My child, my life, his destiny
Florence’s message of hope to all parents who have a child in hospital …
My child is already one year and 3 months old, his name is Thomas. On 07/12/2008, he made a severe bronchiolitise who led him to resuscitation Montpellier. This little boy slipped into my hands, and the hospital teams did not give “dear” to his future. We were told about “drip”, “tracheo” and no hope of anything. Everyone fought, the teams of ADV Montpellier, us, of course, and on 31/12/2008, my child could have been extubated. We were told that we should fight, and it is a fight every day. But this year we are spending Christmas at home, its first Christmas. He sees well, he evolves well, it’s my happiness.
I would like to pass a message to all parents who have a hospitalized child in this period which inevitably marks, that lmiracles happen, that it is allowed to believe in medicine, in the dedication of these teams who take turns working day and night with our children, with extraordinary kindness and a know-how that makes it possible to hope and believe can -be that one day all our children will spend the end of year holidays in our company.
I thank all the people who have gravitated around my child, and all those who will be at the bedside of our little patients during the holidays. I send a message to all parents who can no longer believe it: we must persist, our children are fighting and miracles happen every day, what is more at the end of the year.
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