
Let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of the disciplinary approach and education based on a sense of love with respect to the main goals of education.

Preparing for life

Film «Yours, Mine and Ours»

Disciplinary approach (Army style).

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​​​​​​​One of the goals of education is preparation for life, in particular, the child’s ability to integrate into the work process, into the world of adults and responsible business relationships. This involves the ability of the child to answer the following questions with deeds:

  • Who is doing what is necessary?
  • Who cleans up after themselves?
  • Who pays for entertainment?
  • Will the child be able to live in a world where there are orders? Where are the responsibilities? Where is subordination and format required?

Education based on the feeling of love does not provide convincing answers to these questions. A disciplinary approach — it provides.


Film «Yours, Mine and Ours»

Women’s model of free education.

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Also, an important goal of education is to ensure the physical and mental safety of the child’s life (so that he does not fall out of the window, he is not hit by a car, he does not gouge out his own eye, protect him from psychological trauma …). In this case, the disciplinary approach also has advantages: children can be instructed in what they can and cannot do, and the children will do it. And what can we hope for in the upbringing of the feeling of love? A mother who believes in her children? On the experience or consciousness of young children?

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