Parental leave: what remuneration?

How long is parental leave?

The Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) is a financial aid paid by CAF to parents who stop working or reduce their activity professional to take care of their child (ren) under 3 years old. So she can be granted during full or part-time parental leave. The duration of payment varies depending on the number of dependent children and the family situation.

For a first child, its maximum duration is 6 months for each spouse and until the child’s first birthday.

From the second child, we can each benefit from the PreParE for 24 months, within the limit of the 3rd birthday of the last born.

Combine the free choice of childcare option (Cmg) and the PreParE? It’s possible, if you work part-time, 80%. If you are working at 50%, the Cmg will be halved.

How much do we get on parental leave?

To benefit from the PreParE, you will need to prove at least 8 quarters of retirement contributions over a number of years evaluated according to the number of dependent children. For example: 4 years, if it is the birth of a second child.

As a reminder, to benefit from parental leave, you must also justify1 year of seniority in the company on the child’s date of birth or on arrival, in the case of an adoption. Parental leave can then be total or partial, if you decide to work at least 16 hours during the week.

  • Amount of PreParE for parental leave full time : 397,21 € / month
  • Amount of PreParE for parental leave at part-time : € 256,77 / month for working time less than or equal to half-time. 148,12 € / month for a period of 50 to 80% of working time.

If you live alone, you can benefit from PreParE until your child’s 3rd birthday. But, be careful, if you and the other parent wish to benefit from it during the same month, its limit is limited to threshold of € 397,21 / month for full-time parental leave. More info on the CAF website.

How to get help from CAF during parental leave?

  • First step to benefit from the PreParE:

– Inform your employer 1 month before the end of maternity leave or adoption leave by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

– If parental leave does not start immediately after maternity or adoption leave, you will have to do it 2 months in advance.

In both cases, it is essential to indicate its modalities: the desired duration and whether it is full-time parental leave or part-time parental leave.

  • Second step to benefit from the PreParE:

From the end of maternity leave you will need to submit the PreParE application form to your CAF. Please note, a part must be completed by your employer and accompanied by supporting documents.

Can I interrupt or modify my parental leave?

No, except with the employer’s agreement. However, the Labor Code provides for exceptions, particularly in the event of significant decrease in household resources (excluding the consequences of parental leave).

To do this, send your employer a letterbe recommended with acknowledgment of receipt, explaining your motivations, at least one month before the transformation or the interruption of the leave.

Apart from CAF, who pays parental leave?

Good to know: some companies have set up a time savings account (CET) in their collective agreement.

To pay for part of your parental leave, you can therefore also use the acquired rights of your CET. The amount will be fixed according to the provisions of your CET.

Return to work after parental leave

All good things have an end ! At the end of your parental leave, it’s time to go back to the office … Since this is only a “suspension” of your employment contract, you must return to your previous position or a similar job, with at least identical remuneration. Are you ready to work again? To find out, take our quiz …

Rest assured, the employer does not have the right to dismiss an employee on parental leave. Except for an economic reason.

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