

Paresis is a partial paralysis. In other words, it can be characterized as a certain impossibility to perform various actions and movements due to serious damage to the important central and peripheral nervous systems.

This disease is conventionally divided into two large groups. The first is organic, when it is possible to find out exactly why a particular nerve impulse does not always reach the muscle. The second group is functional, which are diagnosed with dangerous damage to the cerebral cortex.

The main types of paresis are nerve paresis, limb paresis, laryngeal paresis, and distal paresis. Dangerous nerve paresis is often a partial limitation of the actions of the muscles of the human body, which occurs due to a specific part of it, when the muscles cease to perform their usual human functions. This serious disorder is mainly associated with disorders of the nervous system.

Another type – paresis of the limbs is usually provoked by a dangerous hemorrhage in the brain. It is considered a fairly common disease among the population of many countries. At least several million people are severely affected by this partial loss of critical limb functionality. Moreover, if only one limb is immobilized, then monoparesis is diagnosed. Paraparesis is such an ailment when two arms or both legs are affected. With tetraparesis, both lower and upper limbs move poorly.

Paresis of the larynx is an incomplete paralysis of a large laryngeal cavity. This species can be divided into three small subspecies. Myopathic paresis is provoked by various inflammatory processes that are possible in the muscles, as well as all kinds of pathologies of the nerves, usually pathways and even centers of brain activity. These include laryngitis and tuberculosis.

Neuropathic paresis occurs due to various changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Such serious changes in the central nervous system always occur due to hysteria, and in the peripheral – due to the vagus nerve. These serious pathologies are often associated with injuries and other inflammations in the cervical or thoracic regions.

Distal paresis of the hands makes it impossible to perform a variety of unconstrained movements. It is divided into two subgroups – central and peripheral. With this type of disease, the patient cannot simply clench his hand into a fist. Moreover, often along with such an elementary compression, extension in the wrist joint of a sick person also occurs.

Causes of paresis

The main causes of distal paresis include birth trauma in the important area of ​​the brachial plexus. Other causes are hemorrhages, strokes, tumors, prolonged migraines, typical multiple sclerosis, significant damage to the hemispheres of the upper cervical spinal cord and brain, as well as other injuries.

The causes of paresis of the larynx lie in polyetiological pathology. often this type of disease develops against the background of other infectious diseases. Often paresis of the larynx can be diagnosed with inflammatory diseases such as laryngotracheitis, typhoid fever. syphilis, botulism and syringomyelia.

Causes of paresis of the facial nerve are the presence of such ailments as herpes, influenza, rubella, adenoviruses, CMV and chicken pox. However, the relationship of these diseases with paresis of the facial nerve has not been fully proven. In most cases of paresis of the extremities, various injuries and accidents can be the causes.

Paresis symptoms

A progressive increase in muscle tone can be attributed to the main symptoms of this disease. Serious impairment of reflexes and hyperreflexia can also be noted. At the same time, the clinical picture of typical paresis of the larynx is based on various voice disorders, as well as respiratory disorders. Its main manifestations can be noted – a decrease in the sonority of the voice, loss of the timbre of the voice, whispering speech, hoarseness, hoarseness and rattling of the voice. In addition, an important symptom is fatigue with minor vocal loads.

With paresis of the limbs, not only an increase in muscle tone is observed, but also a significant violation of reflexes, and hyperreflexia is also noted. With paresis of the facial nerve, there is severe pain and rather unpleasant sensations. Asymmetry or partial immobility of the face are the main signs of this type of disease. At the same time, it is difficult for the patient to simply smile and he experiences tremendous difficulties in a normal conversation.

With paresis of the larynx, serious respiratory disorders are noticeable, since it is difficult for air to enter the patient’s respiratory tract. In some patients, dangerous asphyxia occurs. Typical myopathic paresis of the larynx with a dangerous bilateral lesion is manifested by significant violations of phonation. In neuropathic paresis of the larynx, weakness at the beginning of the muscle is often noted, as well as an expanding glottis, irritability, sleep disturbances and fatigue are inherent in all types of paresis.

Diagnosis of paresis


The diagnosis of paresis usually requires the participation of specialists such as psychoneurologists, otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists and pulmonologists. When diagnosing such a disease, an important role is played by a thorough history taking, and also by identifying the tendency of each individual patient to typical psychogenic reactions.

In most cases, modern examination of patients with paresis of the larynx is always carried out with microlaryngoscopy. A mandatory x-ray and CT scan of the larynx is also performed. Next, an assessment of neuromuscular transmission and muscle contractility is necessary. The diagnosis of paresis of the facial nerve is almost always specific and there are no questions, the analysis of concomitant injuries provides the necessary accuracy. X-rays may be taken to confirm the diagnosis.

When diagnosing limbs, specialists always take into account the spread of existing muscle weakness and its localization.


Usually, a certain discomfort in the muscles is always considered the primary manifestation of paresis. In the absence of the necessary treatment, it is possible that such a serious disease as paresis will develop into complete paralysis. In most cases, in places of formation of partial immobility, patients feel severe pain. At the same time, if the disease is accompanied by other acute diseases, then its development occurs quite quickly, on the basis of which the treatment is prescribed.

The main treatment usually consists in the initial identification and further elimination of the main cause of the disease. Often, various pathologies develop into paresis. With strokes, special rehabilitation therapy is always effective. In case of injuries and other injuries, specialists carry out the inevitable stitching of peripheral nerves. If tumors or other neoplasms are found that put significant pressure on the nerves, then operations are prescribed for their mandatory removal.

Among other things, special massage courses are often shown, which are designed to help maintain muscle tone, since they can be atrophied from constant partial immobilization. In the treatment of various types of paresis, the willpower of each patient and his determination are of no small importance. The patient must wish to recover in order to activate the internal forces of the body.

Prevention of paresis

The main prevention of paresis is the normalization of the load after the restoration of muscle function. It is also recommended to avoid hypothermia. With paresis of the larynx, it is necessary to exclude a long stay of a person in dusty rooms. In order to completely exclude relapses, it is necessary to beware, especially at first, from various infectious diseases and various neuroses.

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