The original method is very different from traditional photographs, but it allows you to compose whole family stories from photographs.
You won’t surprise anyone with pictures of children on social networks today. However, young parents Pavel and Svetlana were able to do it. They don’t just take pictures of their son, two-year-old Maksimka, as a souvenir, but make whole collages with history from the photos.
In the photo, the baby smiles, is surprised, makes funny faces, frowns, in general, demonstrates a lot of emotions … By the way, according to Svetlana, it is precisely such a lively facial expression of her son that allows you to make interesting photo-pictures.
“We love Maksimka very much and, of course, strive to capture as many moments of his growing up as possible. But sometimes many shots themselves take shape in history: all that remains is to unite them, “admits the tomboy’s mother.