Parents’ mistakes in raising children: psychology

Parents’ mistakes in raising children: psychology

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! The article “Parents’ Mistakes in Parenting: Psychology” lists typical mistakes. Check yourself, are you doing this? At the end of the article, a video with advice from a psychologist on this topic.

The upbringing process is very exciting for every parent. There are many advisors around. Close people and relatives try to help with their advice. Each side defends its position, proving that it knows a certain method of education, which will surely bear fruit.

In the modern world, there is a lot of literature, turning to which new parents can find answers, it would seem, to any question regarding the upbringing of their beloved child.

But, unfortunately, despite the many sources of help, there are common mistakes in parenting. Moreover, it should be noted that even people with great parenting experience are no exception, they also, unintentionally, make mistakes in upbringing.

Parents’ mistakes


The first and perhaps one of the most common mistakes is the admiration of the father and mother before their beloved child. Any request of the kid is fulfilled this very second.

Parents indulge their pet in everything and close their eyes to disobedience and whims, arguing that they are not mature enough to think about their actions. As a result of such parental behavior, most likely, an egoist will grow up unadapted to an independent life, since his small world has always been ideal.

My ideal

An equally common mistake is idealizing your child. Many parents think that their daughter or son is incapable of any bad action or deed. Mothers and fathers react negatively and hostilely to the comments of those around them.

But it is very important to timely open in a child not only abilities, talent, but also the prerequisites for antisocial behavior. But, unfortunately, it so happens that parental love overshadows everything and the right time for correction is missed. Often grandmothers over-indulge their beloved grandchildren.

Lack of attention

Lack of free time is another obstacle to normal communication with your child. Neither kindergarten nor school can replace parental attention. Love and affection is the main thing on which relationships in the family should be based.

A child who feels parental warmth will always trust and respect parents more. Take just 30 minutes, sit by your baby’s bed, ask how his day went, what he learned new. Read a bedtime story. It is very important!

In the “iron grip”

Excessive strictness and a lot of prohibitions are also the wrong method of education. A small person should understand how he is allowed to behave, and what actions are unacceptable in his behavior.

But if the father and mother constantly accuse the child of disobedience, this causes a backlash. The kid learns to lie and thus, trying to avoid punishment in the form of another prohibition. You should be loyal and remember that children are different and each should have a special approach.

A little bit of independence

Often the father and mother protect their children so much that they do not give them independence, which is wrong. From an early age, the baby learns the world. It is important that at this moment the parents are there.

But as soon as the little man shows a desire to do something on his own, you should not interfere with this. “Try to do it yourself, and if it doesn’t work out, I will help you” – this is one of the options for a wise attitude towards a son or daughter.


Learn more in this video: Common Parenting Mistakes in Parenting

Typical mistakes of parents in raising children

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