ones.

La Villa Cotta roses respond well to organic and mineral fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out before and after flowering, as well as in the fall in preparation for winter.

You need to cover the bushes in early November or later if there are no hard frosts. At the bottom, the rose is spudded to prevent freezing of the roots. The upper shoots are covered with non-woven breathable material.

Pests and diseases

Numerous reviews of La Villa Cotta roses indicate that the variety is resistant to infections. The variety is insensitive to powdery mildew, spotting and rust. It is recommended to spray the plant once with a fungicide. Alternatively, use a soapy solution, infusion of calendula or nettle. Irrigation is carried out in the spring after sanitary pruning.

Roses of La Villa Cotta can be affected by pests, including:

  • bears;
  • rose aphid;
  • leaflets;
  • spider mite;
  • cicadas;
  • scale insects;
  • drooling pennies.
Park rose Cordesa La Villa Cotta (La Villa Cota): variety description, photo

Pest control involves the use of insecticides

Affected shoots from bushes should be removed to reduce the risk of infecting healthy ones. For prevention, it is recommended to carry out deep loosening of the soil near the bushes so that the pest larvae freeze.

Application in landscape design

The roses of La Villa Cotta are the perfect decoration for the garden. The plant looks good anywhere on the site. The flower is suitable for monochrome and multi-color compositions. It is used for both single and group landing.

Spreading bushes are often planted to decorate borders, garden buildings, and artificial reservoirs. Designers advise placing roses near verandas and loggias so that they can be clearly seen from the windows.

The flower is not too picky about the composition of the soil. Therefore, it can be planted next to almost any ornamental plants.

Best of all, roses are combined with astilbes, gladiolus, phlox and geyhera. Less commonly combined with decorative rose hips and magnolias.

Near La Villa Cota, it is advised to plant low-growing perennials with early flowering. They will help decorate the site until the rose blooms.


Rosa La Villa Cotta is a popular hybrid variety resistant to frost and fungal diseases. The plant has a unique color, so it is actively used for decorative purposes. The flower is unpretentious in care and not too picky about the conditions. Therefore, it can be grown in almost all regions, including those with a harsh climate.

Reviews of the park rose La Villa Cotta

Natalia Fedchinyak, 39 years old, Barnaul
La Villa Cotta bought her rose from a nursery. The flower is gorgeous, has grown to one and a half meters. Overwinters easily and grows rapidly in spring after pruning.
Georgy Kotelnikov, 47 years old, Pskov
I really liked the variety. Flowering continues all summer. The color of the petals at the same time gradually changes from yellow to salmon. I also rejoice that the flowers are double and very large.
Darina Kuzmina, 41 years old, Kursk
I have been growing La Villa Cotta in my garden since 2014. The rose grows quickly and becomes decorative. Flowering is continuous until mid-September. The plant endured the winter well under a loose film.
Video review of the rose La Villa Cotta (Schrab) – La Villa Cotta.(W. Kordes’ Söhne Germany, 2013)

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