Which maternity hospital is better? Where can they boast of a reverent attitude towards women, where there are more professionals and where the conditions are more pleasant? All these questions and many others will be answered by the rating of maternity hospitals in Moscow, which will be compiled on the basis of parental feedback. The ANO “Parents’ Choice” is responsible for the organizational side, which has been regularly conducting public opinion research among future and successful parents for four years.
The survey for the best maternity hospital will run until mid-February 2019. It is planned that at least 3000 parents, whose children were born in Moscow, will take part in it. The list of research questions was developed by sociologists, doctors and parents themselves.
“The public has been asking for such a rating for a long time. There are hundreds of thousands of requests for ratings of maternity hospitals in search engines, thousands of reviews about their work, and a large number of negative ones. It is not known what they are based on, it is impossible to refute or confirm them. We set ourselves the task of making a national rating. He will help every woman choose exactly the maternity hospital and doctor that suits her psychologically and emotionally. For medical reasons, the patients of the maternity hospital do not choose, this is the level of responsibility of obstetricians-gynecologists from the antenatal clinic, “Tatyana Butskaya, general director of the ANO” Parents’ Choice “, explained why they suddenly started a survey.
According to the researchers, the creation of such a rating will help make medicine more patient-centered. After all, there will be uniform criteria for assessing the work of maternity hospitals, which means that it will be possible to create healthy competition between them. The result of this competition will be an increase in the level of service and a benevolent attitude towards patients and their families. As for the financing of the project, during its implementation, funds from the budget of the city of Moscow are used, allocated as a grant to the mayor based on the results of a competition held by the Public Relations Committee for socially oriented non-profit organizations.
Any mom and any dad can answer the questions of the questionnaire and take part in the creation of the rating, just